< Mark 6 >

1 And he went out from thence, and cometh into his own country; and his disciples follow him.
anantaraṁ sa tatsthānāt prasthāya svapradēśamāgataḥ śiṣyāśca tatpaścād gatāḥ|
2 And when the sabbath was come, he began to teach in the synagogue. And most people when they heard him were astonished, saying, Whence hath this man these things? And what is the wisdom which is given him? And how is it that such miracles are wrought by his hands?
atha viśrāmavārē sati sa bhajanagr̥hē upadēṣṭumārabdhavān tatō'nēkē lōkāstatkathāṁ śrutvā vismitya jagaduḥ, asya manujasya īdr̥śī āścaryyakriyā kasmāj jātā? tathā svakarābhyām itthamadbhutaṁ karmma karttām ētasmai kathaṁ jñānaṁ dattam?
3 Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary, and brother of James, and Joses, and Judah, and Simon? And are not his sisters here with us? And they took offence at him.
kimayaṁ mariyamaḥ putrastajñā nō? kimayaṁ yākūb-yōsi-yihudā-śimōnāṁ bhrātā nō? asya bhaginyaḥ kimihāsmābhiḥ saha nō? itthaṁ tē tadarthē pratyūhaṁ gatāḥ|
4 And Jesus said to them, A prophet is not without honor except in his own country, and among his own kindred, and in his own house.
tadā yīśustēbhyō'kathayat svadēśaṁ svakuṭumbān svaparijanāṁśca vinā kutrāpi bhaviṣyadvādī asatkr̥tō na bhavati|
5 And he could not do any miracle there, except that he laid his hand upon a few sick persons, and cured them.
aparañca tēṣāmapratyayāt sa vismitaḥ kiyatāṁ rōgiṇāṁ vapuḥṣu hastam arpayitvā kēvalaṁ tēṣāmārōgyakaraṇād anyat kimapi citrakāryyaṁ karttāṁ na śaktaḥ|
6 And he wondered at their want of faith. And he went about the surrounding villages teaching.
atha sa caturdikstha grāmān bhramitvā upadiṣṭavān
7 And he calleth to him the twelve, and began to send them forth by two and two; and gave them power over the unclean spirits;
dvādaśaśiṣyān āhūya amēdhyabhūtān vaśīkarttāṁ śaktiṁ dattvā tēṣāṁ dvau dvau janō prēṣitavān|
8 and commanded them that they should take nothing for the way but a staff only; no bread, no bag, no money in their girdle;
punarityādiśad yūyam ēkaikāṁ yaṣṭiṁ vinā vastrasaṁpuṭaḥ pūpaḥ kaṭibandhē tāmrakhaṇḍañca ēṣāṁ kimapi mā grahlīta,
9 but to be shod with sandals; and, Do not put on two coats.
mārgayātrāyai pādēṣūpānahau dattvā dvē uttarīyē mā paridhadvvaṁ|
10 And he said to them, Wherever ye enter a house, there abide fill ye leave that place.
aparamapyuktaṁ tēna yūyaṁ yasyāṁ puryyāṁ yasya nivēśanaṁ pravēkṣyatha tāṁ purīṁ yāvanna tyakṣyatha tāvat tannivēśanē sthāsyatha|
11 And whatever place shall not receive you, nor hear you, when ye go thence, shake off the dust under your feet as a testimony to them.
tatra yadi kēpi yuṣmākamātithyaṁ na vidadhati yuṣmākaṁ kathāśca na śr̥ṇvanti tarhi tatsthānāt prasthānasamayē tēṣāṁ viruddhaṁ sākṣyaṁ dātuṁ svapādānāsphālya rajaḥ sampātayata; ahaṁ yuṣmān yathārthaṁ vacmi vicāradinē tannagarasyāvasthātaḥ sidōmāmōrayō rnagarayōravasthā sahyatarā bhaviṣyati|
12 And they went out and preached that men should repent;
atha tē gatvā lōkānāṁ manaḥparāvarttanīḥ kathā pracāritavantaḥ|
13 and they cast out many demons, and anointed with oil many sick persons, and healed them.
