< James 1 >

1 James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, greets the twelve tribes that are living abroad.
In in Santiago, patanil re ri Dios xuqujeꞌ rech ri Ajawxel Jesucristo. Kintaq rutzil kiwach konojel ri e kabꞌlajuj puq winaq aꞌj Israel ri e tukininaq choch ri uwachulew.
2 My friends, whatever trials you may face from time to time, always regard them as a reason for rejoicing,
Wachalal, chixkiꞌkotoq are kiriq sibꞌalaj kꞌi uwach kꞌaxkꞌolal.
3 knowing, as you do, that the testing of your faith develops endurance.
Iwetaꞌm chik chi are kape kꞌaxkꞌolal chiꞌwij kubꞌan chiꞌwe chi kixjeqiꞌk pa ri ikojobꞌal.
4 And let endurance do its work perfectly, so that you may be altogether perfect, and in no respect lacking.
Xuqujeꞌ ri jeqelem kubꞌano chi utz kibꞌan che ri chak rech qas ix tzꞌaqat xuqujeꞌ maj kajawataj chiꞌwe.
5 If any one of you lacks wisdom, they should ask wisdom from the God who gives freely to everyone without reproach, and it will be given to them.
We kꞌo jun chiꞌwe ri man kꞌo ta retaꞌmabꞌal, chuta che ri Dios. Ri Areꞌ kuya na chiꞌwe. Man kixuyaj taj we kita che.
6 But they should ask with confidence, never doubting; for the person who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven here and there at the mercy of the wind –
Chitaꞌ rukꞌ kojobꞌal, man kakabꞌalaj ta ikꞌuꞌx are kito rumal cher ri winaq ri kakabꞌalaj ukꞌuꞌx kajunumataj rukꞌ ri jaꞌ ri kꞌo pa ri plo xaq kasalabꞌax wi rumal ri kyaqiqꞌ.
7 Such a person must not expect that they will receive anything from the Lord,
We kꞌo jun winaq jewaꞌ kubꞌano, marayeꞌj kukꞌamawaꞌj xa ta ne jun ujastaq che ri Dios.
8 vacillating as they are, irresolute at every turn.
Jeriꞌ rumal man qas ta jeqel ukꞌuꞌx riꞌ pa ri kubꞌano.
9 Let a follower in humble circumstances be proud of their exalted position,
Ri alaxik ri mebꞌa rajawaxik nim kunaꞌo rumal nim ubꞌanik.
10 but a rich follower of their humiliation; for the rich will pass away like a wild flower.
Xuqujeꞌ ri alaxik ri qꞌinom rajawaxik kumochꞌ ribꞌ rumal ri ubꞌanik. Ri qꞌinom winaq kajunumataj rukꞌ ri kotzꞌiꞌj ri kakꞌiy cho ri saq, xaq sachel uwach.
11 As the sun rises, and the hot wind blows, the plant withers, its flower fades, and all its beauty is gone. So is it with the rich. In the midst of their pursuits they will wither away.
Are kel loq ri qꞌij rukꞌ ri ukꞌatanal kuchaqiꞌjarisaj ri qꞌayes. Katzaq ri ukotzꞌiꞌjal, man jeꞌl ta chik kakaꞌyik. Jeriꞌ kakꞌulmataj na rukꞌ ri qꞌinom xuqujeꞌ ri uqꞌinomal.
12 Blessed is the person who remains firm under temptation, for, when they have stood the test, they will receive the crown of life, which the Lord has promised to those who love him.
Utz rech ri winaq ri man katzaq taj pa mak, rumal cher are kayaꞌtaj na che ri korona ri utzujum ri Dios chike ri kakiloqꞌaj ri ubꞌiꞌ.
13 Let no one say, when they are tempted, ‘It is God who is tempting me!’ For God, who cannot be tempted to do wrong, does not himself tempt anyone.
Mubꞌij jun are kataqchix pa mak chi are ri Dios xintaqchiꞌnik, rumal cher ri Dios man kataqchiꞌx taj pa mak xuqujeꞌ makutaqchiꞌj ta chi jun pa mak.
14 A man is in every case tempted by their own passions – allured and enticed by them.
Xane ri winaq kaqaj pa mak rumal kajurux bꞌik rumal ri itzel taq urayinik.
