< Acts 24 >

1 Five days afterward the high priest Ananias came down with some of the elders and a barrister named Tertullus. They laid an information with the Governor against Paul;
Mazuva mashanu akati apfuura, Ananiasi muprista mukuru akaburuka kuKesaria navamwe vakuru nerimwe gweta rainzi Teturo, vakataura mhosva dzavo pamusoro paPauro pamberi pomubati.
2 and, when the hearing came on, Tertullus began his speech for the prosecution.
Pauro akati adaidzwa kuti apinde, Teturo akasvitsa nyaya yake kuna Ferikisi achiti, “Isu takafadzwa nenguva refu yorugare pasi poutongi hwenyu, uye kunzwisisa kwenyu kwakashandura rudzi urwu.
3 “We owe it to your Excellency,” he said, “that we are enjoying profound peace, and we owe it to your foresight that this nation is constantly securing reforms – advantages which we very gratefully accept at all times and places.
Changamire Ferikisi, izvi tinozvigamuchira nomufaro mukuru uye nemitoo yose kwose kwose.
4 But – not to be tedious – I beg you, with your accustomed fairness, to listen to a brief statement of our case.
Asi kuti tisakunetsaizve, ndinokumbira hangu kuti mutinzwire ngoni mungotinzwa henyu kwenguva duku.
5 We have found this man a public pest; he is one who stirs up disputes among our people all the world over, and is a ringleader of the Nazarene heretics.
“Takaona kuti murume uyu akaipa, anomutsa bope pakati pavaJudha munyika yose. Ndiye mutungamiri weboka ravaNazareta
6 He even attempted to desecrate the Temple itself, but we caught him;
uye akaedza kunyange kushatisa temberi; ndokusaka takamubata.
Asi Risiasi mukuru wavarwi akauya akamutakanura mumaoko edu nechisimba.
8 and you will be able, by examining him on all these points, to satisfy yourself as to the charges which we are bringing against him.”
Mukamubvunzisisa imi pachenyu muchakwanisa kuziva chokwadi chemhosva dzatiri kumupomera.”
9 The Jewish crowd also joined in the attack and bore out his statements.
VaJudha vakabvumirana nezvaakanga achipomerwa, vachisimbisa kuti zvinhu izvi zvaiva zvechokwadi.
10 On a sign from the Governor, Paul made this reply: “Knowing, as I do, for how many years you have acted as judge to this nation, it is with confidence that I undertake my own defense.
Mubati akati amuninira kuti ataure, Pauro akapindura, akati, “Ndinoziva kuti manga muri mutongi worudzi urwu kwamakore mazhinji; saka ndinofara kuti ndizvidavirire.
11 For you can easily verify that it is not more than twelve days ago that I went up to worship at Jerusalem,
Imi munogona kuziva nyore nyore kuti mazuva gumi namaviri haasati atombopera kubva pandakaenda kundonamata kuJerusarema.
12 where my prosecutors never found me holding discussions with anyone, or causing a crowd to collect – either in the Temple, or in the synagogues, or about the city;
Vapomeri vangu havana kundiwana ndichiita nharo naani zvake mutemberi, kana kumutsa bope musinagoge kana papi zvapo muguta.
13 and they cannot establish the charges which they are now making against me.
Uye havagoni kukubudisirai chokwadi chemhosva yavanondikwirira.
14 This, however, I do acknowledge to you, that it is as a believer in the Way which they call heretical, that I worship the God of my ancestors. At the same time, I believe everything that is in accordance with the Law and that is written in the prophets;
Zvisinei hazvo, ndinobvuma kuti ndinonamata Mwari wamadzibaba edu somuteveri weNzira, yavanoti yakatsauka. Ini ndinotenda zvinhu zvose zvinobvumirana nomutemo uye nezvakanyorwa muVaprofita,
15 and I have a hope that rests in God – a hope which they also cherish – that there will one day be a resurrection of good and bad alike.
uye ndine tariro imwe cheteyo muna Mwari savarume ava, kuti kuchava nokumuka kwavakafa vose zvavo vakarurama navakaipa.
