< Luke 1 >

1 To his Excellency, Theophilus. Many attempts have been already made to draw up an account of those events which have reached their conclusion among us,
Abantu bangi bagezezzaako okuwandiika ebyafaayo ebyatuukirizibwa mu ffe,
2 just as they were reported to us by those who from the beginning were eye-witnesses, and afterwards became bearers of the message.
ng’abo abaasooka edda bwe baabitubuulira, nga be baali abajulirwa era abaweereza b’Ekigambo okuviira ddala ku lubereberye.
3 And, therefore, I also, since I have investigated all these events with great care from their very beginning, have resolved to write a connected history of them for you,
Bwe ntyo bwe mmaze okukakasiza ddala buli kintu n’obwegendereza okuva ku by’olubereberye okutuukira ddala ku byasembayo, ne ndaba nga kirungi okukuwandiikira ggwe Teefiro ow’ekitiibwa ennyo, ndyoke mbikuwandiikire nga bwe byaliraanagana.
4 in order that you may be able to satisfy yourself of the accuracy of the story which you have heard from the lips of others.
Olyoke omanye amazima g’ebyo bye wayigirizibwa.
5 In the reign of Herod, king of Judea, there was a priest named Zechariah, who belonged to the division called after Abijah. His wife, whose name was Elizabeth, was also a descendant of Aaron.
Awo mu biro Kabaka Kerode we yafugira Obuyudaaya, waaliwo kabona erinnya lye Zaakaliya, nga wa mu kitongole kya Abiya, nga mukyala we naye yali wa mu kika kya Alooni, erinnya lye Erisabesi.
6 They were both righteous people, who lived blameless lives, guiding their steps by all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord.
Abantu abo bombi baali batuukirivu mu maaso ga Katonda, era nga batambulira mu mateeka ga Katonda gonna, ne mu biragiro bya Mukama, nga tebaliiko kya kunenyezebwa.
7 But they had no child, Elizabeth being barren; and both of them were advanced in years.
Bombi baali bakaddiye nnyo, era tebaalina mwana, kubanga Erisabesi yali mugumba.
8 One day, when Zechariah was officiating as priest before God, during the turn of his division,
Awo lwali lumu, Zaakaliya bwe yali ng’ali ku mulimu gwe ogw’obwakabona mu maaso ga Katonda, kubanga kye kyali ekiseera eky’oluwalo lwe,
9 it fell to him by lot, in accordance with the practice among the priests, to go into the Temple of the Lord and burn incense;
n’alondebwa okwoteza obubaane mu yeekaalu ya Mukama, ng’emirimu gy’obwakabona bwe gyabanga.
10 and, as it was the Hour of Incense, the people were all praying outside.
Mu ssaawa eyo ey’okwoteza obubaane ekibiina kyonna eky’abantu baali bakuŋŋaanidde mu luggya lwa Yeekaalu.
11 And an angel of the Lord appeared to him, standing on the right of the Altar of Incense.
Awo malayika wa Mukama n’alabikira Zaakaliya, n’ayimirira ku luuyi olwa ddyo olw’ekyoto okwoterezebwa obubaane!
12 Zechariah was startled at the sight and was awe-struck.
Zaakaliya n’atya nnyo bwe yalaba malayika, entiisa n’emukwata.
13 But the angel said to him, ‘Do not be afraid, Zechariah; your prayer has been heard, and your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, whom you will call by the name John.
Naye malayika n’amugamba nti, “Totya Zaakaliya! Kubanga okusaba kwo kuwuliddwa, era mukazi wo Erisabesi ajja kukuzaalira omwana wabulenzi. Olimutuuma erinnya Yokaana.
14 He will be to you a joy and a delight; and many will rejoice over his birth.
Mwembi mulisanyuka nnyo ne mujaguza. Era bangi abalibasanyukirako olw’okuzaalibwa kwe.
