< 2 Corinthians 11 >
1 I could wish that you would tolerate a little folly in me! But indeed you do tolerate me.
Ndinovimba kuti muchava nomwoyo murefu zvishoma nokuda kwoupenzi hwangu; asi mava kutozviita kare.
2 I am jealous over you with the jealousy of God. For I promised you in marriage as a pure bride, to one husband – the Christ.
Ndine godo pamusoro penyu negodo raMwari. Ndakakuitai vakavimbika kumurume mumwe chete, kuna Kristu, kuitira kuti ndigozogona kukusvitsai kwaari semhandara yakachena.
3 Yet I fear that it may turn out that, just as the snake by his craftiness deceived Eve, so your minds may have lost the loyalty and purity due from you to the Christ.
Asi ndinotya kuti sokunyengerwa kwakaitwa Evha nenyoka nemano ayo, ndangariro dzenyu dzingangotsauswa kubva pakururama nokuchena kwomwoyo, pakuzvipira kuna Kristu.
4 For, if some newcomer is proclaiming a Jesus other than him whom we proclaimed, or if you are receiving a Spirit different from the Spirit which you received, or a good news different from that which you welcomed, then you are marvelously tolerant!
Nokuti kana mumwe akauya kwamuri achiparidza mumwe Jesu kunze kwaJesu watakaparidza, kana kuti mukagamuchira mumwe mweya wakasiyana nouyo wamakagamuchira, kana rimwe vhangeri rakasiyana neramakagamuchira, munogona kuzvigamuchira zviri nyore kwazvo.
5 I do not regard myself as in any way inferior to the most eminent apostles!
Asi handifungi kuti ndiri muduku napaduku pose ku“vapostori vanopfuura vamwe vose.”
6 Though I am no trained orator, yet I am not without knowledge; indeed we made this perfectly clear to you in every way.
Ndingava zvangu ndisinganatsi pakutaura, asi ndine ruzivo. Takanyatsojekesa izvi kwamuri nenzira dzose.
7 Perhaps you say that I did wrong in humbling myself that you might be exalted – I mean because I told you God’s good news without payment.
Ndakatadza here zvandakazvininipisa kuitira kuti imi mugokudzwa nokuparidzwa kwevhangeri raMwari kwamuri pachena pasina mutengo?
8 I robbed other churches by taking pay from them, so that I might serve you!
Ndakatorera dzimwe kereke pandakagamuchira rubatsiro kubva kwavari kuitira kuti ndigone kukushumirai.
9 And, when I was with you in need, I did not become a burden to any of you; for our friends, on coming from Macedonia, supplied my needs. I kept myself, and will keep myself from being an expense to you in any way.
Uye pandakanga ndiri pakati penyu ndichishayiwa chimwe chinhu, handina kuva mutoro kuna ani zvake, nokuti hama dzakabva kuMasedhonia dzakandipa zvandaishayiwa. Handina kuda kuva mutoro nenzira ipi zvayo pakati penyu, uye ndicharamba ndichidaro.
10 As surely as I know anything of the truth of Christ, this boast, as far as I am concerned, will not be stopped in any part of Greece.
Zvirokwazvo sezvo chokwadi chaKristu chiri mandiri, hakuna munhu mudunhu reAkaya achandidzivisa pakuzvirumbidza uku.
11 Why? Because I do not love you? God knows that I do!
Seiko? Nokuti handikudei here? Mwari anoziva kuti ndinokudai!
12 What I am doing now I will continue to do in order to cut away the ground from under those who are wishing for some ground for attacking me, so that as regards the thing of which they boast they may appear in their true characters, just as we do.
Uye ndicharamba ndichiita zvandiri kuita kuti ndishayise nzira kuna avo vanotsvaka mukana wokuti vaenzaniswe nesu pazvinhu zvavanozvirumbidza nazvo.
13 Such people are false apostles, treacherous workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ!
Nokuti vanhu vakadai ndivo vapostori venhema, varume vanonyengera, vanozvishandura vachizviita vapostori vaKristu.
14 And no wonder; for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.
Uye naizvozvo hazvishamisi, nokuti Satani pachake anozvishandura achizviita mutumwa wechiedza.
15 It is not surprising, therefore, if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. But their end will be in accordance with their actions.
Naizvozvowo hazvishamisi, kana varanda vake vachizvishandura vachizviita varanda vokururama. Magumo avo achava sezvakafanira maitiro avo.
16 I say again – Let no one think me a fool! Yet, if you do, at least welcome me as you would a fool, so that I, too may indulge in a little boasting.
Ndinopamhidza kuti: Ngakurege kuva nomunhu anonditi ndiri benzi. Asi kana muchidaro, naizvozvo ndigamuchirei sebenzi, kuitira kuti ndigozvirumbidzawo zvishoma.