16 This being so, I strive at all times to keep my conscience clear before both God and people.
Saka ndinoshingairira nguva dzose kuti hana yangu ive yakachena pamberi paMwari navanhu.
17 After some years’ absence I had come to bring charitable gifts to my nation, and to make offerings;
“Shure kwamakore mazhinji ndisipo, ndakauya kuJerusarema kuti ndizopa vanhu vokwangu zvipo zvavarombo uye kuti ndizopa zvipiriso zvangu.
18 and it was while engaged in this that they found me in the Temple, after completing a period of purification, but not with any crowd or disorder.
Ndakanga ndakazvinatsa pavakandiwana ndiri mutemberi ndichiita izvi. Pakanga pasina vanhu vazhinji vaiva neni, uye handina kumboita nyonganyonga.
19 There were, however, some Jews from Roman Asia who ought to have been here before you, and to have made any charge that they may have against me –
Asi pane vaJudha vanobva kuEzhia, vaifanira kunge vari pano pamberi penyu, ndivo vaifanira kundipa mhosva kana vainge vane mhosva ipi zvayo neni.
20 Or else let my opponents here say what they found wrong in me when I was before the Council,
Kana ivava vari pano vanofanira kutaura mhaka yavakawana mandiri pandakamira pamberi peDare Guru ravaJudha,
21 except as to the one sentence that I shouted out as I stood among them – ‘It is about the resurrection of the dead that I am on my trial before you today’.”
kunze kwechinhu chimwe chete ichi chandakadanidzira pandakanga ndimire pamberi pavo kuti, ‘Ndiri kutongwa maererano nokumuka kwavakafa; ndizvo zvaita kuti ndive pamberi penyu nhasi.’”
22 Felix, however, adjourned the case – though he had a fairly accurate knowledge of all that concerned the Way – with the promise, “When Lysias, the commanding officer, comes down, I will give my decision in your case.”
Ipapo Ferikisi uyo akanga achizivisisa nezveNzira iyo, akambomisa dare. Akati, “Kana Risiasi mukuru wavarwi auya, ndichatonga mhosva yenyu.”
23 So he gave orders to the centurion in charge of Paul to keep him in custody, but to relax the regulations, and not to prevent any of his personal friends from attending to his wants.
Akarayira mukuru wezana kuti Pauro achengetwe navarindi asi ave akasununguka uye shamwari dzake dzibvumirwe kuti dzimuvigire zvaanoda.
24 Some days later Felix came with his wife Drusilla, who was Jewish, and, sending for Paul, listened to what he had to say about faith in Christ Jesus.
Mushure mamazuva mazhinji, Ferikisi akauya nomukadzi wake Dhurusira, uyo akanga ari muJudha. Akadana Pauro kuti auye vagozomunzwa sezvo aitaura pamusoro pezvokutenda muna Kristu Jesu.
25 But, while Paul was speaking at length about righteousness, self-control, and the coming judgment, Felix became terrified, and interrupted him – “Go for the present, but, when I find an opportunity, I will send for you again.”
Pauro paakanga achidzidzisa pamusoro pokururama, kuzvidzora, nokutongwa kuchauya, Ferikisi akatya akati, “Zvakwana kwazvino! Ungaenda hako. Ndikange ndawana mukana, ndichazokudana.”
26 He was hoping, too, for a bribe from Paul, and so he used to send for him frequently and talk with him.
Panguva yacho iyoyo aifunga kuti Pauro achamupa fufuro, saka aidana Pauro nguva nenguva achitaura naye.
27 But, after the lapse of two years, Felix was succeeded by Porcius Festus; and, wishing to gain popularity with the Jewish leaders, he left Paul a prisoner.
Makore maviri akati apfuura, Poshiasi Fesitasi akatora nzvimbo yaFerikisi, asi nokuda kwokuti Ferikisi aida kufadza vaJudha, akasiya Pauro ari mutorongo.

< Acts 24 >