< Romans 11 >

1 I ask, then, “Has God rejected his people?” Heaven forbid! For I myself am an Israelite, a descendant of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin.
ii"svare. na sviikiiyalokaa apasaaritaa aha. m kim iid. r"sa. m vaakya. m braviimi? tanna bhavatu yato. ahamapi binyaamiinagotriiya ibraahiimava. m"siiya israayeliiyaloko. asmi|
2 God has not rejected his people, whom he chose from the first. Have you forgotten the words of scripture in the story of Elijah – how he appeals to God against Israel?
ii"svare. na puurvva. m ye prad. r.s. taaste svakiiyalokaa apasaaritaa iti nahi| aparam eliyopaakhyaane "saastre yallikhitam aaste tad yuuya. m ki. m na jaaniitha?
3 “Lord, they have killed your prophets, they have pulled down your altars, and I only am left; and now they are eager to take my life.”
he parame"svara lokaastvadiiyaa. h sarvvaa yaj navediirabha njan tathaa tava bhavi. syadvaadina. h sarvvaan aghnan kevala eko. aham ava"si. s.ta aase te mamaapi praa. naan naa"sayitu. m ce. s.tanate, etaa. m kathaam israayeliiyalokaanaa. m viruddham eliya ii"svaraaya nivedayaamaasa|
4 But what was the divine response? “I have kept for myself seven thousand who have never bowed the knee to Baal.”
tatasta. m pratii"svarasyottara. m ki. m jaata. m? baalnaamno devasya saak. saat yai rjaanuuni na paatitaani taad. r"saa. h sapta sahasraa. ni lokaa ava"se. sitaa mayaa|
5 And so in our own time, too, there is to be found a remnant of our nation selected by God in love.
tadvad etasmin varttamaanakaale. api anugrahe. naabhirucitaaste. saam ava"si. s.taa. h katipayaa lokaa. h santi|
6 But if in love, then it is not as a result of obedience. Otherwise love would cease to be love.
ataeva tad yadyanugrahe. na bhavati tarhi kriyayaa na bhavati no ced anugraho. ananugraha eva, yadi vaa kriyayaa bhavati tarhyanugrahe. na na bhavati no cet kriyaa kriyaiva na bhavati|
7 What follows from this? Why, that Israel as a nation failed to secure what it was seeking, while those whom God selected did secure it.
tarhi ki. m? israayeliiyalokaa yad am. rgayanta tanna praapu. h| kintvabhirucitalokaastat praapustadanye sarvva andhiibhuutaa. h|
8 The rest grew callous; as scripture says – “God has given them a deadness of mind – eyes that are not to see and ears that are not to hear – and it is so to this very day.”
yathaa likhitam aaste, ghoranidraalutaabhaava. m d. r.s. tihiine ca locane| kar. nau "srutivihiinau ca pradadau tebhya ii"svara. h||
9 David, too, says – “May their feasts prove a snare and a trap to them – a hindrance and a retribution;
etesmin daayuudapi likhitavaan yathaa, ato bhuktyaasana. m te. saam unmaathavad bhavi. syati| vaa va. m"sayantravad baadhaa da. n.davad vaa bhavi. syati||
10 may their eyes be darkened, so that they cannot see; and do you always make their backs to bend.”
bhavi. syanti tathaandhaaste netrai. h pa"syanti no yathaa| vepathu. h ka. tide"sasya te. saa. m nitya. m bhavi. syati||
11 I ask then – “Was their stumbling to result in their fall?” Heaven forbid! On the contrary, through their falling away salvation has reached the Gentiles, to stir the rivalry of Israel.
patanaartha. m te skhalitavanta iti vaaca. m kimaha. m vadaami? tanna bhavatu kintu taan udyogina. h karttu. m te. saa. m patanaad itarade"siiyalokai. h paritraa. na. m praapta. m|
12 And, if their falling away has enriched the world, and their failure has enriched the Gentiles, how much more will result from their full restoration!
te. saa. m patana. m yadi jagato lokaanaa. m laabhajanakam abhavat te. saa. m hraaso. api yadi bhinnade"sinaa. m laabhajanako. abhavat tarhi te. saa. m v. rddhi. h kati laabhajanikaa bhavi. syati?
