< 2 Timothy 1 >

1 From Paul who, by the will of God, is an apostle of Christ Jesus, charged to proclaim the life that comes from union with Christ Jesus,
Anigoo Bawlos ah oo rasuulkii Ciise Masiix ku ah doonista Ilaah, sida uu leeyahay ballanka nolosha Ciise Masiix ku jirta,
2 to Timothy, my dear child: may God, the Father, and Christ Jesus, our Lord, bless you, and be merciful to you, and give you peace.
waxaan warqaddan u qorayaa Timoteyos oo ah wiilkayga aan jeclahay. Nimco iyo naxariis iyo nabadu ha kaaga yimaadeen Ilaaha Aabbaha ah iyo Rabbigeenna Ciise Masiix.
3 I am thankful to God, whom I serve, as my ancestors did, with a clear conscience, when I remember you, as I never fail to do, in my prayers – night and day alike,
Waxaan ku mahadnaqayaa Ilaaha aan qalbi daahir ah ugu adeego siday awowayaashay ugu adeegi jireen, anigoo habeen iyo maalinba joogsila'aan baryadayda kugu xusuusanaya.
4 as I think of your tears, longing to see you, that my happiness may be completed,
Markaan ilmadaadii xusuusto waxaan aad u doonayaa inaan ku arko, inaan aad u farxo.
5 now that I have been reminded of the sincere faith that you have shown. That faith was seen first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice, and is now, I am convinced, in you also.
Waxaan xusuustay rumaysadka aan labada weji lahayn oo kugu jira, oo markii horena ku jiri jiray ayeeyadaa Lowis iyo hooyadaa Yunikee, adigana waan kugu aaminsanahay inuu kugu jiro.
6 And that is my reason for reminding you to stir into flame that gift of God, which is yours through your ordination at my hands.
Taas daraaddeed waxaan ku xusuusinayaa inaad kicisid hadiyadda Ilaah ee kugu jirta oo kuugu timid gacmosaariddaydii.
7 For the Spirit which God gave us was not a spirit of cowardice, but a spirit of power, love, and self-control.
Waayo, Ilaah inama uu siin ruuxa cabsida, laakiinse wuxuu ina siiyey ruuxa xoogga iyo jacaylka iyo miyirka.
8 Do not, therefore, be ashamed of the testimony which we have to bear to our Lord, or of me imprisoned for his sake; but join with me in suffering for the good news, as far as God enables you.
Sidaas daraaddeed ha ka xishoon u markhaatifuridda Rabbigeenna ama aniga oo isaga maxbuus u ah, laakiinse dhibaatada injiilka kaga qayb qaado xoogga Ilaah.
9 It was God who saved us, and from him we received our solemn call – not as a reward for anything that we had done, but in fulfilment of his own loving purpose. For that love was extended to us, through Christ Jesus, before time began, (aiōnios g166)
Ilaah waa kan ina badbaadiyey oo yeedhid quduus ah inoogu yeedhay, mana aha xagga shuqulladeenna, laakiinse waa xagga qasdigiisa iyo nimcadiisa, oo uu waayadii hore hortood inagu siiyey Ciise Masiix, (aiōnios g166)
10 and has now been made apparent through the appearing of our Saviour, Christ Jesus; who has made an end of death, and has brought life and immortality to light by that good news,
laakiinse haatan lagu muujiyey muuqashada Badbaadiyeheenna Ciise Masiix, kaas oo dhimashada baabbi'iyey, oo nolosha iyo dhimashola'aanta iftiinka ugu soo saaray xagga injiilka,
11 of which I was myself appointed a herald, apostle, and teacher.
kaas oo laygu doortay inaan noqdo mid wax wacdiya iyo rasuul iyo macallinba.
12 That is why I am undergoing these sufferings; yet I feel no shame, for I know in whom I have put my faith, and am convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him until that day.
Sababtaas aawadeed ayaan waxyaalahan ugu xanuunsanayaa; laakiinse ka xishoon maayo, waayo, waan garanayaa kan aan rumaystay, oo waxaan aaminsanahay inuu awoodo inuu dhawro wixii aan ku ammaanaystay ilaa maalintaas.
13 Keep before you, as an example of sound teaching, all that you learnt from me as you listened with that faith and love which come from union with Christ Jesus.
Masaalkii erayada runta ahaa ee aad iga maqasheen ku xaji rumaysadka iyo jacaylka Ciise Masiix ku jira.
14 Guard by the help of the Holy Spirit, who is within us, the glorious trust that has been committed to you.
Ammaanadii wanaagsanayd ee laguu dhiibay ku dhawr Ruuxa Quduuska ah oo inagu dhex jira.
15 You know, of course, that all our friends in Roman Asia turned their backs on me, including Phygellus and Hermogenes.
Waad og tahay in kuwii Aasiya joogay oo dhammu ay iga leexdeen, waxaana ka mid ah Fugelos iyo Hermogenees.
16 May the Lord show mercy to the household of Onesiphorus; for he often cheered me and was not ashamed of my chains.
Rabbiga ha u naxariisto reerkii Oneesiforos; waayo, marar badan ayuu i nasiyey, kamana xishoon silsiladdayda.
17 On the contrary, when he arrived in Rome, he sought eagerly for me until he found me.
Laakiinse markuu Rooma joogay wuxuu ku dadaalay inuu i daydayo, wuuna i helay.
18 The Lord grant that he may find mercy at the hands of the Lord on that day. The many services that he rendered at Ephesus you have the best means of knowing.
Rabbigu maalintaas ha u naxariisto. Oo adigu aad baad u taqaan intuu waxyaalo ka adeegay Efesos.

< 2 Timothy 1 >