< 1 Peter 2 >
1 Now that you have done with all malice, all deceitfulness, insincerity, jealous feelings, and all backbiting,
Hessa gishshi iittateth wursi, baletho wursi, qoodhepe qommon hano, qaanateteth ayko qoommo zigiris intefe digite.
2 like newly born infants, crave pure spiritual milk, so that you may be enabled by it to grow until you attain salvation –
Ha7i yelettida guutha nayti maath amotizayssa mala inteka attanas izan dicci dicci baanas geeshi gidida ayana timirtte laamotite.
3 since “you have found by experience that the Lord is kind.”
Inte laamotanas bessizay Goday kiya gididayssa shaki erikokko.
4 Come to him, then, as to a living stone, rejected, indeed, by men, but in God’s eyes choice and precious;
Hessa gishshi gede deyo shuchu gidida Yesusako shiiqite. He shuchay asay leqqi aggidayssa shin Xoossa achchan qass doorettidayssane boncho waagay dizaddekko.
5 and, as living stones, form yourselves into a spiritual house, to be a consecrated priesthood, for the offering of spiritual sacrifices that will be acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.
Inte gede Goda Yesusako shiiqanayka deyo shucha mala Xiillo ayana duussaso gidana mala oothetista. Hessaththoka inte Yesus Kiristoosa baggara ufayssiza ayana yarsho Xoossas shiishanas geesha qeeseta gidandista.
6 For there is a passage of scripture that runs – “See, I am placing in Zion a choice and precious cornerstone; and those who believe in him will have no cause for shame.”
Geesha maxaafan “Heko dooretida boncho gidida keethas kuriqunthan uttiza shuchu tani Xiyonen woththana. Izan ammanizadey yeelatena” giza qaalay xaafeti uttides.
7 It is to you, then, who believe in him that he is precious, but to those who do not believe he is “a stone which, though rejected by the builders, has now itself become the corner-stone,”
Hessa gishshi intes ammanizaytas he shuchay boncho shuchukko shin hinko izan ammanontaytas qass “Shuchan keexxiza keeththa hiillati leqqi wora yegidayss izi keeththa kurqunthas hu7e gidides”
8 and “a stumbling-block, and a rock which will prove a hindrance.” They stumble because they do not accept the message. This was the fate destined for them.
Qasseka “Heko ase dhupiza shuchay hayssich! asa dhuphi kundisiza zaala shuchay hayssakko” gess. Istti qaala ammanontta ixxida gishshi dhuphetettes. kaseka istti hessas dizaytakko.
9 But you are “a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a consecrated nation, God’s own people,” entrusted with the proclamation of the goodness of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.
Inte qass dhumape gede daro malalsiza iza po7oko xeeygida Xoossa malalsiza oothoza awajanas dooretida yeleteth, Kawo qeeseta Xoossi intena bees histida inte dumma derekko.
10 Once you were “not a people,” but now you are “God’s people”; once you “had not found mercy,” but now you “have found mercy.”
Inte kase Xoossa dere gidekista shin ha7i gidikko inte Xoossa derekko. Inte kase intes Xooss qadhetontta derekko shin ha7i gidikko qadhetides.
11 Dear friends, I beg you, as pilgrims and strangers on earth, to refrain from indulging the cravings of your earthly nature, for they make war on the soul.
Ta siiqoto! inte hayssa alameza bolla imathene bete asi gidida gishshi shempora olettiza asho amotethatape haakana mala ta intena hadara gayss.
12 Let your daily life among the Gentiles be so upright, that, whenever they malign you as evildoers, they may learn, as they watch, from the uprightness of your conduct, to praise God “at the time when he will visit them.”
Oone erizay “Intena istti iittaa oothetes” giidi asay intena zigirikoka Xoossi nuna beyanas yiza gallas hanko dere asay inte oothoy lo7o gididayssa beyidi Xoossu galatana mala inte isttara diza wode inte amaley lo7o gido.
13 Submit to all human institutions for the Lord’s sake, alike to the emperor as the supreme authority,
Inte Goda Yesusa gishshi giidi dere ayssizaytas azazetite. Kawoy qass wursofe bollara diza gishshi Kawosika azazetite.
14 and to governors as sent by him to punish evildoers and to commend those who do right.
Dere ayssizaytas azazetite. Istti iitta oothizayta qaxxayanassine lo7o oothizadayta galatanas Kawope kiitettizaytakko.
15 For God’s will is this – that you should silence the ignorance of foolish people by doing what is right.
Inte lo7o oothon hanko eray bayinda eyatethan hasa7izayta co7u histana mala hessika Xoossa shenekko.
16 Act as free people, yet not using your freedom as those do who make it a cloak for wickedness, but as Servants of God.
Inte Xoossas oothiza asata mala gididi hirgay bayinda deyte attin inte inte shene mala diza duussa iittatetha kammiza miishe histopite.
17 Show honour to everyone, love the Lord’s followers, “revere God, honour the emperor.”
Ase wursika bonchite. Ammanizayta siiqite. Xoossas babbite. Kawo bonchite.
18 Those of you who are domestic servants should always be submissive and respectful to their masters, not only to those who are good and considerate, but also to those who are arbitrary.
Inteno Asas oothi aqqizayto! intena oothisiza godatas bonchon azazetite. Inte azazistanay lo7otasine ashikistas xalala gidontta hanko iittatassarakko.
19 For this wins God’s approval when, because conscious of God’s presence, a person who is suffering unjustly bears their troubles patiently.
Asi galatettizay coo mela qohetishe hessika Xoossa gishshi giidi danda7ikokko.
20 What credit can you claim when, after doing wrong, you take your punishment for it patiently? But, on the other hand, if, after doing right, you take your sufferings patiently, that does win the approval of God.
Inte iitta oothida gishshi qaxayettishe danda7iko intes aaza galatay deyanee? Inte lo7o oothidi waaye ekkishe danda7iko inte Xoossafe galata ekkandista.
21 For it was to this that you were called! For Christ, too, suffered – on your behalf – and left you an example, that you should follow in his steps.
Inte xeeygettidayka hessaskko. Inte iza lemuso kaallana mala Kiristoosay inte gishshi waaye ekkidi intes lemuso gidides.
22 He “never sinned, nor was anything deceitful ever heard from his lips.”
Izi aykko nagarakka oothibeyna. Iza duunan geney beettibeyna.
23 He was abused, but he did not answer with abuse; he suffered, but he did not threaten; he entrusted himself to him whose judgments are just.
Asay iza cayshin izi zaari cayibeyna. Waayetishe bena tumu piridiza Godas hadara aathi immides attin halo kessana manddibeyna.
24 And he “himself carried our sins” in his own body to the cross, so that we might die to our sins, and live for righteousness. “His bruising was your healing.”
Nuni nagarape shaakettidi xiillotethan daana mala izi berka ba ashon nu nagara masiqqale bolla tookides. Inte iza madunthan paxidista.
25 Once you were straying like sheep, but now you have returned to the shepherd and guardian of your souls.
Inte dhayida dorisata mala coo mela tuuyru gidistako shin ha7i qass inte shempo heemmizayssakone naagizayssako simmidista.