13 But I am speaking to you who were Gentiles.
ato he anyade"sino yu. smaan sambodhya kathayaami nijaanaa. m j naatibandhuunaa. m mana. hsuudyoga. m janayan te. saa. m madhye kiyataa. m lokaanaa. m yathaa paritraa. na. m saadhayaami
14 Being myself an apostle to the Gentiles, I exalt my office, in the hope that I may stir my countrymen to rivalry, and so save some of them.
tannimittam anyade"sinaa. m nika. te prerita. h san aha. m svapadasya mahimaana. m prakaa"sayaami|
15 For, if their being cast aside has meant the reconciliation of the world, what will their reception mean, but life from the dead?
te. saa. m nigrahe. na yadii"svare. na saha jagato janaanaa. m melana. m jaata. m tarhi te. saam anug. rhiitatva. m m. rtadehe yathaa jiivanalaabhastadvat ki. m na bhavi. syati?
16 If the first handful of dough is holy, so is the whole mass, and if the root is holy, so are the branches.
apara. m prathamajaata. m phala. m yadi pavitra. m bhavati tarhi sarvvameva phala. m pavitra. m bhavi. syati; tathaa muula. m yadi pavitra. m bhavati tarhi "saakhaa api tathaiva bhavi. syanti|
17 Some, however, of the branches were broken off, and you, who were only a wild olive, were grafted in among them, and came to share with them the root which is the source of the richness of the cultivated olive.
kiyatiinaa. m "saakhaanaa. m chedane k. rte tva. m vanyajitav. rk. sasya "saakhaa bhuutvaa yadi tacchaakhaanaa. m sthaane ropitaa sati jitav. rk. siiyamuulasya rasa. m bhu. mk. se,
18 Yet do not exult over the other branches. But, if you do exult over them, remember that you do not support the root, but that the root supports you.
tarhi taasaa. m bhinna"saakhaanaa. m viruddha. m maa. m garvvii. h; yadi garvvasi tarhi tva. m muula. m yanna dhaarayasi kintu muula. m tvaa. m dhaarayatiiti sa. msmara|
19 But branches, you will say, were broken off, so that I might be grafted in.
apara nca yadi vadasi maa. m ropayitu. m taa. h "saakhaa vibhannaa abhavan;
20 True, it was because of their want of faith that they were broken off, and it is because of your faith that you are standing. Do not think too highly of yourself, but beware.
bhadram, apratyayakaara. naat te vibhinnaa jaataastathaa vi"svaasakaara. naat tva. m ropito jaatastasmaad aha"nkaaram ak. rtvaa sasaadhvaso bhava|
21 For, if God did not spare the natural branches, neither will he spare you.
yata ii"svaro yadi svaabhaavikii. h "saakhaa na rak. sati tarhi saavadhaano bhava cet tvaamapi na sthaapayati|
22 See, then, both the goodness and the severity of God – his severity towards those who fell, and his goodness towards you, provided that you continue to confide in that goodness; otherwise you, also, will be cut off.
ityatre"svarasya yaad. r"sii k. rpaa taad. r"sa. m bhayaanakatvamapi tvayaa d. r"syataa. m; ye patitaastaan prati tasya bhayaanakatva. m d. r"syataa. m, tva nca yadi tatk. rpaa"sritasti. s.thasi tarhi tvaa. m prati k. rpaa drak. syate; no cet tvamapi tadvat chinno bhavi. syasi|
23 And they, too, if they do not continue in their unbelief, will be grafted in; for God has it in his power to graft them in again.
apara nca te yadyapratyaye na ti. s.thanti tarhi punarapi ropayi. syante yasmaat taan punarapi ropayitum i"svarasya "saktiraaste|
24 If you were cut off from your natural stock – a wild olive – and were grafted, contrary to the course of nature, on a good olive, much more will they – the natural branches – be grafted back into their parent tree.
vanyajitav. rk. sasya "saakhaa san tva. m yadi tata"schinno riitivyatyayenottamajitav. rk. se ropito. abhavastarhi tasya v. rk. sasya sviiyaa yaa. h "saakhaastaa. h ki. m puna. h svav. rk. se sa. mlagitu. m na "saknuvanti?
