< Psalms 16 >

1 “A psalm off David.” Preserve me, O God! for to thee do I look for help.
Utenzi wa Daudi. Ee Mungu, uniweke salama, kwa maana kwako nimekimbilia.
2 I have said to Jehovah, Thou art my Lord; I have no happiness beyond thee!
Nilimwambia Bwana, “Wewe ndiwe Bwana wangu; pasipo wewe sina jambo jema.”
3 The holy that are in the land, and the excellent, —in them is all my delight.
Kwa habari ya watakatifu walioko duniani, ndio walio wa fahari ambao ninapendezwa nao.
4 They who hasten after other gods shall have multiplied sorrows; Their drink-offerings of blood I will not offer, Nor will I take their names upon my lips.
Huzuni itaongezeka kwa wale wanaokimbilia miungu mingine. Sitazimimina sadaka zao za damu au kutaja majina yao midomoni mwangu.
5 Jehovah is my portion and my cup; Thou wilt maintain my lot!
Bwana umeniwekea fungu langu na kikombe changu; umeyafanya mambo yangu yote yawe salama.
6 My portion hath fallen to me in pleasant places; Yea, I have a goodly inheritance.
Alama za mipaka zimeniangukia mahali pazuri, hakika nimepata urithi mzuri.
7 I will bless the LORD, who careth for me; Yea, in the night my heart admonisheth me.
Nitamsifu Bwana ambaye hunishauri, hata wakati wa usiku moyo wangu hunifundisha.
8 I set the LORD before me at all times; Since he is at my right hand, I shall not fall.
Nimemweka Bwana mbele yangu daima. Kwa sababu yuko mkono wangu wa kuume, sitatikisika.
9 Therefore my heart is glad, and my spirit rejoiceth; Yea, my flesh dwelleth in security.
Kwa hiyo moyo wangu unafurahia, na ulimi wangu unashangilia; mwili wangu nao utapumzika salama,
10 For thou wilt not give me up to the underworld; Nor wilt thou suffer thy holy one to see the pit. (Sheol h7585)
kwa maana hutaniacha kaburini, wala hutamwacha Mtakatifu Wako kuona uharibifu. (Sheol h7585)
11 Thou wilt show me the path of life; In thy presence is fulness of joy; At thy right hand are pleasures for evermore.
Umenijulisha njia ya uzima; utanijaza na furaha mbele zako, pamoja na furaha za milele katika mkono wako wa kuume.

< Psalms 16 >