< Luke 12 >

1 Meanwhile the people had gathered in thousands, so that they trod on one another, when Jesus, addressing himself to his disciples, began by saying to them, ‘Be on your guard against the leaven – that is, the hypocrisy – of the Pharisees.
Vahepeal oli kogunenud nii palju tuhandeid inimesi, et nad astusid üksteisele peale. Jeesus hakkas kõnelema esmalt oma jüngritele. „Hoidke end variseride juuretise − silmakirjalikkuse − eest.
2 There is nothing, however covered up, which will not be uncovered, nor anything kept secret which will not become known.
Sest pole midagi varjatut, mis ei saaks avalikuks, ega midagi salajast, millest ei saadaks teada.
3 So all that you have said in the dark will be heard in the light, and what you have spoken in the ear, within closed doors, will be proclaimed on the housetops.
Seda, mida olete pimedas öelnud, kuuldakse valges; mida olete salajas sosistanud, seda kuulutatakse katustelt.
4 To you who are my friends I say, Do not be afraid of those who kill the body, but after that can do no more.
Ma ütlen teile, mu sõbrad, ärge kartke neid, kes ihu tapavad, sest kui nad on seda teinud, ei saa nad enam midagi rohkem teha.
5 I will show you of whom you should be afraid. Be afraid of him who, after killing you, has the power to fling you into Gehenna. Yes, I say, be afraid of him. (Geenna g1067)
Lubage, et ma selgitan, keda te peaksite kartma. Te peaks kartma seda, kellel on võim teid pärast tapmist Gehennasse heita. Tema on see, keda peaksite kartma. (Geenna g1067)
6 Are not five sparrows sold for two copper coins? Yet not one of them has escaped God’s notice.
Kas mitte viis varblast ei müüda kahe penni eest? Kuid Jumal ei unusta neist ühtki.
7 No, even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not be afraid; you are of more value than many sparrows.
Isegi juuksekarvad teie peas on ära loetud. Ärge kartke, te olete rohkem väärt kui palju varblasi!
8 Everyone, I tell you, who publicly acknowledges me, the Son of Man, also, will acknowledge before God’s angels;
Ma räägin teile tõtt: kes avalikult tunnistavad, et nad kuuluvad mulle, nende kohta tunnistab ka inimese Poeg Jumala inglite ees, et nad kuuluvad talle,
9 but the person who publicly disowns me will be altogether disowned before God’s angels.
aga kes mind salgavad, neid salatakse Jumala inglite ees.
10 Everyone who will say anything against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but for the person who slanders the Holy Spirit there will be no forgiveness.
Igaühele, kes kõneleb inimese Poja vastu, antakse andeks, aga kes teotab Püha Vaimu, sellele ei anta andeks.
11 Whenever they take you before the synagogue Courts or the magistrates or other authorities, do not be anxious as to how you will defend yourselves, or what your defence will be, or what you will say;
Kui teid tuuakse kohtusse sünagoogide, ülemate ja valitsejate ette, siis ärge muretsege sellepärast, kuidas end kaitsta või mida peaksite ütlema.
12 for the Holy Spirit will show you at the moment what you ought to say.’
Püha Vaim õpetab teile sel hetkel, mida on oluline öelda.“
13 ‘Teacher,’ a man in the crowd said to Jesus, ‘tell my brother to share the property with me.’
Keegi rahva hulgast küsis Jeesuselt: „Õpetaja, palun ütle mu vennale, et ta jagaks minuga pärandust.“
14 But Jesus said to him, ‘Man, who made me a judge or an arbiter between you?’
„Mu sõber, “vastas Jeesus, „kes määras mind teie kohtumõistjaks otsustama, kuidas teie pärandus tuleks jagada?“Ta ütles rahvale
15 And then he added, ‘Take care to keep yourselves free from every form of covetousness; for even in the height of their prosperity a person’s true life does not depend on what they have.’
„Olge valvel ja hoiduge kõigist ahnetest mõtetest ja tegudest, sest inimese elu ei olene asjadest, mida ta omab.“
16 Then Jesus told them this parable – ‘There was once a rich man whose land was very fertile;
Seejärel jutustas ta neile näitlikustamiseks ühe loo. „Elas kord üks rikas mees, kellel oli väga viljakas maa.
17 and he began to ask himself “What will I do, for I have nowhere to store my crops?
Mees arutles endamisi: „Mida ma peaksin tegema? Mul pole kusagil oma vilja hoida.
18 This is what I will do,” he said; “I will pull down my barns and build larger ones, and store all my grain and my goods in them;
Ma tean, mida ma teen, “otsustas ta. „Ma lõhun oma aidad maha ja ehitan suuremad aidad, siis on mul ruumi, kus hoida kogu oma vilja ja kõike, mis mul on.
19 and I will say to myself, Now you have plenty of good things put by for many years; take your ease, eat, drink, and enjoy yourself.”