ēvamanēkān bhūtāṁśca tyājitavantastathā tailēna marddayitvā bahūn janānarōgānakārṣuḥ|
14 And king Herod heard of him (for his name was spread abroad), and he said, John the Baptizer hath risen from the dead, and therefore do these powers work in him. But others said, It is Elijah.
itthaṁ tasya sukhyātiścaturdiśō vyāptā tadā hērōd rājā tanniśamya kathitavān, yōhan majjakaḥ śmaśānād utthita atōhētōstēna sarvvā ētā adbhutakriyāḥ prakāśantē|
15 And others said, It is a prophet, as one of the prophets.
anyē'kathayan ayam ēliyaḥ, kēpi kathitavanta ēṣa bhaviṣyadvādī yadvā bhaviṣyadvādināṁ sadr̥śa ēkōyam|
16 But Herod hearing of it said, John, whom I beheaded, hath risen again.
kintu hērōd ityākarṇya bhāṣitavān yasyāhaṁ śiraśchinnavān sa ēva yōhanayaṁ sa śmaśānādudatiṣṭhat|
17 For Herod himself had sent forth and seized John, and bound him in prison, on account of Herodias, his brother Philip's wife; for he had married her.
pūrvvaṁ svabhrātuḥ philipasya patnyā udvāhaṁ kr̥tavantaṁ hērōdaṁ yōhanavādīt svabhātr̥vadhū rna vivāhyā|
18 For John had said to Herod, It is not lawful for thee to have thy brother's wife.
ataḥ kāraṇāt hērōd lōkaṁ prahitya yōhanaṁ dhr̥tvā bandhanālayē baddhavān|
19 And Herodias was enraged against him, and wished to put him to death, but could not.
hērōdiyā tasmai yōhanē prakupya taṁ hantum aicchat kintu na śaktā,
20 For Herod feared John, knowing that he was a righteous and holy man, and was regardful of him; and on hearing him, was in much anxiety, and listened to him gladly.
yasmād hērōd taṁ dhārmmikaṁ satpuruṣañca jñātvā sammanya rakṣitavān; tatkathāṁ śrutvā tadanusārēṇa bahūni karmmāṇi kr̥tavān hr̥ṣṭamanāstadupadēśaṁ śrutavāṁśca|
21 And a convenient day having come, when Herod on his birthday made a supper for his nobles and chief captains and the principal men of Galilee,
kintu hērōd yadā svajanmadinē pradhānalōkēbhyaḥ sēnānībhyaśca gālīlpradēśīyaśrēṣṭhalōkēbhyaśca rātrau bhōjyamēkaṁ kr̥tavān
22 and the daughter of Herodias came in and danced, she pleased Herod and those at table with him; and the king said to the damsel, Ask of me whatever thou wilt, and I will give it thee.
tasmin śubhadinē hērōdiyāyāḥ kanyā samētya tēṣāṁ samakṣaṁ saṁnr̥tya hērōdastēna sahōpaviṣṭānāñca tōṣamajījanat tatā nr̥paḥ kanyāmāha sma mattō yad yācasē tadēva tubhyaṁ dāsyē|
23 And he swore to her, Whatever thou shalt ask of me, I will give thee, to the half of my kingdom.
śapathaṁ kr̥tvākathayat cēd rājyārddhamapi yācasē tadapi tubhyaṁ dāsyē|
24 And she went out and said to her mother, What shall I ask? And she said, The head of John the Baptizer.
tataḥ sā bahi rgatvā svamātaraṁ papraccha kimahaṁ yāciṣyē? tadā sākathayat yōhanō majjakasya śiraḥ|
25 And she came in immediately with haste to the king, and asked, saying, I desire that thou wilt give me immediately on a platter the head of John the Baptist.
atha tūrṇaṁ bhūpasamīpam ētya yācamānāvadat kṣaṇēsmin yōhanō majjakasya śiraḥ pātrē nidhāya dēhi, ētad yācē'haṁ|
26 And the king was exceedingly sorry; but on account of his oaths, and of those at table with him, he would not refuse her.
