< Psalms 22 >

1 For the leader; set to “Deer of the Dawn”. A psalm of David. My God, my God, why have you left me, my rescue so far from the words of my roaring?
YUUSSO, Yuusso, sa jafa na undingo yo? sa jafa chago jao gui inayudajo yan y finijo gui inigongjo.
2 I cry in the day, you do not answer, I cry in the night but find no rest.
O Yuusso, juagang gui jaane ya ti unope: ya gui puenge lao jusoda y descanso.
3 You are the Holy One, throned on the praises of Israel.
Ya y santos jao, O jago ni y sumasaga gui alabansan Israel.
4 In you our ancestors trusted, they trusted and you delivered them.
Yya jago nae manangoco y tatanmame: manangoco ya unnafanlibre sija.
5 They cried to you, and found safety, in you did they trust and were not put to shame.
Maaagang jao ya ninafanlibre: manmanangoco nu jago ya ti manmamajlao.
6 But I am a worm, not a person; insulted by others, despised by the people.
Ya guajo y gâgâ ilo ya ti taotao: namamajlao gui lalaje ya madespresia gui taotao.
7 All who see me mock me, with mouths wide open and wagging heads:
Todo y lumiiyo manatchatgue pot guajo mamuyuyueyo ya jayeyengyong y ilonñija.
8 ‘He relies on the Lord; let him save him. Let him rescue the one he holds dear!’
Angoco jao as Jeova; polo ya ulibre gue: polo ya ulibre güe sa güinaeya güe.
9 But you drew me from the womb, laid me safely on my mother’s breasts.
Sa jago y chumule yo gui tiyan: ya unnafanangoco anae gaegue yo gui jaof nanajo.
10 On your care was I cast from my very birth, you are my God from my mother’s womb.
Gui jilomo mayute yo guinin y tiyan: desde y tiyan nanajo jago Yuusso.
11 Be not far from me, for trouble is nigh, and there is none to help.
Chamo chachago guiya guajo; sa y chinatsagaco esta jijot, sa taya jaye yo uayuda.
12 I am circled by many bulls, beset by the mighty of Bashan,
Megae na toro jaoriyayeyo: manmetgot na toron Básan jumijujuteyo.
13 who face me with gaping jaws, like ravening roaring lions.
Ya jabababa y pachotñija guiya guajo taegüije y león ni tegcho yan cumate.
14 Poured out am I like water, and all my bones are loosened. My heart is become like wax, melted within me.
Janamachuda yo taegüije y janom, todo y telangjo manápula: y corasonjo taegüije y danges; esta madirite gui talo gui sanjalomjo.
15 My palate is dry as a sherd, my tongue sticks to my jaws; in the dust of death you lay me.
Anglo y minetgotto taegüije y pedason an mafag: ya y jilajo cheton gui paladatto: ya gui petbos finatae nae unpoloyo.
16 For dogs are round about me, a band of knaves encircles me, gnawing my hands and my feet.
Sa maoriyayayeyo y galago sija: majijujuteyo y inetnon y manaelaye; ya manadochon gui canaejo yan y adengjo.
17 I can count my bones, every one. As for them, they feast their eyes on me.
Mojon jusangan todo ni y telangjo: sija jaatanyo ya jaconsidedera.
18 They divide my garments among them, and over my raiment cast lots.
Maipe gui entaloñija todo y bestidujo: ya y magagujo marifa.
19 But you, O Lord, be not far, O my strength, hasten to help me.
Lao jago, O Jeova, chamo chachago: O jago, minetgotto, chadig yan unayudayo.
20 Deliver my life from the sword my life from the power of the dogs.
Nalibre gui espada y antijo: y beyan corasonjo, guinin y ninasiñan y galago.
21 Save me from the jaws of the lion, from the horns of the wild oxen help me.
Nalibreyo gui pachot y león; magajet, guinin y canggilon y nubiyo ni titogcha, unope yo.
22 I will tell of your fame to my kindred, and in the assembly will praise you.
Bae jusaasgane y mañelujo y naanmo: ya gui entalo gui inetnon taotao bae jualalabajao.
23 Praise the Lord, you who fear him. All Jacob’s seed, give him glory. All Israel’s seed, stand in awe of him.
Ya y manmaañao as Jeova, fanmanalaba nu güiya: todo y semiyan Jacob fanmanonra nu güiya: ya fanmaañao nu güiya todo y semiyan Israel.
24 For he has not despised nor abhorred the sorrow of the sorrowful. He hid not his face from me, but he listened to my cry for help.
Sa ti guinin jadespresia ni jachatlie y pinadesen y pebble; ni unaatog y mataña guiya güiya: ya anae jaagang guiya güiya, jajungog.
25 Of you is my praise in the great congregation; my vows I will pay before those who fear him.
Ya iya jago nae mamaela y alabansajo gui dangculon inetnon: ya y promesajo juapase gui menan y manmaañao güe.
26 The afflicted will eat to their heart’s desire, and those who seek after the Lord will praise him. Lift up your hearts forever.
Ufañocho y manmanso ya ufanjaspog: ufanmanalaba as Jeova y umaliligao güe: polo ya ufanmanlâlâ y corasonmiyo para taejinecog.
27 All will call it to mind, to the ends of the earth, and turn to the Lord; and all tribes of the nations will bow down before you.
Ujajaso ya ufanalo guato as Jeova todo y uttimon y tano: ya ufamnanadora gui menamo todo y familian y nasion sija.
28 For the kingdom belongs to the Lord: he is the Lord of the nations.
Sa as Jeova y raeno: ya güiya umagas gui todo nasion.
29 To him will bow down all who sleep in the earth, and before him bend all who go down to the dust, and those who could not preserve their lives.
Ufañocho ya ufanmanadora todo y yinemog y tano: gui menanña ufandimo, todo y manunog gui eda: güiyaja ni y tisiña unalala y antiña.
30 My descendants will tell of the Lord to the next generation;
Un semiya usinetbe güe: ya umasangan si Jeova asta y uttimo generasion.
31 they will declare his righteousness to people yet to be born: He has done it.
Ufanmato ya ufanmasangan y tininasña ni y taotao na umafañago, na güiya fumatinas este.

< Psalms 22 >