17 When I speak like this, I am not speaking as the Master would, but as a fool might, in boasting so confidently.
Mukuzvirumbidza pachangu, handisi kutaura sezvinobva kuna She, asi sebenzi.
18 As so many are boasting of earthly things, I, too, will boast.
Sezvo vazhinji vachizvirumbidza nenzira inoitwa nenyika, neniwo ndichazvirumbidza.
19 For all your cleverness, you tolerate fools willingly enough!
Nokuti makava nomwoyo murefu nomufaro kumapenzi sezvo makachenjera!
20 You tolerate a person even when they enslave you, when they plunder you, when they get you into their power, when they put on airs of superiority, when they strike you in the face!
Nokuti munoitira mwoyo murefu kunyange munhu wose anokuitai varanda kana anokubirai kana anokutapai kana anokuzvidzai kana anokurovai kumeso.
21 I admit, to my shame, that we have been weak. But whatever the subject on which others are not afraid to boast – though it is foolish to say so – I am not afraid either!
Ndichizvishora ndinobvuma kuti takanga tisina simba rokuti tiite izvozvo. Zvinotsunga vamwe vose kuti vazvirumbidze pamusoro pazvo, ndinotaura sebenzi, ini ndinotsungawo kuzvirumbidza pamusoro pazvo.
22 Are they Hebrews? So am I! Are they Israelites? So am I! Are they descendants of Abraham? So am I!
Ivo vaHebheru here? Neniwo ndiri. Ivo vaIsraeri here? Neniwo ndiri. Ivo zvizvarwa zvaAbhurahama here? Neniwo ndiri.
23 Are they ‘Servants of Christ’? Though it is madness to talk like this, I am more so than they! I have had more of toil, more of imprisonment! I have been flogged times without number. I have been often at death’s door.
Ivo varanda vaKristu here? Ndava kupenga, kana ndichitaura zvakadai. Ini ndiri muranda wake zvikuru. Ndakashanda zvokuvapfuura, ndakaiswa mutorongo kakawanda kuvapfuura, ndakarohwa zvikuru kwazvo, uye ndakatarisana norufu kazhinji.
24 Five times I received at the hands of my own people forty lashes, all but one.
Kanosvika kashanu ndakarohwa navaJudha shamhu makumi matatu nepfumbamwe.
25 Three times I was beaten with rods. Once I was stoned. Three times I was shipwrecked. I have spent a whole day and night in the deep.
Katatu ndakarohwa netsvimbo, kamwe chete ndakatakwa namabwe, katatu ndakaita tsaona nechikepe, ndakapedza usiku humwe namasikati ndiri pagungwa,
26 My journeys have been many. I have been through dangers from rivers, dangers from robbers, dangers from my own people, dangers from the Gentiles, dangers in towns, dangers in the country, dangers on the sea, dangers among people pretending to be followers of the Lord.
ndakanga ndiri parwendo nguva zhinji. Ndakava panjodzi dzenzizi, panjodzi dzamakororo, panjodzi dzevorudzi rwokwangu, panjodzi dzavaHedheni, panjodzi muguta, napanjodzi murenje, panjodzi mugungwa, napanjodzi pakati pehama dzenhema.
27 I have been through toil and hardship. I have passed many a sleepless night; I have endured hunger and thirst; I have often been without food; I have known cold and nakedness.
Ndakabata basa nokutambura uye nguva zhinji ndichishayiwa hope; ndinoziva nzara nenyota uye kushayiwa zvokudya nguva zhinji; chando nokushayiwa chokupfeka.
28 And, not to speak of other things, there is my daily burden of anxiety about all the churches.
Kunze kwaizvozvi zvose, ndinoremedzwa zuva rimwe nerimwe nokurangarira kereke dzose.
29 Who is weak without my being weak? Who is led astray without my burning with indignation?
Ndianiko anoshayiwa simba uye ndikasanzwa kushayiwa simba? Ndianiko anotungamirirwa muchivi uye ndikasarwadziwa mukati mangu?
30 If I must boast, I will boast of things which show my weakness!
Kana ndichifanira kuzvirumbidza, ndichazvirumbidza pamusoro pezvinhu zvinoratidza utera hwangu.
31 The God and Father of the Lord Jesus – he who is for ever blessed – knows that I am speaking the truth. (aiōn )
Mwari naBaba vaIshe Jesu, uyo anofanira kurumbidzwa nokusingaperi, anoziva kuti handirevi nhema. (aiōn )
32 When I was in Damascus, the Governor under King Aretas had the gates of that city guarded, so as to arrest me,
MuDhamasiko mubati pasi pamambo Aretasi akaita kuti guta ravaDhamasiko ririndwe achida kuti andisunge.
33 but I was let down in a basket through a window in the wall, and so escaped his hands.
Asi ndakaburutswa ndiri mudengu napawindo parusvingo uye ndikapunyuka pamaoko ake.