tasmāt bhūpō'tiduḥkhitaḥ, tathāpi svaśapathasya sahabhōjināñcānurōdhāt tadanaṅgīkarttuṁ na śaktaḥ|
27 And the king immediately sent one of his guards, and ordered his head to be brought. And he went and beheaded him in the prison,
tatkṣaṇaṁ rājā ghātakaṁ prēṣya tasya śira ānētumādiṣṭavān|
28 and brought his head on a platter, and gave it to the damsel; and the damsel gave it to her mother.
tataḥ sa kārāgāraṁ gatvā tacchiraśchitvā pātrē nidhāyānīya tasyai kanyāyai dattavān kanyā ca svamātrē dadau|
29 And his disciples, when they heard of it, came and took up his body, and laid it in a tomb.
ananataraṁ yōhanaḥ śiṣyāstadvārttāṁ prāpyāgatya tasya kuṇapaṁ śmaśānē'sthāpayan|
30 And the apostles gather together to Jesus, and told him all which they had done and taught.
atha prēṣitā yīśōḥ sannidhau militā yad yac cakruḥ śikṣayāmāsuśca tatsarvvavārttāstasmai kathitavantaḥ|
31 And he saith to them, Come ye by yourselves apart into a desert place, and rest a while. For there were many coming and going; and they had no leisure, even to eat.
sa tānuvāca yūyaṁ vijanasthānaṁ gatvā viśrāmyata yatastatsannidhau bahulōkānāṁ samāgamāt tē bhōktuṁ nāvakāśaṁ prāptāḥ|
32 And they went away into a desert place in the boat apart.
tatastē nāvā vijanasthānaṁ guptaṁ gagmuḥ|
33 And many saw them departing, and knew them, and ran together on foot thither from all the cities, and arrived before them.
tatō lōkanivahastēṣāṁ sthānāntarayānaṁ dadarśa, anēkē taṁ paricitya nānāpurēbhyaḥ padairvrajitvā javēna taiṣāmagrē yīśōḥ samīpa upatasthuḥ|
34 And when he came forth, he saw a great multitude, and was moved with compassion for them, because they were as sheep not having a shepherd; and he began to teach them many things.
tadā yīśu rnāvō bahirgatya lōkāraṇyānīṁ dr̥ṣṭvā tēṣu karuṇāṁ kr̥tavān yatastē'rakṣakamēṣā ivāsan tadā sa tāna nānāprasaṅgān upadiṣṭavān|
35 And late in the day his disciples came to him, and said, This is a desert place, and it is now late;
atha divāntē sati śiṣyā ētya yīśumūcirē, idaṁ vijanasthānaṁ dinañcāvasannaṁ|
36 send them away, that they may go into the surrounding fields and villages, and buy themselves something to eat.
lōkānāṁ kimapi khādyaṁ nāsti, ataścaturdikṣu grāmān gantuṁ bhōjyadravyāṇi krētuñca bhavān tān visr̥jatu|
37 But he answering said to them, Give ye them to eat. And they say to him, Shall we go and buy two hundred denaries' worth of bread, and give them to eat?
tadā sa tānuvāca yūyamēva tān bhōjayata; tatastē jagadu rvayaṁ gatvā dviśatasaṁkhyakai rmudrāpādaiḥ pūpān krītvā kiṁ tān bhōjayiṣyāmaḥ?
38 He saith to them, How many loaves have ye? Go and see. And when they knew, they say, Five, and two fishes.
tadā sa tān pr̥ṣṭhavān yuṣmākaṁ sannidhau kati pūpā āsatē? gatvā paśyata; tatastē dr̥ṣṭvā tamavadan pañca pūpā dvau matsyau ca santi|
39 And he ordered them to make all lie down in companies upon the green grass.
tadā sa lōkān śaspōpari paṁktibhirupavēśayitum ādiṣṭavān,
40 And they lay down in ranks, by hundreds, and by fifties.
tatastē śataṁ śataṁ janāḥ pañcāśat pañcāśajjanāśca paṁktibhi rbhuvi samupaviviśuḥ|
41 And taking the five loaves and the two fishes, he looked up to heaven and blessed, and broke the loaves, and gave them to the disciples to set before them; and the two fishes he divided among them all.
