< Psalms 130 >
1 Out of the depths I have cried to you, Adonai.
Svētku dziesma. No dziļumiem es Tevi piesaucu, Kungs.
2 Lord, sh'ma ·hear obey· my voice. Let your ears be attentive to the voice of my petitions.
Ak Kungs, klausi manu balsi, lai Tavas ausis uzmana uz manas sirds lūgšanas balsi.
3 If you, Yah, kept a record of depravities (moral evils), Lord, who could stand?
Ja Tu, Kungs, gribi noziegumus pielīdzināt, - ak Kungs, kas pastāvēs?
4 But there is forgiveness with you, therefore you are feared.
Bet pie Tevis ir piedošana, lai Tevi bīstas.
5 I wait for Adonai. My soul waits. I hope in his word.
Es gaidu uz To Kungu, mana dvēsele gaida, un es ceru uz Viņa vārdu.
6 My soul longs for 'Adonay [Lord] more than watchmen long for the morning; more than watchmen for the morning.
Mana dvēsele gaida uz To Kungu vairāk nekā uz rīta gaismu sargi, kas rītu gaida.
7 Israel [God prevails], hope in Adonai, for with Adonai there is chesed ·loving-kindness·. With him is abundant redemption.
Israēls lai cerē uz To Kungu, jo pie Tā Kunga ir žēlastība un daudz pestīšanas pie Viņa.
8 He will redeem Israel [God prevails] from all their depravities (moral evils).
Un Viņš atpestīs Israēli no visiem viņa noziegumiem.