15 For he will be great in the sight of the Lord; he will not drink any wine or strong drink, and he will be filled with the Holy Spirit from the very hour of his birth,
Kubanga aliba mukulu mu maaso ga Katonda. Talinywa mwenge wadde ekitamiiza kyonna. Era alijjuzibwa Mwoyo Mutukuvu ng’akyali mu lubuto lwa nnyina.
16 and will reconcile many of the Israelites to the Lord their God.
Era alireetera abaana ba Isirayiri bangi okudda eri Mukama Katonda waabwe.
17 He will go before him in the spirit and with the power of Elijah, to reconcile fathers to their children and the disobedient to the wisdom of the righteous, and so make ready for the Lord a people prepared for him.’
Aliweerereza mu mwoyo ne mu maanyi aga nnabbi Eriya, n’akyusa emitima gy’aba kitaabwe okudda eri abaana baabwe, n’okukyusa emitima gy’abajeemu okudda eri amagezi g’abatuukirivu alyoke ateeketeeke abantu okulindirira Mukama.”
18 ‘How can I be sure of this?’ Zechariah asked the angel. ‘For I am an old man and my wife is advanced in years.’
Zaakaliya n’agamba malayika nti, “Ekyo nnaakimanya ntya? Kubanga nze ndi mukadde, ne mukazi wange naye akaddiya nnyo.”
19 ‘I am Gabriel,’ the angel answered, ‘who stand in the presence of God, and I have been sent to speak to you and to bring you this good news.
Malayika n’amugamba nti, “Nze Gabulyeri ayimirira mu maaso ga Katonda, era y’antumye okwogera naawe n’okukuleetera amawulire gano.
20 And now you will be silent and unable to speak until the day when this takes place, because you did not believe what I said, though my words will be fulfilled in due course.’
Naye olw’okuba nga tokkirizza bigambo byange, ojja kuziba omumwa, era togenda kuddamu kwogera okutuusa ng’ebintu ebyo bimaze okubaawo. Kubanga ebigambo byange byonna birimala kutuukirira mu kiseera kyabyo.”
21 Meanwhile the people were watching for Zechariah, wondering at his remaining so long in the Temple.
Abantu abaali balindirira ebweru wa Yeekaalu okulaba Zaakaliya ne beewuunya nnyo ekyamulwisaayo ennyo bw’atyo.
22 When he came out, he was unable to speak to them, and they perceived that he had seen a vision there. But Zechariah kept making signs to them, and remained dumb.
Oluvannyuma ennyo bwe yavaayo, yali tasobola kwogera nabo, ne bategeera nga mu Yeekaalu afuniddeyo okwolesebwa. N’asigala ng’azibye omumwa naye ng’abategeeza mu bubonero.
23 And, as soon as his term of service was finished, he returned home.
N’abeera mu Yeekaalu okutuusa ennaku ze ez’oluwalo lwe zaggwaako n’alyoka addayo eka.
24 After this his wife, Elizabeth, became pregnant and lived in seclusion for five months.
Ennaku ezo bwe zaayitawo, mukazi we Erisabesi n’aba olubuto, ne yeekwekera ebbanga lya myezi etaano.
25 ‘The Lord has done this for me,’ she said, ‘he has shown me kindness and taken away the public disgrace of childlessness under which I have been living.’
N’agamba nti, “Mukama nga wa kisa kingi, kubanga anziggyeeko ensonyi olw’obutaba na mwana.”
26 Six months later the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a town in Galilee called Nazareth,
Awo mu mwezi ogw’omukaaga, Katonda n’atuma malayika Gabulyeri mu kibuga Nazaaleesi eky’omu Ggaliraaya
27 to a maiden there who was engaged to a man named Joseph, a descendant of David. Her name was Mary.
eri omuwala erinnya lye Maliyamu, nga tamanyi musajja, eyali ayogerezebwa omusajja erinnya lye Yusufu, ow’omu lulyo lwa Dawudi.