atha sa tān pañcapūpān matsyadvayañca dhr̥tvā svargaṁ paśyan īśvaraguṇān anvakīrttayat tān pūpān bhaṁktvā lōkēbhyaḥ parivēṣayituṁ śiṣyēbhyō dattavān dvā matsyau ca vibhajya sarvvēbhyō dattavān|
42 And they all ate, and were filled.
tataḥ sarvvē bhuktvātr̥pyan|
43 And they took up twelve baskets full of the fragments, and of the fishes.
anantaraṁ śiṣyā avaśiṣṭaiḥ pūpai rmatsyaiśca pūrṇān dvadaśa ḍallakān jagr̥huḥ|
44 And they who ate of the loaves were five thousand men.
tē bhōktāraḥ prāyaḥ pañca sahasrāṇi puruṣā āsan|
45 And he immediately constrained his disciples to get into the boat, and to go before to the other side to Bethsaida, while he sent the multitude away.
atha sa lōkān visr̥jannēva nāvamārōḍhuṁ svasmādagrē pārē baitsaidāpuraṁ yātuñca śṣyin vāḍhamādiṣṭavān|
46 And when he had taken leave of them, he went away into the mountain to pray.
tadā sa sarvvān visr̥jya prārthayituṁ parvvataṁ gataḥ|
47 And when evening came, the boat was in the midst of the lake; and he was alone on the land.
tataḥ sandhyāyāṁ satyāṁ nauḥ sindhumadhya upasthitā kintu sa ēkākī sthalē sthitaḥ|
48 And when he saw them toiling hard in rowing, for the wind was against them, about the fourth watch of the night he cometh to them, walking upon the lake. And he would have passed by them;
atha sammukhavātavahanāt śiṣyā nāvaṁ vāhayitvā pariśrāntā iti jñātvā sa niśācaturthayāmē sindhūpari padbhyāṁ vrajan tēṣāṁ samīpamētya tēṣāmagrē yātum udyataḥ|
49 but they, seeing him walking upon the lake, thought it was a spectre, and cried out.
kintu śiṣyāḥ sindhūpari taṁ vrajantaṁ dr̥ṣṭvā bhūtamanumāya ruruvuḥ,
50 For they all saw him, and were terrified. But he immediately spoke with them, and saith to them, Be of good cheer; it is I, be not afraid.
yataḥ sarvvē taṁ dr̥ṣṭvā vyākulitāḥ| ataēva yīśustatkṣaṇaṁ taiḥ sahālapya kathitavān, susthirā bhūta, ayamahaṁ mā bhaiṣṭa|
51 And he went up to them into the boat, and the wind ceased. And they were exceedingly astonished, beyond measure.
atha naukāmāruhya tasmin tēṣāṁ sannidhiṁ gatē vātō nivr̥ttaḥ; tasmāttē manaḥsu vismitā āścaryyaṁ mēnirē|
52 For they did not consider the matter of the loaves; but their heart was hardened.
yatastē manasāṁ kāṭhinyāt tat pūpīyam āścaryyaṁ karmma na viviktavantaḥ|
53 And crossing over, they came to land, to Gennesaret; and anchored there.
atha tē pāraṁ gatvā ginēṣaratpradēśamētya taṭa upasthitāḥ|
54 And when they had come out of the boat, the people immediately knowing who he was,
tēṣu naukātō bahirgatēṣu tatpradēśīyā lōkāstaṁ paricitya
55 ran through all that region, and began to carry about on beds those that were sick to the place where they heard he was.
caturdikṣu dhāvantō yatra yatra rōgiṇō narā āsan tān sarvvāna khaṭvōpari nidhāya yatra kutracit tadvārttāṁ prāpuḥ tat sthānam ānētum ārēbhirē|
56 And wherever he entered into villages or cities or the open country, they laid the sick in the market-places, and besought him that they might touch if it were but the fringe of his garment; and as many as touched him were made well.
tathā yatra yatra grāmē yatra yatra purē yatra yatra pallyāñca tēna pravēśaḥ kr̥tastadvartmamadhyē lōkāḥ pīḍitān sthāpayitvā tasya cēlagranthimātraṁ spraṣṭum tēṣāmarthē tadanujñāṁ prārthayantaḥ yāvantō lōkāḥ paspr̥śustāvanta ēva gadānmuktāḥ|

< Mark 6 >