< Psalms 64 >

1 “For the leader of the music. A psalm of David.” Hear my voice, O God! when I pray! Preserve my life from the terrors of the enemy!
Psalmus David, in finem. Exaudi Deus orationem meam cum deprecor: a timore inimici eripe animam meam.
2 Hide me from the assembly of the wicked, From the brawling crowd of evil-doers!
Protexisti me a conventu malignantium: a multitudine operantium iniquitatem.
3 For like a sword they sharpen their tongues, Like arrows they aim their poisoned words,
Quia exacuerunt ut gladium linguas suas: intenderunt arcum rem amaram,
4 To shoot in secret at the upright; Suddenly do they shoot at him without fear.
ut sagittent in occultis immaculatum.
5 They prepare themselves for an evil deed; They commune of laying secret snares: “Who,” say they, “will see them?”
Subito sagittabunt eum, et non timebunt: firmaverunt sibi sermonem nequam. Narraverunt ut absconderent laqueos: dixerunt: Quis videbit eos?
6 They meditate crimes: “We have finished,” say they, “our plans!” The heart and bosom of every one of them are deep.
Scrutati sunt iniquitates: defecerunt scrutantes scrutinio. Accedet homo ad cor altum:
7 But God will shoot an arrow at them; Suddenly shall they be wounded.
et exaltabitur Deus. Sagittae parvulorum factae sunt plagae eorum:
8 Thus their own tongues shall bring them down; All who see them will flee away.
et infirmatae sunt contra eos linguae eorum. Conturbati sunt omnes qui videbant eos:
9 Then will all men stand in awe, And declare what God hath done, And attentively consider his work.
et timuit omnis homo. Et annunciaverunt opera Dei: et facta eius intellexerunt.
10 The righteous shall rejoice, and trust in the LORD; All the upright in heart shall glory.
Laetabitur iustus in Domino, et sperabit in eo, et laudabuntur omnes recti corde.

< Psalms 64 >