< Micah 3 >
1 I also said: ‘Listen now, leaders of Jacob, judges of the house of Israel. Is it not your duty to know what is the right?
我曾經說過:「雅各伯的首領,以色列家的官吏,請你們傾聽! 認識正義,豈不是你們分內的事﹖」
2 Haters of that which is good and lovers of evil!
3 ‘They devour the flesh of my people, and their hide they strip from off them, and break in pieces and serve up their bones, like meat in a pot or the cooking pan!
4 ‘Then they will cry out to the Lord, but he will not pay attention to them. He will hide his face from them at that time because they have committed such crimes.’
5 Therefore the Lord says: ‘To the prophets who lead my people astray, who when they have food between their teeth declare peace, but against one who puts nothing in their mouths, they proclaim an open war!
6 ‘Night will overtake you so that you have no vision, and darkness so that there will be no divination, and the sun will go down on the prophets, and the day will be dark over them.
7 ‘The seers will be ashamed, and the diviners will turn pale, all of them will cover their mouths. For there will be no answer from God.
8 ‘But I, on the contrary am full of power, and the sense of justice and strength, to make known to Jacob his crime, and to Israel his sin.
至於我,我因上主的神而充滿 力量、正義和勇氣,向雅各伯指出她的邪惡,向以色列說明她的罪過。
9 ‘Hear this, leaders of the house of Jacob, judges of the house of Israel, you who spurn justice, and make all that is straight crooked,
雅各伯家的領袖,以色列家的官吏,請你們傾聽這事! 你們憎惡正義,曲解一切正理;
10 who build Zion with acts of bloodshed, and Jerusalem with crime.
11 ‘The leaders render judgment for a bribe, and her priests give oracles for a reward, and her prophets divine for silver. Yet they claim to rely on the Lord, “The Lord”, they say, “is in our midst. Evil cannot overtake us.”
她火首領為賄賂而審判,司祭為薪俸而設教,先知為銀錢而占卜,尚依賴上主說:「上主不是在我們中間嗎﹖災禍決不會臨在我們身上! 」
12 ‘Therefore for your sakes Zion will be plowed as a field, and Jerusalem will become a heap of ruins, and the temple mount a wooded height.’