15 Then passion conceives and gives birth to sin, and sin, on reaching maturity, brings forth death.
Are kakꞌiy ri urayinik jun chubꞌanik mak, kalax ri makaj pa ranimaꞌ, ri makaj are kachapleꞌx ubꞌanik, kukꞌam loq kamikal.
16 Do not be deceived, my dear friends.
Loqꞌalaj taq wachalal, ¡misubꞌ iwibꞌ!
17 Every good thing given us, and every perfect gift, is from above, and comes down to us from the Father of the lights in the heavens, who is himself never subject to change or to eclipse.
Ronojel ri utz xuqujeꞌ tzꞌaqatalaj sipanik chikaj kape wi, rukꞌ ri Tataxel ri xtikowik ri qꞌij xuqujeꞌ ri ikꞌ xuqujeꞌ ronojel ri chꞌumil ri kaqilo xuqujeꞌ man kaqil taj. Ri Dios man kakꞌexetaj ta wi man kajunumataj ta rukꞌ ri muꞌj ri xa kakꞌexenik.
18 Because he so willed, he gave us life, through the message of the truth, so that we should be, as it were, a kind of first fruits of his creation.
Xa rumal ri urayinik ri Dios xubꞌan chaqe xujalaxik chik junmul rumal ri tzij rech qas tzij, rech je kujuxik ri tikoꞌn ri qas kꞌo kutayij.
19 Mark this, my dear friends – Let everyone be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry;
Loqꞌalaj taq wachalal, naꞌtaj we riꞌ chiꞌwe: Rajawaxik ix sakꞌaj chutayik ri kabꞌix chiꞌwe, xuqujeꞌ man aninaq taj kitzalij uwach xane qas chichomaj na jas ri kibꞌij, xuqujeꞌ man aninaq taj kayakataj iwoyawal.
20 for human anger does not forward the righteous purpose of God.
Rumal cher ri royawal ri winaq man kubꞌan taj chi kape ri urayibꞌal ukꞌuꞌx ri Dios.
21 Therefore, get rid of all filthiness and whatever wickedness still remains, and in a humble spirit receive that message which has been planted in your hearts and is able to save your souls.
Rumal kꞌu waꞌ chitzaqa kanoq ronojel makaj xuqujeꞌ etzelal ri sibꞌalaj nim kꞌo choch ri uwachulew, rech kixkwinik kikꞌamawaꞌj rukꞌ mochꞌochꞌem ri tzij ri xtik pa iwanimaꞌ, ri tzij riꞌ kakwinik kixukolo.
22 Put that message into practice, and do not merely listen to it – deceiving yourselves.
Makakubꞌiꞌ ta ikꞌuꞌx xwi kita ri utzij ri Dios, riꞌ xaq kisubꞌ iwibꞌ xane rajawaxik kibꞌano ri kubꞌij ri utzij ri Dios.
23 For, when anyone listens to it and does not practice it, they are like a person looking at their own face in a mirror.
Ri winaq ri xaq xwi xutatabꞌej ri utzij ri Dios man kuchakubꞌej taj, kajunumataj rukꞌ ri winaq ri karil ribꞌ pa jun kaꞌyebꞌal,
24 They look at themselves, then go on their way,
are kil taj ribꞌ chupam, kasachan che jas kabꞌantajik.
25 but the person who looks carefully into the perfect Law, the Law of freedom, and continues to do so, not listening to it and then forgetting it, but putting it into practice – that person will be blessed in what they do.
Ri kajeqiꞌk pa ri sukꞌ taqanik ri kuya kiritajem xuqujeꞌ kuchap ukꞌuꞌx kakꞌojiꞌ chupam, man kasachan taj che ri xutatabꞌej, kukꞌamawaꞌj na ri tewechibꞌal are kuchakubꞌej ri tzij.
26 When a person appears to be religious, yet does not bridle their tongue, but imposes on their own conscience, that person’s religious observances are valueless.
We kꞌo jun kubꞌij chi kojonel, man kuqꞌil ta kꞌut ribꞌ chubꞌixik etzelal, maj kutayij riꞌ ri kubꞌij.
27 That religious observance which is pure and spotless in the eyes of God our Father is this – to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself uncontaminated by the world.
Ri utz laj kojonem ri man chꞌuluj taj choch ri Dios ri Tataxel, are kichajixik ri e maj kitat kinan xuqujeꞌ ri e malkaꞌn taq ixoqibꞌ, xuqujeꞌ tasoj ibꞌ che ri etzelal rech ri uwachulew.

< James 1 >