28 Gabriel came into her presence and greeted her, saying, ‘You have been shown great favour – the Lord is with you.’
Awo Gabulyeri n’alabikira Maliyamu n’amulamusa nti, “Mirembe! Ggwe aweereddwa omukisa! Mukama ali naawe!”
29 Mary was much disturbed at his words, and was wondering to herself what such a greeting could mean,
Maliyamu n’atya, n’abulwa n’ekyokwogera, ng’okulamusa okwo kumutabudde, nga n’amakulu gaakwo tagategeera.
30 when the angel spoke again, ‘Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favour with God.
Awo malayika n’amugamba nti, “Totya, Maliyamu, kubanga olabye ekisa mu maaso ga Katonda.
31 And now, you will conceive and give birth to a son, and you will give him the name Jesus.
Kubanga, laba, olibeera olubuto, olizaala omwana wabulenzi era olimutuuma erinnya, Yesu.
32 The child will be great and will be called “Son of the Most High,” and the Lord God will give him the throne of his ancestor David,
Agenda kuba mukulu, wa kitiibwa, era aliyitibwa Omwana w’Oyo Ali Waggulu Ennyo, era Mukama Katonda alimuwa entebe ey’obwakabaka eya jjajjaawe Dawudi.
33 and he will reign over the descendants of Jacob for ever; And to his kingdom there will be no end.’ (aiōn g165)
Alifuga ennyumba ya Yakobo emirembe gyonna, era n’obwakabaka bwe tebulikoma.” (aiōn g165)
34 ‘How can this be?’ Mary asked the angel. ‘For I have no husband.’
Awo Maliyamu n’abuuza malayika nti, “Ekyo kiriba kitya? Kubanga simanyi musajja.”
35 ‘The Holy Spirit will descend on you,’ answered the angel, ‘and the Power of the Most High will overshadow you; and therefore the child will be called “holy,” and “Son of God.”
Malayika n’amuddamu nti, “Mwoyo Mutukuvu alikukkako, n’amaanyi g’Oyo Ali Waggulu Ennyo galikubuutikira, n’omwana alizaalibwa aliba mutukuvu, Omwana wa Katonda.
36 And Elizabeth, your cousin, is herself also expecting a son in her old age; and it is now the sixth month with her, though she is called barren;
Laba, muganda wo Erisabesi eyayitibwanga omugumba, kati ali lubuto lwa myezi mukaaga mu bukadde bwe.
37 for no promise from God will fail to be fulfilled.’
Kubanga buli kigambo kiyinzika eri Katonda.”
38 ‘I am the servant of the Lord,’ exclaimed Mary. ‘Let it be with me as you have said.’ Then the angel left her.
Maliyamu n’addamu nti, “Nze ndi muweereza wa Mukama, kibe ku nze nga bw’ogambye.” Malayika n’ava w’ali, n’agenda.
39 Soon after this Mary set out, and made her way quickly into the hill-country, to a town in Judah;
Awo mu biro ebyo, Maliyamu n’ayanguwa okugenda mu nsi ya Buyudaaya ey’ensozi, mu kibuga kyayo.
40 and there she went into Zechariah’s house and greeted Elizabeth.
N’ayingira mu nnyumba ya Zaakaliya n’alamusa Erisabesi.
41 When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the child moved within her, and Elizabeth herself was filled with the Holy Spirit,
Naye Maliyamu bwe yalamusa Erisabesi, omwana eyali mu lubuto lwa Erisabesi n’abuukabuuka era n’ajjuzibwa Mwoyo Mutukuvu.
42 and cried aloud, ‘Blessed are you among women, and blessed is your unborn child!
Erisabesi n’alyoka ayogerera mu ddoboozi ery’omwanguka nti, “Oweereddwa omukisa, ggwe mu bakazi, era n’omwana ali mu lubuto lwo aweereddwa omukisa.
43 But how have I this honour, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?
Nga nfunye ekitiibwa kinene ggwe nnyina wa Mukama wange okujja okunkyalira!
