< Psalms 109 >

1 “For the leader of the music. A psalm of David.” O God of my praise! be not silent!
In finem, Psalmus David.
2 For the mouths of the wicked and the deceitful are opened against me; They speak against me with a lying tongue.
Deus laudem meam ne tacueris: quia os peccatoris, et os dolosi super me apertum est.
3 They assault me on every side with words of hatred; They fight against me without a cause.
Locuti sunt adversum me lingua dolosa, et sermonibus odii circumdederunt me: et expugnaverunt me gratis.
4 For my love they are my adversaries: But I give myself unto prayer.
Pro eo ut me diligerent, detrahebant mihi: ego autem orabam.
5 They repay me evil for good, And hatred for love.
Et posuerunt adversum me mala pro bonis: et odium pro dilectione mea.
6 Set thou a wicked man over him, And let an adversary stand at his right hand!
Constitue super eum peccatorem: et diabolus stet a dextris eius.
7 When he is judged, may he be condemned, And may his prayer be a crime!
Cum iudicatur, exeat condemnatus: et oratio eius fiat in peccatum.
8 May his days be few, And another take his office!
Fiant dies eius pauci: et episcopatum eius accipiat alter.
9 May his children be fatherless, And his wife a widow!
Fiant filii eius orphani: et uxor eius vidua.
10 May his children be vagabonds and beggars, And from their ruined dwellings seek their bread!
Nutantes transferantur filii eius, et mendicent: et eiiciantur de habitationibus suis.
11 May a creditor seize on all that he hath, And a stranger plunder his substance!
Scrutetur fœnerator omnem substantiam eius: et diripiant alieni labores eius.
12 May there be none to show him compassion, And none to pity his fatherless children!
Non sit illi adiutor: nec sit qui misereatur pupillis eius.
13 May his posterity be cut off; In the next generation may his name be blotted out!
Fiant nati eius in interitum: in generatione una deleatur nomen eius.
14 May the iniquity of his fathers be remembered by the LORD, And may the sin of his mother never be blotted out!
In memoriam redeat iniquitas patrum eius in conspectu Domini: et peccatum matris eius non deleatur.
15 May they be before the LORD continually; And may he cut off their memory from the earth!
Fiant contra Dominum semper, et dispereat de terra memoria eorum:
16 Because he remembered not to show pity, But persecuted the afflicted and the poor man, And sought the death of the broken-hearted.
pro eo quod non est recordatus facere misericordiam.
17 As he loved cursing, let it come upon him; As he delighted not in blessing, let it be far from him!
Et persecutus est hominem inopem, et mendicum, et compunctum corde mortificare.
18 May he be clothed with cursing as with a garment; May it enter like water into his bowels, And like oil into his bones!
Et dilexit maledictionem, et veniet ei: et noluit benedictionem, et elongabitur ab eo. Et induit maledictionem sicut vestimentum, et intravit sicut aqua in interiora eius, et sicut oleum in ossibus eius.
19 May it be to him like the robe that covereth him, Like the girdle with which he is constantly girded!
Fiat ei sicut vestimentum, quo operitur: et sicut zona, qua semper præcingitur.
20 May this be the wages of mine adversaries from the LORD, And of them that speak evil against me!
Hoc opus eorum, qui detrahunt mihi apud Dominum: et qui loquuntur mala adversus animam meam.
21 But do thou, O LORD, my God! take part with me, For thine own name's sake! Because great is thy mercy, O deliver me!
Et tu Domine, Domine, fac mecum propter nomen tuum: quia suavis est misericordia tua.
22 For I am afflicted and needy, And my heart is wounded within me.
Libera me quia egenus, et pauper ego sum: et cor meum conturbatum est intra me.
23 I am going like a shadow; I am driven away as the locust.
Sicut umbra cum declinat, ablatus sum: et excussus sum sicut locustæ.
24 My knees totter from fasting, And my flesh faileth of fatness.
Genua mea infirmata sunt a ieiunio: et caro mea immutata est propter oleum.
25 I am a reproach to my enemies; They gaze at me; they shake their heads.
Et ego factus sum opprobrium illis: viderunt me, et moverunt capita sua.
26 Help me, O LORD, my God! O save me, according to thy mercy!
Adiuva me Domine Deus meus: salvum me fac secundum misericordiam tuam.
27 That they may know that this is thy hand; That thou, O Lord! hast done it!
Et sciant quia manus tua hæc: et tu Domine fecisti eam.
28 Let them curse, but do thou bless! When they arise, let them be put to shame; But let thy servant rejoice!
Maledicent illi, et tu benedices: qui insurgunt in me, confundantur: servus autem tuus lætabitur.
29 May my enemies be clothed with ignominy; May they be covered with their shame, as with a mantle!
Induantur qui detrahunt mihi, pudore: et operiantur sicut diploide confusione sua.
30 I will earnestly praise the LORD with my lips; In the midst of the multitude I will praise him.
Confitebor Domino nimis in ore meo: et in medio multorum laudabo eum.
31 For he standeth at the right hand of the poor, To save him from those who would condemn him.
Quia astitit a dextris pauperis, ut salvam faceret a persequentibus animam meam.

< Psalms 109 >