< Psalms 65 >
1 For the leader. A psalm of David. A song. It is seemly to praise you, O God, in Zion, and to you shall the vow be performed in Jerusalem.
Načelniku godbe, psalm Davidov, pesem. Tebi gré gotova hvala, o Bog, ki si na Sijonu, in tebi je opravljati obljubo.
2 O you who hear prayer, unto you shall all flesh come.
O ki slušaš molitev, noter do tebe pride vse meso.
3 Our sins are too mighty for us, our transgressions you only can cover them.
Premagale so me bile hudobije, grehe naše tí opiraš.
4 Happy the person who you choose to live beside you in your courts. O may we be filled with the joys of your house, of your holy temple.
Blagor mu, kogar izvoliš in pripuščaš, da bode prebival v vežah tvojih: sitimo se z dobroto hiše tvoje, sè svetimi rečmi tvojega svetišča.
5 In dread deeds you loyally answer us, O God of our salvation, whom all ends of the earth put their trust in, and islands far away.
Čestitljive reči nam govoriš v pravici, o Bog blaginje naše; zaupanje vseh dalnjih pokrajin zemlje in morja.
6 By your strength you establish the hills, you are armed with might;
Gore utrjuješ v kreposti svoji, z močjo opasan.
7 you still the roaring of seas, and the turmoil of nations,
Šum morja strahuješ, šum vodá njegovih, in narodov hrup;
8 so that those who live at earth’s bounds are awed at your signs: the lands of the sunrise and sunset you make to ring with joy.
Ki delaš, da prepevajo jutranje vzhode in večerne prebivalci pokrajin, boječ se znamenj tvojih.
9 You visit and water the earth; you greatly enrich her with the river of God, which is full of water. You prepare the corn thereof,
Obiskuješ to zemljo in je želiš, močno jo bogatiš; s potokom Božjim polnim vodé; pripravljaš njih žito, ko si jo tako obdelal.
10 watering her furrows, settling her ridges; you make her soft with showers, and bless what grows thereon.
Razore njene namakaš, brazde njene poravnavaš; z deževjem jo raztapljaš, kal njeno blagoslavljaš.
11 You crown the year with your goodness, your chariot tracks drip with fatness.
Venčaš dobrote svoje leto, in sledovi tvoji kapljajo maščobo.
12 The desert pastures are lush, the hills greened with joy.
Kapljajo v ograje puščave in z radostjo se ogrinjajo griči.
13 The meadows are clothed with flocks, the valleys are covered with corn; they shout to each other and sing.
Pašniki se odevajo s čedami, in doline se pokrivajo s pšenico; ukajoč delajo in tudi pojó.