< 1 Corinthians 2 >

1 For my own part, friends, when I came to you, it was with no display of eloquence or philosophy that I came to tell the hidden purpose of God;
Yenisile kulyumue un'kulu nava lumbu vango, nanilisile namasio agha kuvavula nuvwakyang'haani heene nilyaghadalikile uvwa lweli vuno vufisime vwimila u Nguluve.
2 for I had determined that, while with you, I would forget everything except Jesus Christ – and him crucified!
Nilyalamwile nambe kukagula kyekyoni yenilimulyumue nambe u Yesu Kilisite, numwene juno alyakomelilue
3 Indeed, when I came among you, I was weak, and full of fears, and in great anxiety.
Nilyale numue muvotevote, kange nuludwesi, na kuhilila kyongo.
4 My message and my proclamation were not delivered in the persuasive language of philosophy, but were accompanied by the manifestation of spiritual power,
Nimola jango nakudalikila kulyu nakukale namasio agha vulevule nuvwakyang'haani. Pauluo, ghalyale ghikuvonesia mu Mhepo ni ngufu,
5 so that your faith should be based, not on the human wisdom, but on the power of God.
ulwakuuti ulwitiko lwinu nalungavisaghe muvwakyang'haani uvwa vaanhu, looli mungufu sa Nguluve.
6 Yet there is a philosophy that we teach to those whose faith is matured, but it is not the philosophy of today, or of the leaders of today – whose downfall is at hand. (aiōn g165)
Lino tujova uvwakyang'haani vwa vaanhu avagoyo, looli navwevwa kyang'haani vwa iisi iji, nambe avatemi avansiki ughu, vanovikila. (aiōn g165)
7 No, it is a divine philosophy that we teach, one concerned with the hidden purpose of God – that long hidden philosophy which God, before time began, destined for our glory. (aiōn g165)
Pa uluo tujova uvwakyang'haani vwa Nguluve ughwa lweli vuno vufisime, uvwakyang'haani vuno vufisime u Nguluve alyasalwile yeghukyale unsinkibghwa vwimike vwitu. (aiōn g165)
8 This philosophy is clearly not known to any of the leaders of today, since, had they known it, they would never have crucified our glorious Lord! (aiōn g165)
Nakwale ghweeni juno itema unsiki ughu juno akagwile uvwa kyang'haani uvu, heene vasamanyila mu nsiki ghula, nde navalyan'komelile u Mutwa ughwa vwimike. (aiōn g165)
9 It is what scripture speaks of as – ‘What eye never saw, nor ear ever heard, what never entered people’s minds – all these things God has prepared for those who love him.’
Looli ndavule lilembilue, “Amasio agha nakwelile ilisio lino lighaghile, nakwejili imbughulutu jino jipulike, amasaghe naghakasaghile, amasio ghano u Nguluve aling'anisie vwimila vwa vala vano vamughanile umwene.
10 Yet to us God revealed it through his Spirit; for the Spirit fathoms all things, even the inmost depths of God’s being.
Agha gheghanu u Nguluve ghano avonesisie kulyusue kukilila u Mhepo, ulwakuva u Mhepo ilola kila kiinu, nambe masio ghano ghali mun'kate mwa Nguluve.
11 For what person is there who knows what a person is, except the person’s own spirit within them? So, also, no one comprehends what God is, except the Spirit of God.
Ulwakuva ghwe veeni juno ikughamanya amasaghe gha muunhu, looli inumbula ja muunhu mun'kate mwa mwene? pauluo kange, nakwale junoakagwile amasio agha mun'kate agha Nguluve, looli u Mhepo ghwa Nguluve.
12 And as for us, it is not the spirit of the world that we have received, but the Spirit that comes from God, so that we may realize the blessings given to us by him.
Looli natukupile iMhepo ja iisi, looli i Mhepo jino jihuma kwa Nguluve, ulwakuuti jinoghile kukagula uvwimike vwa masio ghano tupelilue nu Nguluve.
13 And we speak of these gifts, not in language taught by human philosophy, but in language taught by the Spirit, explaining spiritual things in spiritual words.
Tujova aghanamasio, ghano uvwakyang'hani vwa muunhu navunoghile kuvulania, looli ghano u Mhepo ikutuvulanisia. U mhepo ighanula amasio gha Mhepo ugha kyang'haani ghwa kimhepo.
14 The merely intellectual person rejects the teaching of the Spirit of God; for to them it is mere folly; they cannot grasp it, because it is to be understood only by spiritual insight.
Umuunhu juno naghwa Mhepo nakwupile amasio ghano gha Mhepo ghwa Nguluve, ulwakuva aghuo lwe lunanging'ano lwa mweene.
15 But the person with spiritual insight is able to understand everything, although they themselves are understood by no one.
Nanoghile kukagula ulwakuva ghikukagula nu Mhepo. Kwajula ughwa Mhepo ihigha amasio ghooni. Looli ihighua navange.
16 For who has so comprehended the mind of the Lord as to be able to instruct him? We, however, have the mind of Christ.
“Ghwe veeni anoghile kukagula amasio gha Mutwa, juno anoghile kukum'bulanisia umwene?” Looli tulinamasaghe gha Kilisite.

< 1 Corinthians 2 >