< Psalms 135 >
1 Praise ye the LORD! Praise ye the name of the LORD! Praise him, O ye servants of the LORD!
Haleluya! Pujilah nama TUHAN, pujilah, hai hamba-hamba TUHAN,
2 Ye who stand in the house of the LORD, In the courts of the house of our God!
hai orang-orang yang datang melayani di rumah TUHAN, di pelataran rumah Allah kita!
3 Praise ye the LORD, for the LORD is good; Praise his name, for he is kind!
Pujilah TUHAN, sebab TUHAN itu baik, bermazmurlah bagi nama-Nya, sebab nama itu indah!
4 For the LORD chose Jacob for himself, And Israel for his own possession.
Sebab TUHAN telah memilih Yakub bagi-Nya, Israel menjadi milik kesayangan-Nya.
5 I know that the LORD is great; That our Lord is above all gods.
Sesungguhnya aku tahu, bahwa TUHAN itu maha besar dan Tuhan kita itu melebihi segala allah.
6 All that the LORD pleaseth, that he doeth, In heaven and upon earth, In the sea, and in all deeps.
TUHAN melakukan apa yang dikehendaki-Nya, di langit dan di bumi, di laut dan di segenap samudera raya;
7 He causeth the clouds to ascend from the ends of the earth; He maketh lightnings for the rain; He bringeth the wind from his store-houses.
Ia menaikkan kabut dari ujung bumi, Ia membuat kilat mengikuti hujan, Ia mengeluarkan angin dari dalam perbendaharaan-Nya.
8 He smote the first-born of Egypt, Both of man and beast.
Dialah yang memukul mati anak-anak sulung Mesir, baik manusia maupun hewan,
9 He sent signs and wonders into the midst of thee, O Egypt! Against Pharaoh and all his servants!
dan mendatangkan tanda-tanda dan mujizat-mujizat ke tengah-tengahmu, hai Mesir, menentang Firaun dan menentang semua pegawainya.
10 He smote many nations, And slew mighty kings;
Dialah yang memukul kalah banyak bangsa, dan membunuh raja-raja yang kuat:
11 Sihon, the king of the Amorites, And Og, the king of Bashan, And all the kings of Canaan;
Sihon, raja orang Amori, dan Og, raja negeri Basan, dan segala kerajaan Kanaan,
12 And gave their land for an inheritance, For an inheritance to Israel, his people.
dan memberikan tanah mereka sebagai milik pusaka, milik pusaka kepada Israel, umat-Nya.
13 Thy name, O LORD! endureth for ever; Thy memorial, O LORD! to all generations!
Ya TUHAN, nama-Mu adalah untuk selama-lamanya; ya TUHAN, Engkau diingat turun-temurun.
14 For the LORD judgeth his people, And hath compassion on his servants.
Sebab TUHAN akan memberi keadilan kepada umat-Nya, dan akan sayang kepada hamba-hamba-Nya.
15 The idols of the nations are silver and gold, The work of men's hands.
Berhala bangsa-bangsa adalah perak dan emas, buatan tangan manusia,
16 They have mouths, but they speak not; Eyes have they, but they see not.
mempunyai mulut, tetapi tidak dapat berkata-kata, mempunyai mata, tetapi tidak dapat melihat,
17 They have ears, but they hear not; And there is no breath in their mouths.
mempunyai telinga, tetapi tidak dapat mendengar, juga nafas tidak ada dalam mulut mereka.
18 They that make them are like them; So is every one that trusteth in them.
Seperti itulah jadinya orang-orang yang membuatnya, semua orang yang percaya kepadanya.
19 Praise the LORD, O house of Israel! Praise the LORD, O house of Aaron!
Hai kaum Israel, pujilah TUHAN! Hai kaum Harun, pujilah TUHAN!
20 Praise the LORD, O house of Levi! Ye that fear the LORD, bless the LORD!
Hai kaum Lewi, pujilah TUHAN! Hai orang-orang yang takut akan TUHAN, pujilah TUHAN!
21 Praised be the LORD out of Zion, He that dwelleth in Jerusalem! Praise ye the LORD!
Terpujilah TUHAN dari Sion, Dia yang diam di Yerusalem! Haleluya!