Siis ütlen endale: sul on piisavalt, et elada palju aastaid, nii et võta elu rahulikult: söö, joo ja tunne rõõmu!“
20 But God said to the man “Fool! This very night your life is being demanded; and as for all you have prepared – who will have it?”
Aga Jumal ütles talle: „Sina rumal mees! Selsamal ööl nõutakse su elu tagasi ja kes saab siis kõik selle, mida sa oled varunud?“
21 So it is with those who lay by wealth for themselves and are not rich to the glory of God.’
Nii juhtub inimestega, kes kuhjavad endale vara, kuid ei ole rikkad Jumalas.“
22 And Jesus said to his disciples, ‘That is why I say to you, Do not be anxious about the life here – what you can get to eat; or about your body – what you can get to wear.
Jeesus rääkis oma jüngritele: „Sellepärast ma ütlen teile, et ärge muretsege oma elu pärast, mida süüa, ega oma rõivaste pärast, mida kanda.
23 For life is more than food, and the body than its clothes.
Elu on palju enam kui toit ja ihu enam kui rõivaste kandmine.
24 Think of the ravens – they neither sow nor reap; they have neither storehouse nor barn; and yet God feeds them! And how much more precious are you than birds!
Vaadake ronki. Nad ei külva ega lõika, neil ei ole ladu ega aita, kuid Jumal toidab neid. Ja teie olete palju väärtuslikumad kui linnud!
25 But which of you, by being anxious, can prolong your life a moment?
Kas suudate elu pärast muretsemisega lisada oma elule tunnigi?
26 And, if you cannot do even the smallest thing, why be anxious about other things?
Kui te ei suuda nii väikest asja, miks siis ülejäänu pärast muretseda?
27 Think of the lilies, and how they grow. They neither toil nor spin; yet, I tell you, even Solomon in all his splendour was not robed like one of these.
Mõelge liiliatele ja sellele, kuidas nad kasvavad. Nad ei tööta ega ketra lõnga rõivaste jaoks, aga ma ütlen teile, et isegi Saalomon kogu oma hiilguses ei olnud nii kaunilt riietatud kui üks neist.
28 If, even in the field, God so clothes the grass which is living today and tomorrow will be thrown into the oven, how much more will he clothe you, you of little faith!
Nii et kui Jumal rüütab väljad nii kaunite lilledega, mis täna on siin, aga homme kadunud, kui nad põletatakse tules, et ahju kütta, kui palju enam riietab Jumal teid, kellel on nii vähe usku!
29 And you – do not be always seeking what you can get to eat or what you can get to drink; and do not waver.
Ärge olge mures sellepärast, mida te sööte või joote − ärge muretsege sellepärast.
30 These are the things for which all the nations of the world are seeking, and your Father knows that you need them.
Kõigi nende asjade pärast muretsevad inimesed maailmas, kuid teie Isa teab, et te neid vajate.
31 No, seek his kingdom, and these things will be added for you.
Otsige Jumala riiki ja teile antakse ka kõike seda.
32 So do not be afraid, my little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom.
Ära karda, väike kari, sest teie Isa annab teile hea meelega kuningriigi.
33 ‘Sell what belongs to you, and give in charity. Make yourselves purses that will not wear out – an inexhaustible treasure in heaven, where no thief comes near, or moth works ruin.
Müüge ära, mis teil on, ja andke raha vaestele. Hankige endale kukrud, mis ei kulu, aare taevas, mis ei saa iial otsa, kus varas ei saa seda varastada ega koi hävitada.
34 For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be.
Sest see, mida te väärtuslikuks peate, näitab, kes te tegelikult olete.
35 Make yourselves ready, with your lamps alight;
Olge riietatud ja valmis ning hoidke lambid põlemas,
36 and be like servants who are waiting for their Master’s return from his wedding, so that, when he comes and knocks, they may open the door for him at once.
nagu oma isandat pulma pidusöögilt tagasi ootavad sulased, kes on valmis ukse nobedalt avama, kui isand tuleb ja koputab.
37 Happy are those servants whom, on his return, the Master will find watching. I tell you that he will make himself ready, and have them take their places at the table, and will come and serve them.
Nende sulaste jaoks on hea, kui isand leiab nad valvamas, kui tagasi tuleb. Ma räägin teile tõtt: ta paneb riidesse, laseb neil söögilauda istuda ning tuleb ja teenib neid ise!
38 Whether it is late at night, or in the early morning that he comes, if he finds all as it should be, then happy are they.
Isegi kui ta tuleb keskööl või vahetult enne koitu − kui hea on see sulaste jaoks, kui isand leiab, et nad valvavad ja on valmis!
39 This you do know, that, had the owner of the house known at what time the thief was coming, he would have been on the watch, and would not have let his house be broken into.
Aga pidage meeles seda: kui isand teaks, millal varas tuleb, siis oleks ta valvel ega laseks oma majja sisse murda.
