< Romans 5 >
1 Therefore being accepted as righteous through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ;
Kwa kujha tubhalangibhu haki kwa njela jha imani, tujhe ni amani ni K'yara kwa njela jha Bwana bhitu Yesu Kristu.
2 through whom also we have had admission into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in the hope of the glory which God will confer.
Kup'etela muene tete kabhele tujhe ni fursa kwa njela jha imani mu neema ejhe ambajho mugati mwake twijhema. Tuhobhuiki mu bhujasiri bhwaatupelili K'yara kwa ndabha jha baadajhe, bhujasiri ambabho bhwa K'yara.
3 And not only so, but we rejoice in afflictions also, knowing that affliction produceth endurance,
Sio e'le liene, lakini kabhele tuhobhwiki mu malombosi ghitu. Tumanyili kujha malombosi ghihogolo bhuvumilivu.
4 and endurance proof [[of faith]], and proof [[of faith giveth]] hope;
Bhusindamalilu bhwihogola kujha dekelibhwa, ni kujhedekilibhwa bhwihogola bhujasiri kwa ndabha jha baadajhe.
5 and hope will not disappoint us; because the love of God hath been shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit which hath been given to us.
Bhujasiri obho bhwikatisya lepi tamaa kwandabha luganu lwa K'yara bhujhitisibhu mu mioyo ghya jhotu kup'etela Roho Mtakatifu, ambajhe ahomesibhu kwa tete.
6 For while we were yet without strength, in due season Christ died for the ungodly.
Kwa bho tujhele tungali tu dhaifu, kwa bhwakati muafaka Kristu afuili kwa ndabha jha bhwokovu.
7 Now hardly for a righteous man will one die; perhaps, however, for a benefactor one might even dare to die.
Kwa kujha jhibetakujha jhinonono kwa mmonga kufwa kwa ndabha jha munu jha ajhe ni haki. Ejhe ndo kwamba, labda munu ngaalondeghe kufwa kwa ndabha jha munu n'nofu.
8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
Lakini K'yara ahakikisi luganu lwa muene kwa tete, kwa ndabha bho twakona tujhe ni dhambi, Kristu afuili kwa ndabha jha tete.
9 Much more then, being now accepted as righteous through his blood, we shall be saved through him from the [[coming]] wrath.
Kabhele zaidi jha henu kwa kujha tubhalangibhu haki kwa damu jha muene, twiokolibhwa kwa henu kuhoma mu gadhabu jha K'yara.
10 For if while enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of his Son, much more having been reconciled shall we be saved by his life;
Kwa kujha, bho tujhele maadui, twapatanisibhu ni K'yara kwa njela jha kifo kya mwanabhe zaidi nesu, baada jha kujha tumalikupatanisibhwa, tubetakuokolibhwa kwa maisha gha muene.
11 and not this only, but also having joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received the reconciliation.
Sio efe tu, bali kabhele tuhobhwiki kwa K'yara kup'etela Bwana Yesu Kristu, kup'etela ambajhe henu tujhambelili bhupatanisu obho.
12 So then as through one man sin entered into the world, and through sin death, and thus [[death]] came through unto all men, because all sinned—
Henu basi, kama kup'etela munu mmonga dhambi jhajhingili paduniani, kwa njela ejhe kifo kyajhingili kwa njela jha dhambi. Ni kifo kyasambele kwa bhanu bhoha, kwandabha bhoha bhabhombi dhambi.
13 (for all the time before the Law sin was in the world; but sin is not set to one's account when there is no law.
Kwa kujha hadi sheria, dhambi jhajhele paduniani, lakini dhambi jhibhalangika lepi bhwakati jhijhelepi sheria.
14 Yet death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over those who had not sinned in the manner in which Adam transgressed; who is a type of him who was to come.—
Hata naha, kifo kyatabhwele kuhoma Adamu hadi Musa, hata panani pa bhala ambabho bhabhombi lepi dhambi kama kubela kutii kwa Adamu, ambaye ndo mfano ghwa muene ambajhe ngaahidili.
15 But the free gift was not as the transgression. For if through the offence of the one the many died, much more hath the grace of God, and the gift which is by the grace of the one man Jesus Christ, abounded to the many.
Lakini hata naha, zawadi jha bure sio kama likosa. Kwa kujha likajhelayi likosa lya mmonga bhamehele bhafwili, zaidi nesu neema jha K'yara ni zawadi jha neema jha munu mmonga, Yesu Kristu, jhijhongesiki kwa bhamehele.
16 And the free gift is not like what happened through one man who sinned. For sentence of condemnation followed one offence; but the free gift is a justification after many offences.
Kwa kujha zawadi sio kama matokeo gha jhola ambajhe abhombi dhambi. Kwa kujha kwa lubhafu l'ongi, hukumu jha adhabu jhahidili kwa ndabha jha likosa lya munu mmonga, lakini kwa lubhafu l'ongi, kipawa kyaitolo kyakihomela mu kubhalangibhwa haki kyahidili baada jha makosa ghamehele.
17 For if by one trespass death reigned through the one man, much more will they who receive the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man Jesus Christ.)—
Kwa ndabha, likajhelayi kwa likosa lya mmonga, kifo kyatawele kup'et'ela mmonga zaidi nesu bhala ambabho bhibetakupokela neema simehele pamonga ni kipawa kya haki bhibetakutawala kup'etela maisha gha mmonga, Yesu Kristu.
18 As then through one trespass all men have come under condemnation, so through one act of righteousness all obtain the gift of righteousness unto life.
Henu, kama kup'et'ela likosa limonga bhanu bhoha bhahidili mu hukumu, ingabhwa kup'et'ela litendo limonga lya haki kwahidili kubhalangibhwa haki jha maisha kwa bhanu bhoha.
19 For as through the disobedience of the one man the many were made sinners, so through the obedience of the one man will the many be made righteous.
Kwa kujha kama kup'etela kubela kutii, kwa munu mmonga bhamehele bhibetakujha bhajhe ni haki.
20 Moreover the law came in in addition, that the trespass might abound; but where sin abounded, grace abounded much more;
Lakini sheria jhajhingili pamonga, ili kujha likosa libhwesiajhi kujhenela. Lakini mahali ambapo dhambi jhajhongesiki kujha jhimehele, neema jhajhongesiki hata nesu.
21 that as sin reigned in death, so grace might reign through righteousness to everlasting life, through Jesus Christ our Lord. (aiōnios )
Ejhe jahomili ili kwamba, kama dhambi kyajhatabhwele mu kifo, ndo hata neema jhibhwesya kutabhwala kup”etela haki kwa ndabha jha maisha gha milele kup'et'ela Yesu Kristu Bwana bhitu. (aiōnios )