< Job 9 >

1 Then Job answered and said:
Pea naʻe toki tali ʻe Siope, ʻo ne pehē,
2 Of a truth, I know that it is so: For how can man be just before God?
‌ʻOku ou ʻilo ʻoku pehē moʻoni ia ka ʻe tonuhia fēfē ʻae tangata ʻi he ʻao ʻoe ʻOtua?
3 If he choose to contend with him, He cannot answer him to one charge of a thousand.
Kapau te na alea, mo ia, ʻe ʻikai te ne faʻa talia ʻe ia ha taha ʻi he meʻa ʻe afe.
4 He is excellent in wisdom, mighty in strength: Who hath hardened himself against him, and prospered?
‌ʻOku poto ia ʻi loto, pea lahi ʻi he mālohi: ko hai kuo ne fakaangatuʻu ia kiate ia, pea monūʻia?
5 He removeth the mountains, and they know it not; He overturneth them in his anger.
Ko ia ia ʻoku ne hiki ʻae ngaahi moʻunga, kae ʻikai ke nau ʻilo: ʻoku ne fulihi ia ʻi hono houhau.
6 He shaketh the earth out of her place, And the pillars thereof tremble.
‌ʻOku ne luluʻi ʻae fonua mei hono potu, pea ʻoku ngalulululu hono ngaahi pou.
7 He commandeth the sun, and it riseth not, And he sealeth up the stars.
‌ʻOku ne fekauʻi ʻae laʻā, pea ʻikai ʻalu hake ia; pea ne tāpuni hake ʻae ngaahi fetuʻu.
8 He alone spreadeth out the heavens, And walketh upon the high waves of the sea.
‌ʻOku ne folahi atu tokotaha pē ʻae ngaahi langi, pea ʻoku ne hāʻele ʻi he ngaahi peau ʻoe tahi.
9 He made the Bear, Orion, and the Pleiades, And the secret chambers of the South.
‌ʻOku ne ngaohi ʻa ʻAakitulio, mo Olioni, mo Peliatisi, pea mo e ngaahi potu ki he feituʻu tonga.
10 He doeth great things past finding out, Yea, wonderful things without number.
‌ʻOku ne fai ʻae ngaahi meʻa lahi ʻo taʻefaʻaʻilo; ʻio, ko e ngaahi meʻa mana ʻoku taʻefaʻalaua.
11 Lo! he goeth by me, but I see him not; He passeth along, but I do not perceive him.
Vakai, ʻoku hāʻele ia ʻi hoku tafaʻaki, ka ʻoku ʻikai te u mamata ki ai: ʻoku ne hāʻele atu foki ka ʻoku ʻikai te u ʻiloʻi ia.
12 Lo! he seizeth, and who can hinder him? Who will say to him, What doest thou?
Vakai, ʻoku ne toʻo atu, ko hai ʻe faʻa taʻofi ia? Ko hai ʻe pehē kiate ia, ‘Ko e hā ʻoku ke fai?’
13 God will not turn away his anger; The proud helpers are brought low before him.
“Kapau ʻe ʻikai taʻofi ʻe he ʻOtua ki hono houhau, ʻe mapelu ki lalo ʻiate ia ʻae kau tokoni fielahi.
14 How much less shall I answer him, And choose out words to contend with him?
Kae fēfē ai ʻeku talia ia ʻeau, pea u fili ʻeku ngaahi lea ke alea mo ia?
15 Though I were innocent, I would not answer him; I would cast myself on the mercy of my judge.
‌ʻAia ʻe ʻikai te u talia, ʻoka ne u māʻoniʻoni, ka te u hū tāumaʻu ki hoku Fakamaau.
16 Should I call, and he make answer to me, I could not believe that he listened to my voice, —
Ka ne u ui, pea talia ia; kae ʻikai te u tui kuo ne ongoʻi hoku leʻo.
17 He who falleth upon me with a tempest, And multiplieth my wounds without cause!
He ʻoku ne haʻaki au ʻaki ʻae afā, pea ne fakalahi ʻeku lavea taʻehanoʻuhinga.
18 Who will not suffer me to take my breath, But filleth me with bitterness!
‌ʻOku ʻikai tuku ʻe ia ke u mānava, ka ʻoku ne fakapito au ʻaki ʻae mamahi.