40 You must also prepare, for when you are least expecting him the Son of Man will come.’
Ka teie peate valmis olema, sest inimese Poeg tuleb siis, kui te ei oska arvatagi.“
41 ‘Master,’ said Peter, ‘are you telling this parable with reference to us or to everyone?’
„Kas sa räägid selle loo ainult meile või kõigile?“küsis Peetrus.
42 ‘Who, then,’ replied the Master, ‘is that trustworthy steward, the careful man, who will be placed by his master over his establishment, to give them their rations at the proper time?
Issand vastas: „Kes on siis usaldusväärne ja arukas kojaülem, see inimene majapidamises, kelle isand paneb vastutama õigel ajal toidu väljajagamise eest?
43 Happy will that servant be whom his master, when he comes home, will find doing this.
Selle sulase jaoks on hea, kui isand tagasi tulles leiab, et ta teeb seda, mida peab.
44 His master, I tell you, will put him in charge of the whole of his property.
Ma räägin teile tõtt: isand paneb selle sulase kõige eest vastutama.
45 But should that servant say to himself “My master is a long time coming,” and begin to beat the menservants and the maidservants, and to eat and drink and get drunk,
Aga mis siis, kui see sulane ütleks endamisi: „Mu isandal läheb tulemisega kaua aega, “ning ta hakkaks teisi sulaseid ja teenijatüdrukuid peksma, pidutsema ja purjutama?
46 that servant’s master will come on a day when he does not expect him, and at an hour of which he is unaware, and will flog him severely and assign him his place among the untrustworthy.
Selle sulase isand tuleks ootamatult ühel päeval tagasi, ajal, mil ta ei oota, ning karistaks teda rängalt, koheldes teda nagu täielikult ebausaldusväärset.
47 The servant who knows his master’s wishes and yet does not prepare and act accordingly will receive many lashes;
See sulane, kes teadis, mida tema isand tahab, ja ometi ei olnud valmis ega järginud isanda juhiseid, saab kõvasti peksa;
48 while one who does not know his master’s wishes, but acts so as to deserve a flogging, will receive but few. From everyone to whom much has been given much will be expected, and from the man to whom much has been entrusted the more will be demanded.
aga sulane, kes ei teadnud ja tegi karistust väärt asju, saab ainult vähe peksa. Kellele on antud palju, sellelt ka oodatakse palju, ja kellele on usaldatud rohkem, sellelt nõutakse rohkem.
49 I came to cast fire on the earth; and what more can I wish, if it is already kindled?
Ma olen tulnud maad süütama ja ma tõesti soovin, et see juba põleks!
50 There is a baptism that I must undergo, and how great is my distress until it is over!
Aga ma pean minema läbi ristimise, ma olen ahastuses ja soovin, et see oleks läbi!
51 Do you think that I am here to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but to cause division.
Kas te arvate, et ma tulin maa peale rahu tooma? Ei, ma ütlen teile, ma toon lahkmeelt.
52 For from this time, if there are five people in a house, they will be divided, three against two, and two against three.
Nüüdsest peale on nii, et kui peres on viis liiget, on nad lahkarvamusel: kolm on kahe vastu ja kaks kolme vastu.
53 Father will be opposed to son and son to father, mother to daughter and daughter to mother, mother-in-law to her daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law to her mother-in-law.’
Nad kõik on üksteise vastu − isa poja vastu ja poeg isa vastu, ema tütre vastu ja tütar ema vastu, ämm minia vastu ja minia ämma vastu.“
54 And to the people Jesus said, ‘When you see a cloud rising in the west, you say at once “There is a storm coming,” and come it does.
Siis kõneles Jeesus rahvale. „Kui te näete läänest pilve tõusmas, ütlete te kohe: „Vihmasadu on tulemas, “ja nii toimub.
55 And when you see that the wind is in the south, you say “It will be burning hot,” and so it proves.
Kui puhub lõunatuul, ütlete te: „Läheb palavaks, “ja nii on.
56 Hypocrites! You know how to judge of the earth and the sky; how is it, then, that you cannot judge of this time?
Te silmakirjatsejad, kuidas see nii on, et te oskate õigesti tõlgendada ilma, kuid te ei oska tõlgendada praegust aega?
57 Why don’t you yourselves decide what is right?
Miks te oma peaga ei mõtle ega otsusta, mida on õige teha?
58 When, for instance, you are going with your opponent before a magistrate, on your way to the court do your best to be quit of him; otherwise he might drag you before the judge, then the judge will hand you over to the bailiff of the court, and the bailiff throw you into prison.
Kui lähete koos oma süüdistajaga kohtuniku juurde, siis peaksite teel olles püüdma lahendust leida. Muidu veetakse teid kohtu ette ja kohtunik annab teid ametniku kätte ja ametnik heidab teid vanglasse.
59 You will not, I tell you, come out until you have paid the very last cent.’
Ma ütlen teile, te ei pääse enne välja, kui olete oma viimase penni ära maksnud.“

< Luke 12 >