44 For, as soon as your greeting reached my ears, the child moved within me with delight!
Kubanga bw’oyingidde n’onnamusa, omwana ali mu lubuto lwange oluwulidde ku ddoboozi lyo ne yeekyusakyusa olw’essanyu!
45 Happy indeed is she who believed that the promise which she received from the Lord would be fulfilled.’
Oweereddwa omukisa bw’okkirizza nti ebintu ebyo Mukama bya kwogeddeko birituukirizibwa.”
46 And Mary said: ‘My soul exalts the Lord,
Maliyamu n’agamba nti,
47 and my spirit delights in God my Saviour,
“Emmeeme yange etendereza Mukama. N’omwoyo gwange gusanyukidde Katonda omulokozi wange,
48 for he has looked with favour on his humble servant girl. From now on all generations will call me blessed!
Kubanga alabye obuwombeefu bw’omuweereza we. Kubanga laba, okuva kaakano, ab’emirembe gyonna banaampitanga eyaweebwa omukisa.
49 ‘For the Almighty has done great things for me, and holy is his name.
Kubanga Owaamaanyi ankoledde ebikulu; N’erinnya lye ttukuvu.
50 He has mercy on those who revere him in every generation.
N’okusaasira kwe kwa mirembe na mirembe eri abo abamutya.
51 ‘Mighty are the deeds of his arm! He has scattered the self-satisfied proud,
Akoze eby’amaanyi n’omukono gwe. Asaasaanyizza ab’emitima egy’amalala.
52 he has cast down the mighty from their thrones, and he uplifts the humble,
Awanudde abafuzi ku ntebe zaabwe ez’obwakabaka n’agulumiza abawombeefu.
53 he has filled the hungry with good things, and the rich he has sent away empty.
Abali mu kwetaaga abakkusizza ebirungi. Naye abagagga n’abagoba nga tabawaddeeyo kantu.
54 ‘He has stretched out his hand to his servant Israel, ever mindful of his mercy,
Adduukiridde omuweereza we Isirayiri, n’ajjukira okusaasira,
55 as he promised to our ancestors, to Abraham and his descendants for ever.’ (aiōn g165)
nga bwe yayogera ne bajjajjaffe, eri Ibulayimu n’ezzadde lye emirembe gyonna.” (aiōn g165)
56 Mary stayed with Elizabeth about three months, and then returned to her home.
Maliyamu n’amala ewa Erisabesi muganda we, ng’emyezi esatu, n’alyoka addayo ewuwe.
57 When Elizabeth’s time came, she gave birth to a son;
Awo ekiseera kya Erisabesi eky’okuzaala ne kituuka, n’azaala omwana wabulenzi.
58 and her neighbours and relatives, hearing of the great goodness of the Lord to her, came to share her joy.
Baliraanwa ba Erisabesi n’ab’ekika kye ne bawulira nga Mukama bw’amulaze ekisa, ne basanyukira wamu naye.
59 A week later they met to circumcise the child, and were about to call him Zechariah after his father,
Awo omwana bwe yaweza ennaku omunaana, ne bajja okumukomola, bonna nga balowooza nti ajja kutuumibwa erinnya lya kitaawe Zaakaliya.
60 when his mother spoke up, ‘No, he is to be called John.’
Naye Erisabesi n’abagamba nti, “Nedda, ajja kutuumibwa Yokaana.”
61 ‘You have no relation of that name!’ they exclaimed;
Ne bamuwakanya nga bagamba nti, “Mu kika kyo kyonna tetuwulirangayo yatuumibwa linnya eryo.”
62 and they made signs to the child’s father, to find out what he wished the child to be called.
Ne babuuza kitaawe w’omwana erinnya ly’ayagala atuumibwe.
63 Asking for a writing tablet, he wrote the words – “His name is John.” Everyone was surprised
N’abasaba eky’okuwandiikako, n’awandiikako nti, “Erinnya lye ye Yokaana!” Bonna ne beewuunya nnyo!
