< Psalms 68 >

1 “For the leader of the music. A psalm of David.” Let God arise, and his enemies are scattered, And they who hate him flee before him!
Naj vstane Bog, naj bodo njegovi sovražniki razkropljeni. Naj tudi tisti, ki ga sovražijo, bežijo pred njim.
2 As smoke is dispersed, so thou dispersest them; As wax melteth before the fire, So perish the wicked before the face of God.
Kakor je pregnan dim, tako jih preženi. Kakor se vosek stopi pred ognjem, tako naj bodo zlobni pogubljeni pred prisotnostjo Boga.
3 But the righteous are glad and rejoice in his presence, Yea, they exult exceedingly.
Toda pravični naj bodo veseli, naj se veselijo pred Bogom. Da, naj se silno veselijo.
4 Sing unto God; sing praises to his name! Prepare a way for him who rideth through the desert! Jehovah is his name; be joyful in his presence!
Prepevajte Bogu, prepevajte hvalnice njegovemu imenu. Povzdigujte njega, ki jaha po nebesih s svojim imenom Jah in se veselite pred njim.
5 The father of the fatherless, and the protector of the widow, Is God in his holy habitation.
Oče osirotelim in sodnik vdovam je Bog v svojem svetem prebivališču.
6 God causeth the forsaken to dwell in houses; He leadeth forth to prosperity them that are bound; But the rebellious shall dwell in a barren land.
Bog osamljene postavlja v družine, osvobaja tiste, ki so zvezani z verigami, toda uporni prebivajo v suhi deželi.
7 O God! when thou didst go before thy people, When thou didst march through the wilderness. (Pause)
Oh Bog, ko si šel naprej pred svojim ljudstvom, ko si korakal skozi divjino, (Sela)
8 The earth quaked, and the heavens dropped at the presence of God; This Sinai trembled at the presence of God, the God of Israel.
se je zemlja tresla, tudi nebo je kapljalo ob prisotnosti Boga. Celó sam Sinaj je bil premaknjen ob prisotnosti Boga, Izraelovega Boga.
9 Thou, O God! didst send a plentiful rain; Thou didst strengthen thy wearied inheritance.
Ti, oh Bog, si poslal obilen dež, s čimer si potrdil svojo dediščino, ko je bila izmučena.
10 Thy people established themselves in the land; Thou, O God! in thy goodness, didst prepare it for the needy!
Tvoja skupnost je prebivala tam. Ti, oh Bog, si od svoje dobrote pripravil za uboge.
11 The Lord gave the song of victory Of the maidens publishing glad tidings to the mighty host.
Gospod je dal besedo. Velika je bila skupina teh, ki so jo razglašali.
12 “The kings with their armies have fled, —have fled! And the matron at home divideth the spoil.
Kralji vojská so naglo zbežali; tista pa, ki je ostala doma, je razdelila plen.
13 Truly ye may repose yourselves in the stalls, Like the wings of a dove covered with silver, And her feathers with shining gold.”
Čeprav si ležala med lonci, boš vendar kakor peruti golobice, [ki sta] pokriti s srebrom in njena peresa z rumenim zlatom.
14 When the Most High destroyed the kings in the land, It was white [[with their bones]] like Salmon.
Ko je Vsemogočni v njej razkropil kralje, je bilo belo kakor sneg na Calmónu.
15 Ye lofty hills, ye hills of Bashan, Ye many-topped hills, ye hills of Bashan,
Božja gora je kakor bašánska gora, visoka gora kakor bašánska gora.
16 Why frown ye, ye many-topped hills, At the hill in which God is pleased to dwell, In which Jehovah will dwell for ever?
Zakaj poskakujete, ve visoke gore? To je gora, na kateri želi prebivati Bog; da, Gospod bo na njej prebival na veke.
17 The chariots of God are myriads, yea, thousands of thousands; The Lord is in the midst of them, as upon Sinai, in the sanctuary.
Božjih bojnih vozov je dvajset tisoč, celó tisoči angelov. Gospod je med njimi kakor na Sinaju, na svetem kraju.
18 Thou hast ascended on high, Thou hast led captive the vanquished, Thou hast received gifts among men, Even the rebellious, that here thou mightst dwell, O LORD God!