25 My friends, so that you don’t think too highly of yourselves, I want you to recognise the truth, hitherto hidden, that the callousness which has come over Israel is only partial, and will continue only until the whole Gentile world has been gathered in.
he bhraataro yu. smaakam aatmaabhimaano yanna jaayate tadartha. m mamed. r"sii vaa nchaa bhavati yuuya. m etanniguu. dhatattvam ajaananto yanna ti. s.thatha; vastuto yaavatkaala. m sampuur. naruupe. na bhinnade"sinaa. m sa. mgraho na bhavi. syati taavatkaalam a. m"satvena israayeliiyalokaanaam andhataa sthaasyati;
26 And then all Israel will be saved. As scripture says – “From Zion will come the Deliverer; he will banish ungodliness from Jacob.
pa"scaat te sarvve paritraasyante; etaad. r"sa. m likhitamapyaaste, aagami. syati siiyonaad eko yastraa. nadaayaka. h| adharmma. m yaakubo va. m"saat sa tu duuriikari. syati|
27 And they will see the fulfilment of my covenant, when I have taken away their sins.”
tathaa duuriikari. syaami te. saa. m paapaanyaha. m yadaa| tadaa taireva saarddha. m me niyamo. aya. m bhavi. syati|
28 From the standpoint of the good news, the Jews are God’s enemies for your sake; but from the standpoint of God’s selection, they are dear to him for the sake of the patriarchs.
susa. mvaadaat te yu. smaaka. m vipak. saa abhavan kintvabhirucitatvaat te pit. rlokaanaa. m k. rte priyapaatraa. ni bhavanti|
29 For God never regrets his gifts or his call.
yata ii"svarasya daanaad aahvaanaa nca pa"scaattaapo na bhavati|
30 Just as you at one time were disobedient to him, but have now found mercy in the day of their disobedience;
ataeva puurvvam ii"svare. avi"svaasina. h santo. api yuuya. m yadvat samprati te. saam avi"svaasakaara. naad ii"svarasya k. rpaapaatraa. ni jaataastadvad
31 so, too, they have now become disobedient in your day of mercy, in order that they also in their turn may now find mercy.
idaanii. m te. avi"svaasina. h santi kintu yu. smaabhi rlabdhak. rpaakaara. naat tairapi k. rpaa lapsyate|
32 For God has given all alike over to disobedience, that to all alike he may show mercy. (eleēsē g1653)
ii"svara. h sarvvaan prati k. rpaa. m prakaa"sayitu. m sarvvaan avi"svaasitvena ga. nayati| (eleēsē g1653)
33 Oh! The unfathomable wisdom and knowledge of God! How inscrutable are his judgments, how untraceable his ways! Yes –
aho ii"svarasya j naanabuddhiruupayo rdhanayo. h kiid. rk praacuryya. m| tasya raaja"saasanasya tattva. m kiid. rg apraapya. m| tasya maargaa"sca kiid. rg anupalak. syaa. h|
34 ho has ever comprehended the mind of the Lord? Who has ever become his counsellor?
parame"svarasya sa"nkalpa. m ko j naatavaan? tasya mantrii vaa ko. abhavat?
35 Or who has first given to him, so that he may claim a reward?
ko vaa tasyopakaarii bh. rtvaa tatk. rte tena pratyupakarttavya. h?
36 For all things are from him, through him, and for him. And to him be all glory for ever and ever! Amen. (aiōn g165)
yato vastumaatrameva tasmaat tena tasmai caabhavat tadiiyo mahimaa sarvvadaa prakaa"sito bhavatu| iti| (aiōn g165)

< Romans 11 >