64 and immediately Zechariah recovered his voice and the use of his tongue, and began to bless God.
Amangwago akamwa ka Zaakaliya ne kagguka, n’olulimi lwe ne lusumulukuka, n’atandika okwogera n’okutendereza Katonda.
65 All their neighbours were awe-struck at this, and throughout the hill-country of Judea the whole story was much talked about.
Abantu bonna ab’omu kitundu ekyo ne batya nnyo, era ebigambo ebyo ne bibuna mu nsi yonna ey’e Buyudaaya ey’ensozi.
66 All who heard it kept it in mind, asking one another – ‘What can this child be destined to become?’ For the Power of the Lord was with him.
Buli eyawulira ebigambo ebyo n’abirowoozaako nnyo mu mutima gwe, ne yeebuuza nti, “Naye omwana ono bw’alikula aliba atya?” Kubanga awatali kubuusabuusa, omukono gwa Mukama gwali wamu naye.
67 Then his father Zechariah was filled with the Holy Spirit, and, speaking under inspiration, said:
Awo Zaakaliya kitaawe, n’ajjula Mwoyo Mutukuvu n’awa obunnabbi nti,
68 ‘Blessed is the Lord, the God of Israel, who has visited his people and wrought their deliverance,
“Atenderezebwe Mukama Katonda wa Isirayiri, kubanga akyalidde abantu be, era abanunudde.
69 and has raised up for us the strength of our salvation in the house of his servant David –
Yatuyimusiriza obuyinza obw’obulokozi, mu nnyumba y’omuddu we Dawudi.
70 as he promised by the lips of his holy prophets of old – (aiōn g165)
Nga bwe yasuubiriza mu bigambo bya bannabbi be abatukuvu ab’edda ennyo, (aiōn g165)
71 salvation from our enemies and from the hands of all who hate us,
Okulokolebwa mu balabe baffe, n’okuva mu mukono gw’abo bonna abatukyawa,
72 showing mercy to our ancestors, and mindful of his sacred covenant.
okulaga bajjajjaffe ekisa, n’ajjukira n’endagaano ye entukuvu,
73 This was the oath which he swore to our ancestor Abraham –
ekirayiro kye yalayirira jjajjaffe Ibulayimu,
74 that we should be rescued from the hands of our enemies,
okukituukiriza, n’okulokolebwa okuva mu mukono gw’abalabe baffe awatali kutya, tulyoke tuweereze mu maaso ge,
75 and should serve him without fear in holiness and righteousness, in his presence all our days.
mu butukuvu ne mu butuukirivu ennaku zonna ez’obulamu bwaffe.
76 And you, child, will be called prophet of the Most High, for you will go before the Lord to make ready his way,
“Naawe, mwana wange, oliyitibwa nnabbi w’Oyo Ali Waggulu Ennyo; kubanga gw’olikulembera Mukama okumuteekerateekera amakubo ge.
77 to give his people the knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness of their sins,
Okumanyisa abantu be obulokozi, obw’okusonyiyibwa ebibi byabwe.
78 through the tender mercy of our God, whereby the dawn will break on us from heaven,
Byonna birituukirira olw’ekisa kya Katonda waffe ekingi. Emmambya esala eritukyalira okuva mu ggulu,
79 to give light to those who live in darkness and the shadow of death, and guide our feet into the way of peace.’
okwakira abo abatudde mu kizikiza ne mu kisiikirize eky’okufa, okuluŋŋamya ebigere byaffe mu kkubo ery’emirembe.”
80 The child grew and became strong in spirit, and he lived in the wilds until the time came for his appearance before Israel.
Omwana n’akula n’ayongerwako amaanyi mu mwoyo, n’abeera mu malungu okutuusa ku lunaku lwe yayolesebwa eri Isirayiri.

< Luke 1 >