< Philippians 3 >

1 In conclusion, my friends, may all joy be yours in your union with the Lord. To repeat what I have already written does not weary me, and is the safe course for you.
Wurssethan, ta ishato, hintte Godaaba gidiya gisho, ufayttite. Taani kase xaafidayssa zaarada xaafanayssi tana waaysenna, shin hinttena balappe naagana.
2 Beware of those dogs! Beware of those mischievous workers! Beware of the men who mutilate themselves!
Iitabaa oothiya kanatappe, qassi qaxxarettanaw koshshees giya iita asatappe naagettite.
3 For it is we who are the circumcised – we whose worship is prompted by the Spirit of God, who exult in Christ Jesus, and who do not rely on external privileges;
Nuuni Xoossaa Geeshsha Ayyaanan Xoossaas goynniya gishonne nu de7uwan Kiristtoos Yesuusan ceeqettiya gisho, tuma qaxxaro qaxxarettidayssata. Nuuni kare asatethaa bolla oosettiyaban ceeqettoko.
4 though I, if anyone, have cause to rely even on them. If anyone thinks he can rely on external privileges, far more can I!
Ta kare asatethan ceeqettanaw koshshiko ta daroban ceeqettanaw dandda7ays. Ay asikka ba kare asatethan ceeqettiyabay baw de7ees gidi qoppiko, taani iyappe daro aadhdhada ceeqettiyabay de7ees.
5 I was circumcised when eight days old; I am an Israelite by birth, and of the tribe of Benjamin; I am a Hebrew, and the child of Hebrews. As to the Law, I was a Pharisee;
Taani yelettida saaminttara qaxxarettas. Taani yeletan Isra7eele; taani Biniyame zare; taani walaki baynna Ayhude ase. Ayhude higge naagon gidikko taani Farisaawe.
6 as to zeal, I was a persecutor of the church; as to such righteousness as is due to Law, I proved myself blameless.
Ayhude ammanuwas mishetethan gidikko taani woosa keethaa yedethas. Issi asi higge naagidi xilliyaba gidikko, tanan borey benttibeenna.
7 But all the things which I once held to be gains I have now, for the Christ’s sake, come to count as loss.
Shin kase tana maaddees gada qoppidabaa ubbaa, Kiristtoosa gisho gada maaddonnabaa oothada taybas.
8 More than that, I count everything as loss, for the sake of the exceeding value of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord. And for his sake I have lost everything, and count it as rubbish, if I may but gain Christ and be found in union with him;
Hessa xalaala gidonnashin, taani ta Godaa Kiristtoos Yesuusa ereyssi haraba ubbaafe daro aadhdhiya gisho, he ubbaa wodhey baynnabaada taybas. Taani iya gisho ubbabaa dhayas. Kiristtoosa demmanaw ubbabaa wora holettida buureda taybays. Taani Yesuusara issino gidas.
9 any righteousness that I have being, not the righteousness that results from Law, but the righteousness which comes through faith in Christ – the righteousness which is derived from God and is founded on faith.
Taani higges kiitettada demmiya ta huu7e xillotethi taw baawa. Kiristtoosa ammanin benttiya xillotethay, Xoossaa matappe yaa xillotethay ha77i taw de7ees.
10 Then indeed I will know Christ, and the power of his resurrection, and all that it means to share his sufferings,
Taani Kiristtoosanne iya denddo wolqqaa eranaw koyays. Taani iya metuwa iyara shaakettanawunne iya hayquwan iya daananaw amottays.
11 in the hope that, if I become like him in death, I may possibly attain to the resurrection from the dead.
Hessadakka, hayqoppe denddada merinaw de7on daanayssa ufayssi oothays.
12 Not that I have already laid hold of it, or that I am already made perfect. But I press on, in the hope of actually laying hold of that for which indeed I was laid hold of by Christ Jesus.
Taani ha77i gaxa gakkas woykko tanan bali baawa giikke. Shin Kiristtoos Yesuusi tana oykkida gisho taani ta sinthan de7iya woytuwa oykkanaw woxxaysinne butetays.
13 For I, friends, do not regard myself as having yet laid hold of it. But this one thing I do – forgetting what lies behind, and straining every nerve for that which lies in front,
Ta ishato, taani hessa demmas gada qoppike, shin taani issibaa oothays. Taappe guyera de7eyssa dogada sinthan de7eyssa oykkanaw zaaturays.
14 I press on to the goal, to gain the prize of that heavenward call which God gave me through Christ Jesus.
Hessa gisho, taani gaxa gakkanaw woxxays. Xoossay Kiristtoos Yesuusa baggara salo de7uwas xeegida woytuwa ekkanaw daaburays.
15 Let all of us, then, whose faith is mature, think this way. Then, if on any matter you think otherwise, God will make that also plain to you.
Hiza, nuuni Ayyaanan gashttida ubbay hessa qoppanaw bessees. Hinttefe baggatas dummattiya qofi de7ikko, hessaka Xoossay hinttew qonccisana.
16 Only we are bound to order our lives by what we have already attained.
Gidikkoka, nuuni hanno gakkanaw de7ida de7uwan, ane sinthe boos.
17 My friends, unite in following my example, and fix your eyes on those who are living by the pattern which we have set you.
Ta ishato, tana daanite; hessadakka, nu leemisuwa kaalliya asata akeekidi be7ite.
18 For there are many – of whom I have often told you, and now tell you even with tears – who are living in enmity to the cross of the Christ.
Taani hessa hinttew kase daro toho odas, shin ha77ika zaarada afuthan odays. Kiristtoosi masqaliya bolla hayqqidayssas banttana morkke oothida daro asati de7oosona.
19 The end of such people is ruin; for their appetites are their God, and they glory in their shame; their minds are given up to earthly things.
Entta wurssethay dhayo; entta uloy enttaw xoosse. Yeellatanaw bessiyaban entti ceeqettoosona; qassi ha sa7abaa xalaala qoppoosona.
20 But we are citizens of heaven, and from heaven we expect a saviour to come, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Nu biittay saluwana. Saloppe yidi nuna ashshiya Godaa Yesuus Kiristtoosa naagoos.
21 By the exercise of his power to bring everything into subjection to himself, he will make our humble bodies like his glorious body.
Kiristtoosi ubbabaa ba maatappe garssan oothanaw dandda7iya ba wolqqan nu daaburanchcho asatethaa laammidi ba bonchcho asatethaa daanisana.

< Philippians 3 >