< Matthew 19 >

1 And it came to pass, that when Jesus had ended these sayings, he removed from Galilee, and came into the borders of Judaea, beyond the Jordan.
και εγενετο οτε ετελεσεν ο ιησους τους λογους τουτους μετηρεν απο της γαλιλαιας και ηλθεν εις τα ορια της ιουδαιας περαν του ιορδανου
2 And great multitudes followed him; and he healed them there.
και ηκολουθησαν αυτω οχλοι πολλοι και εθεραπευσεν αυτους εκει
3 And the Pharisees came to him, trying him, and saying, Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause?
και προσηλθον αυτω οι φαρισαιοι πειραζοντες αυτον και λεγοντες αυτω ει εξεστιν ανθρωπω απολυσαι την γυναικα αυτου κατα πασαν αιτιαν
4 And he answering said, Have ye not read, that he who made them at the beginning, made them male and female?
ο δε αποκριθεις ειπεν αυτοις ουκ ανεγνωτε οτι ο ποιησας απ αρχης αρσεν και θηλυ εποιησεν αυτους
5 And He said: “For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and cleave to his wife; and the two shall become one flesh.”
και ειπεν ενεκεν τουτου καταλειψει ανθρωπος τον πατερα και την μητερα και προσκολληθησεται τη γυναικι αυτου και εσονται οι δυο εις σαρκα μιαν
6 So they are no longer two, but one flesh. What therefore God joined together, let not man put asunder.
ωστε ουκετι εισιν δυο αλλα σαρξ μια ο ουν ο θεος συνεζευξεν ανθρωπος μη χωριζετω
7 They say to him, Why then did Moses ordain that a man may give his wife a writing of divorcement, and put her away?
λεγουσιν αυτω τι ουν μωσης ενετειλατο δουναι βιβλιον αποστασιου και απολυσαι αυτην
8 He saith to them, Moses, on account of your hardness of heart, allowed you m put away your wives; but in the beginning it was not so.
λεγει αυτοις οτι μωσης προς την σκληροκαρδιαν υμων επετρεψεν υμιν απολυσαι τας γυναικας υμων απ αρχης δε ου γεγονεν ουτως
9 And I say to you, Whoever putteth away his wife, except for fornication, and marrieth another, committeth adultery.
λεγω δε υμιν οτι ος αν απολυση την γυναικα αυτου ει μη επι πορνεια και γαμηση αλλην μοιχαται και ο απολελυμενην γαμησας μοιχαται
10 The disciples say to him, If such be the case of a man with his wife, it is not good to marry.
λεγουσιν αυτω οι μαθηται αυτου ει ουτως εστιν η αιτια του ανθρωπου μετα της γυναικος ου συμφερει γαμησαι
11 But he said to them, All cannot receive this saying, but they only to whom it is given.
ο δε ειπεν αυτοις ου παντες χωρουσιν τον λογον τουτον αλλ οις δεδοται
12 For there are eunuchs, who were so born from their mother's womb; and there are eunuchs, who were made eunuchs by men; and there are eunuchs, who made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it.
εισιν γαρ ευνουχοι οιτινες εκ κοιλιας μητρος εγεννηθησαν ουτως και εισιν ευνουχοι οιτινες ευνουχισθησαν υπο των ανθρωπων και εισιν ευνουχοι οιτινες ευνουχισαν εαυτους δια την βασιλειαν των ουρανων ο δυναμενος χωρειν χωρειτω
13 Then there were brought to him children, that be might lay his hands on them, and pray; and the disciples rebuked them.
τοτε προσηνεχθη αυτω παιδια ινα τας χειρας επιθη αυτοις και προσευξηται οι δε μαθηται επετιμησαν αυτοις
14 But Jesus said to them, Suffer the children, and forbid them not to come to me; for to such belongeth the kingdom of heaven.
