< 2 Peter 3 >

1 This, dear friends, is my second letter to you. In both of them I have tried, by appealing to your remembrance, to arouse your better feelings.
Osiepena mageno, maa koro en barupa mar ariyo ma andikonu. Asendikonugi giduto kargi ariyo mondo aparnu kendo achiew pachu obed moyawore.
2 I want you to recall what was foretold by the holy prophets, as well as the command of our Lord and Saviour given to you through your apostles.
Adwaro ni mondo upar weche mane jonabi maler okoro chon kod chik mane omiu koa kuom Ruodhwa kendo Jawarwa kokadho kuom joote magu.
3 First be assured of this, that, as the age draws to an end, scoffers, led by their own passions,
Mokwongo nyaka ungʼe ni e ndalo mogik jomoko machayo ji nobi ka gichayou kendo ka giluwo gombogi maricho.
4 will come and ask scoffingly – “Where is his promised coming? Ever since our ancestors passed to their rest, everything remains just as it was when the world was first created!”
Ka gipenjou niya “Ruodhu mane osingore ni onego bed ni duogono to ere? Donge nyaka ne kwerewa tho gik moko osebedo mana machalre nyaka aa chakruok chwech piny!”
5 For they wilfully shut their eyes to the fact that long ago the heavens existed; and the earth, also – formed out of water and by the action of water, by the fiat of God;
To jogi wigi wil mar oyiem ni chon gi lala wach Nyasaye nomiyo polo obedo kendo piny ne ochwe koa kuom pi kendo pi ema nochweyego.
6 and that by the same means the world which then existed was destroyed in a deluge of water.
Kendo pigno nolokore ataro ma Nyasaye nokethego piny machon.
7 But the present heavens and earth, by the same fiat, have been reserved for fire, and are being kept for the day of the judgment and destruction of the godless.
Kuom wach nogo ema omiyo polo gi piny masani okan ni mach. Okan-gi nyaka chop odiechiengʼno ma joma ochayo Nyasaye nongʼadnigi bura mi notiekgi chuth.
8 But you, dear friends, must never shut your eyes to the fact that, to the Lord, one day is the same as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.
To wiu kik wil gi gimoro achielni osiepena mageno: Ni kuom Ruoth odiechiengʼ achiel chalre gi higni alufu achiel, kendo higni alufu achiel chalre gi odiechiengʼ achiel.
9 The Lord is not slow to fulfil his promise, as some count slowness; but he is forbearing with you, as it is not his will that any of you should perish, but that all should be brought to repentance.
Ruoth ok odeko kuom chopo singruokne, kaka jomoko paro. Un ema oweyonu thuolo mondo ulokru, nikech ohore mos ka odwaro ni kik ngʼato lal kata achiel, to odwaro mondo ji duto olokre owe richogi.
10 The day of the Lord will come like a thief; and on that day the heavens will pass away with a crash, the elements will be burnt up and dissolved, and the earth and all that is in it will be disclosed.
To odiechieng Ruoth nobi apoya mana kaka jakuo. Polo noleny nono ka mor matek kendo gik mochwe manie kor polo nowangʼ mi keth chuth, to piny gi gik moko duto manie iye nolal nono.
11 Now, since all these things are in the process of dissolution, think what you yourselves ought to be – what holy and pious lives you ought to lead,
Ka gigi duto ibiro kethi kamano, koro to onego ubed jomachal nadi? Onego udag e ngima maler kendo moluoro Nyasaye,
12 while you wait for the coming of the day of God and strive to make it come soon. At its coming the heavens will be dissolved in fire, and the elements melted by heat,
ka urito odiechiengʼ mar Nyasaye, kendo ka utemo beru mondo ochop piyo. Odiechiengʼno polo nowangʼ mi nokethe, kendo chwech mag polo noleny kawangʼ.
13 but we look for new heavens and a new earth, where righteousness will have its home, in fulfilment of the promise of God.
Wan to warito gik ma Nyasaye osesingonwa, ma en polo manyien gi piny manyien, kama timbe makare ema noyudre.
14 Therefore, dear friends, in expectation of these things, make every effort to be found by him spotless, blameless, and at peace.
Emomiyo, osiepena mageno, ka pod urito odiechiengʼno to temuru matek kaka unyalo mondo ubed jomaler maonge ketho e nyim Nyasaye, kendo beduru gi kwe kode.
15 Regard our Lord’s forbearance as your one hope of salvation. This is what our dear friend Paul wrote to you, with the wisdom that God gave him.
Beduru kungʼeyo ni deko mar Ruodhwa oweyo mana thuolo mar yudo warruok, mana kaka Paulo owadwa mwageno bende osendikonu gi rieko mane Nyasaye omiye.
16 It is the same in all his letters, when he speaks in them about these subjects. There are some things in them difficult to understand, which untaught and weak people distort, just as they do all other writings, to their own ruin.
Barupenego duto ondiko machalre, kowuoyo kuom wechegi. Barupene otingʼo weche moko ma tiendgi tek ma joma kia kaachiel gi jo-hubagabaga gwenyo, mana kaka gigwenyo Ndiko mamoko bende, to timgino biro kelonegi chandruok.
17 You must, therefore, dear friends, now that you know this beforehand, be on your guard against being led away by the errors of reckless people, and so lapsing from your present steadfastness;
Emomiyo, osiepena mageno, kaka koro usengʼeyo wachni, ritreuru mondo kik ywau gi kethruok mag jomaricho mi ulwar ua kama ber muchungʼie.
18 and advance in the love and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. All glory be to him now and for ever. (aiōn g165)
To dhiuru nyime kudongo e ngʼwono kod ngʼeyo ma un-go kuom Ruodhwa kendo Jawarwa Yesu Kristo. En ema oyud duongʼ tinende kendo nyaka chiengʼ! Amin. (aiōn g165)

< 2 Peter 3 >

The World is Destroyed by Water
The World is Destroyed by Water