19 If I look to strength, “Lo! here am I!” [[saith he, ]] If to justice, “Who shall summon me to trial?”
Kapau te u lea ki he mālohi, vakai, ʻoku māfimafi ia: pe ki he fakamaau, ‘ko hai te ne fakamoʻoni kiate au?’
20 Though I were upright, yet must my own mouth condemn me; Though I were innocent, He would prove me perverse.
Kapau te u fakatonuhiaʻi au, pea tā ʻe fakahalaʻi au ʻe hoku ngutu ʻoʻoku; pē te u pehē ʻoku ou haohaoa, ʻe fakamoʻoni ia ki heʻeku halaia.
21 Though I were innocent, I would not care for myself; I would despise my life.
Neongo ʻa ʻeku haohaoa, ka ʻe ʻikai te u ʻilo ki hoku loto: te u fehiʻa ʻeau pē ki heʻeku moʻui.
22 It is all one; therefore I will affirm, He destroyeth the righteous and the wicked alike.
“Ko e meʻa ni pē taha, ʻoku ou fakamoʻoni ki ai, ʻOku ne fakaʻauha ʻae haohaoa mo e angahala.
23 When the scourge bringeth sudden destruction, He laugheth at the sufferings of the innocent.
Kapau ʻe fakafokifā pē ʻae taaʻi ʻe he fakamamahi, ʻe kata ʻe ia ʻi he ʻahiʻahiʻi ʻoe taʻeangahala.
24 The earth is given into the hands of the wicked; He covereth the face of the judges thereof; If it be not He, who is it?
Kuo tuku ʻae fonua ki he nima ʻoe angahala: ʻoku ne ʻufiʻufi ʻae mata ʻo hono kau fakamāu; ka ʻikai, pea kofaa, pe ko hai ia?
25 My days have been swifter than a courier; They have fled away; they have seen no good.
“ʻOku vave eni ʻa hoku ngaahi ʻaho ʻi he tangata fekau: ʻoku puna atu ia, ʻoku ʻikai ʻilo ʻe ia ha lelei.
26 They have gone by like the reed-skiffs; Like the eagle, darting upon his prey.
Kuo mole ia ʻo hangē ko e ngaahi vaka ngaholo: ʻo hangē ko e ʻikale ʻoku fakavave ki he kai.
27 If I say, I will forget my lamentation, I will change my countenance, and take courage,
Kapau te u pehē, ‘Te u fakangaloʻi ʻa ʻeku mamahi, te u siʻaki ʻeku māfasia, ʻo fakafiemālieʻi au:’
28 Still am I in dread of the multitude of my sorrows; For I know that thou wilt not hold me innocent.
Tā te u ilifia ʻi heʻeku ngaahi mamahi fulipē, ʻoku ou ʻilo ʻe ʻikai te ke fakatonuhiaʻi au.
29 I shall be found guilty; Why then should I labor in vain?
Kapau ʻoku ou angakovi, pea tā ʻoku kei taʻeʻaonga pe ʻeku ngāue?
30 If I wash myself in snow, And cleanse my hands with lye,
He kapau te u kaukau au ʻi he vai ʻuha hinehina, ʻo ngaohi ke maʻa ʻaupito hoku nima;
31 Still wilt thou plunge me into the pit, So that my own clothes will abhor me.
Ka te ke lī au ki he pelepela, pea ʻe fakaliliʻa kiate au ʻa hoku ngaahi kofu ʻoʻoku.
32 For He is not a man, as I am, that I may contend with him, And that we may go together into judgment;
He ʻoku ʻikai ko e tangata ia, ʻo hangē ko au, koeʻuhi ke u talia ia, pea kema fakataha ʻi he fakamaau.
33 There is no umpire between us, Who may lay his hand upon us both.
Pea ʻoku ʻikai ha tangata fakalelei ʻi homa vahaʻa, ke ne hili hono nima kiate kimaua fakatouʻosi.
34 Let him take from me his rod, And not dismay me with his terrors,
Ke toʻo ʻe ia ʻene meʻa tā ʻiate au, pea ʻoua naʻa fakailifiaʻi au ʻe heʻene manavahē:
35 Then I will speak, and not be afraid of him: For I am not so at heart.
Te u toki lea ai, ʻo taʻemanavahē kiate ia; ka ʻoku ʻikai te u pehē eni.

< Job 9 >