ο δε ιησους ειπεν αφετε τα παιδια και μη κωλυετε αυτα ελθειν προς με των γαρ τοιουτων εστιν η βασιλεια των ουρανων
15 And he laid his hands on them, and departed thence.
και επιθεις αυτοις τας χειρας επορευθη εκειθεν
16 And lo! one came to him and said, Teacher, what good thing shall I do, that I may have everlasting life? (aiōnios g166)
και ιδου εις προσελθων ειπεν αυτω διδασκαλε αγαθε τι αγαθον ποιησω ινα εχω ζωην αιωνιον (aiōnios g166)
17 And he said to him, Why dost thou ask me concerning what is good? There is but one who is good. But if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments.
ο δε ειπεν αυτω τι με λεγεις αγαθον ουδεις αγαθος ει μη εις ο θεος ει δε θελεις εισελθειν εις την ζωην τηρησον τας εντολας
18 Which? saith he. And Jesus said, These: “Thou shalt not kill; Thou shalt not commit adultery; Thou shalt not steal; Thou shalt not bear false witness;
λεγει αυτω ποιας ο δε ιησους ειπεν το ου φονευσεις ου μοιχευσεις ου κλεψεις ου ψευδομαρτυρησεις
19 Honor thy father and thy mother;” and, “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.”
τιμα τον πατερα σου και την μητερα και αγαπησεις τον πλησιον σου ως σεαυτον
20 The young man saith to him, All these things have I kept; in what am I still wanting?
λεγει αυτω ο νεανισκος παντα ταυτα εφυλαξαμην εκ νεοτητος μου τι ετι υστερω
21 Jesus said to him, If thou wilt be perfect, go, sell what thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.
εφη αυτω ο ιησους ει θελεις τελειος ειναι υπαγε πωλησον σου τα υπαρχοντα και δος πτωχοις και εξεις θησαυρον εν ουρανω και δευρο ακολουθει μοι
22 But the young man, on hearing this went away sorrowful; for he had great possessions.
ακουσας δε ο νεανισκος τον λογον απηλθεν λυπουμενος ην γαρ εχων κτηματα πολλα
23 Then Jesus said to his disciples, Truly do I say to you, it will be hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.
ο δε ιησους ειπεν τοις μαθηταις αυτου αμην λεγω υμιν οτι δυσκολως πλουσιος εισελευσεται εις την βασιλειαν των ουρανων
24 And again I say to you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.
παλιν δε λεγω υμιν ευκοπωτερον εστιν καμηλον δια τρυπηματος ραφιδος διελθειν η πλουσιον εις την βασιλειαν του θεου εισελθειν
25 And the disciples, hearing this, were exceedingly amazed, saying, Who then can be saved?
ακουσαντες δε οι μαθηται αυτου εξεπλησσοντο σφοδρα λεγοντες τις αρα δυναται σωθηναι
26 But Jesus, fixing his eyes on them, said, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.
εμβλεψας δε ο ιησους ειπεν αυτοις παρα ανθρωποις τουτο αδυνατον εστιν παρα δε θεω παντα δυνατα εστιν
27 Then Peter answering said to him, Lo! we left all, and followed thee; what then shall we have?
τοτε αποκριθεις ο πετρος ειπεν αυτω ιδου ημεις αφηκαμεν παντα και ηκολουθησαμεν σοι τι αρα εσται ημιν
28 And Jesus said to them, Truly do I say to you, that, in the renovation when the Son of man sitteth on the throne of his glory, ye who have followed me shall also yourselves sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.
ο δε ιησους ειπεν αυτοις αμην λεγω υμιν οτι υμεις οι ακολουθησαντες μοι εν τη παλιγγενεσια οταν καθιση ο υιος του ανθρωπου επι θρονου δοξης αυτου καθισεσθε και υμεις επι δωδεκα θρονους κρινοντες τας δωδεκα φυλας του ισραηλ
29 And every one who hath left brothers, or sisters, or father, or mother, or children, or lands, or houses, for the sake of my name, will receive many fold more, and will inherit everlasting life. (aiōnios g166)
και πας ος αφηκεν οικιας η αδελφους η αδελφας η πατερα η μητερα η γυναικα η τεκνα η αγρους ενεκεν του ονοματος μου εκατονταπλασιονα ληψεται και ζωην αιωνιον κληρονομησει (aiōnios g166)
30 But many who are first will be last, and the last first.
πολλοι δε εσονται πρωτοι εσχατοι και εσχατοι πρωτοι

< Matthew 19 >