Ti si se dvignil na visoko, vodil si ujeto ujetništvo. Prejel si darila za ljudi, da, tudi za uporne, da bi med njimi lahko prebival Gospod Bog.
19 Praised be the Lord daily! When we are heavy-laden, the Mighty One is our help.
Blagoslovljen bodi Gospod, ki nas dnevno zalaga s koristmi, celó Bog rešitve naše duše. (Sela)
20 Our God is a God of salvation; From the Lord Jehovah cometh deliverance from death.
Kdor je naš Bog, je Bog rešitve duše in Bogu, Gospodu, pripadajo izhodi pred smrtjo.
21 But God smiteth the head of his enemies, Even the hairy crowns of those who go on in their iniquity.
Toda Bog bo ranil glavo svojih sovražnikov in lasato tême tistega, ki nenehno hodi v svojih prekrških.
22 “I will bring them back,” saith the Lord, “from Bashan; I will bring them back from the deep sea;
Gospod je rekel: »Ponovno bom privedel iz Bašána, ponovno bom svoje ljudstvo privedel iz morskih globin,
23 That thy foot may be dipped in their blood, That thy dogs may drink the blood of thine enemies.”
da bo tvoje stopalo lahko pomočeno v krvi tvojih sovražnikov in jezik tvojih psov v istem.«
24 We have seen thy procession, O God! The procession of my God, my king, to his sanctuary!
Videli so tvoje sprevode, oh Bog, celó sprevode mojega Boga, mojega Kralja, v svetišču.
25 The singers go before, the minstrels follow, Amidst damsels playing on timbrels.
Pevci so šli spredaj, igralci na glasbila so sledili zadaj, med njimi so bile gospodične, ki so igrale s tamburini.
26 Praise ye God in your assemblies; Praise the Lord, all ye from the fountain of Israel!
Blagoslavljajte Boga v skupnostih, celó Gospoda, iz Izraelovega studenca.
27 Here is Benjamin, the youngest, and his leaders; The chiefs of Judah, and their band; The chiefs of Zebulon, and the chiefs of Naphtali.
Tam je majhen Benjamin z njihovim vladarjem, Judovi princi in njihov zbor, Zábulonovi princi in Neftálijevi princi.
28 Thy God has ordained thy strength, [[O Israel!]] Show forth thy might, O God! thou who hast wrought for us!
Tvoj Bog je zapovedal tvojo moč. Ojačaj, oh Bog, to, kar si izvršil za nas.
29 Because of thy temple in Jerusalem Shall kings bring presents to thee.
Zaradi tvojega templja pri Jeruzalemu ti bodo kralji prinašali darila.
30 Rebuke the wild beast of the reeds, The multitude of bulls with the calves of the nations, So that they shall cast themselves down with masses of silver; Scatter thou the nations that delight in war!
Oštej skupino suličarjev, množico bikov s teleti ljudstva, dokler vsakdo sebe ne podredi s koščki srebra. Razkropi ljudstvo, ki se razveseljuje v vojni.
31 Princes shall come out of Egypt; Ethiopia shall haste with outstretched hands to God.
Princi bodo prišli iz Egipta, Etiopija bo svoje roke kmalu iztegnila k Bogu.
32 Ye kingdoms of the earth, sing unto God; Sing praises to Jehovah;
Prepevajte Bogu, ve, zemeljska kraljestva, oh prepevajte hvalnice Gospodu, (Sela)
33 To him who rideth upon the ancient heaven of heavens! Behold, he uttereth his voice, his mighty voice!
Njemu, ki jaha po nebes nebesih, ki so bila od davnine; glej, poslal je svoj glas in to mogočen glas.
34 Give glory to God, Whose majesty is in Israel, and whose might is in the clouds!
Moč pripišite Bogu. Njegova odličnost je nad Izraelom in njegova moč je v oblakih.
35 Terrible art thou, O God! from thy sanctuary! The God of Israel giveth strength and power to his people. Praised be God!
Oh Bog, ti si strašen iz svojih svetih prostorov. Izraelov Bog je ta, ki daje svojemu ljudstvu moč in oblast. Blagoslovljen bodi Bog.

< Psalms 68 >