< Psalms 150 >
1 Praise ye the LORD! Praise God in his sanctuary! Praise him in his glorious firmament!
Haleluya! Pujilah Allah dalam tempat kudus-Nya! Pujilah Dia dalam cakrawala-Nya yang kuat!
2 Praise him for his mighty deeds! Praise him according to his excellent greatness!
Pujilah Dia karena segala keperkasaan-Nya, pujilah Dia sesuai dengan kebesaran-Nya yang hebat!
3 Praise him with the sound of trumpets! Praise him with the psaltery and harp!
Pujilah Dia dengan tiupan sangkakala, pujilah Dia dengan gambus dan kecapi!
4 Praise him with the timbrel and dance! Praise him with stringed instruments and pipes!
Pujilah Dia dengan rebana dan tari-tarian, pujilah Dia dengan permainan kecapi dan seruling!
5 Praise him with the clear-sounding cymbals! Praise him with the high-sounding cymbals!
Pujilah Dia dengan ceracap yang berdenting, pujilah Dia dengan ceracap yang berdentang!
6 Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD! Praise ye the LORD!
Biarlah segala yang bernafas memuji TUHAN! Haleluya!