< Job 6 >

1 Then Job answered and said:
Ayup jawaben mundaq dédi: —
2 O that my grief were weighed thoroughly! That my calamities were put together in the balance!
«Ah, méning derdlik zarlirim tarazida ölchense! Ah, béshimgha chüshken barliq balayi’qaza bular bilen bille tarazilansa!
3 Surely they would be heavier than the sand of the sea; On this account were my words rash.
Shundaq qilinsa u hazir déngizdiki qumdin éghir bolup chiqidu; Shuning üchün sözlirim telwilerche boluwatidu.
4 For the arrows of the Almighty have pierced me; Their poison drinketh up my spirit; The terrors of God set themselves in array against me.
Chünki Hemmige Qadirning oqliri manga sanjilip ichimde turuwatidu, Ularning zehirini rohim ichmekte, Tengrining wehimiliri manga qarshi sep tüzüp hujum qiliwatidu.
5 Doth the wild ass bray in the midst of grass? Or loweth the ox over his fodder?
Yawa éshek ot-chöp tapqanda hangramdu? Kala bolsa yem-xeshek üstide möremdu?
6 Can that which is unsavory be eaten without salt? Is there any taste in the white of an egg?
Tuz bolmisa temsiz nersini yégili bolamdu? Xam tuxumning éqining temi barmu?
7 That which my soul abhorreth to touch Hath become my loathsome food.
Jénim ulargha tegsimu seskinip kétidu, Ular manga yirginchlik tamaq bolup tuyulidu.
8 O that I might have my request, And that God would grant me that which I long for!
Ah, méning teshna bolghinim kelsidi! Tengri intizarimni ijabet qilsidi!
9 That it would please God to destroy me; That he would let loose his hand, and make an end of me!
Ah, Tengri méni yanjip tashlisun! U qolini qoyuwétip jénimni üzüp tashlashqa muwapiq körsidi!
10 Yet it should still be my consolation, Yea, in unsparing anguish I would exult, That I have not denied the commands of the Holy One.
Shundaq bolsa, manga teselli bolatti, Hetta rehimsiz aghriqlarda qiynalsammu, shadlinattim; Chünki Muqeddes Bolghuchining sözliridin tanmighan bolattim!
11 What is my strength, that I should hope? And what mine end, that I should be patient?
Mende ölümni kütküdek yene qanchilik maghdur qaldi? Méning sewr-taqetlik bolup hayatimni uzartishimning néme netijisi bolar?
12 Is my strength the strength of stones? Or is my flesh brass?
Méning küchüm tashtek chingmu? Méning etlirim mistin yasalghanmidi?
13 Alas, there is no help within me! Deliverance is driven from me!
Özümge yardem bergüdek maghdurum qalmidi emesmu? Herqandaq eqil-tedbir mendin qoghliwétilgen emesmu?
14 To the afflicted, kindness should be shown by a friend; Else he casteth off the fear of the Almighty.
Ümidsizlinip kétiwatqan kishige dosti méhribanliq körsetmiki zörürdur; Bolmisa u Hemmige qadirdin qorqushtin waz kéchishi mumkin.
15 But my brethren are faithless like a brook; Like streams of the valley that pass away;
Biraq buraderlirim waqitliq «aldamchi ériq» süyidek, Manga héligerlik bilen muamile qilmaqta; Ular suliri éqip tügigen ériqqa oxshaydu.
16 Which are turbid by reason of the ice, And the snow, which hideth itself in them.
Érigen muz suliri ériqqa kirgende ular qaridap kétidu, Qarlar ularning ichide yoqilip kétidu,
17 As soon as they flow forth, they vanish; When the heat cometh, they are dried up from their place.
Ular pesilning illishi bilen qurup kétidu; Hawa issip ketkende, izidin yoqilip kétidu.
18 The caravans turn aside to them on their way; They go up into the desert, and perish.
Seperdashlar mangghan yolidin chiqip, ériqqa burulidu; Ular ériqni boylap méngip, chölde ézip ölidu.
19 The caravans of Tema look for them; The companies of Sheba expect to see them;
Témaliq karwanlarmu ériq izdep mangdi; Shébaliq sodigerlermu ulargha ümid bilen qaridi;
20 They are ashamed that they have relied on them; They come to their place, and are confounded.
Biraq ular ishen’ginidin ümidsizlinip nomusta qaldi; Ular ashu yerge kélishi bilen parakendichilikke uchridi.
21 So ye also are nothing; Ye see a terror, and shrink back.
Mana siler ulargha oxshash [manga tayini] yoq bolup qaldinglar; Siler qorqunchluq bir wehimini körüpla qorqup kétiwatisiler.
22 Have I said, Bring me gifts? Or, Give a present for me out of your substance?
Men silerge: «Manga béringlar», Yaki: «Manga mal-mülükliringlardin hediye qilinglar?» — dégenni qachan dep baqqan?
23 Or, Deliver me from the enemy's hand? Or, Rescue me from the hand of the violent?
Yaki: «Méni ézitquchining qolidin qutquzunglar!» Yaki «Zorawanlarning qolidin görüge pul bersenglar!» dep baqqanmu?
24 Convince me, and I will hold my peace; Cause me to understand wherein I have erred.
Manga ögitip qoyunglar, süküt qilimen; Nede yoldin chiqqanliqimni manga körsitip béringlar.
25 How powerful are the words of truth! But what do your reproaches prove?
Toghra sözler némidégen ötkür-he! Biraq eyibliringlar zadi némini ispatliyalaydu?!
26 Do ye mean to censure words? The words of a man in despair are but wind.
Ümidsizlen’gen kishining gepliri ötüp kétidighan shamaldek tursa, Peqet sözlernila eyiblimekchimusiler?
27 Truly ye spread a net for the fatherless; Ye dig a pit for your friend.
Siler yétim-yésirlarning üstide chek tashlishisiler! Dost-buradiringlar üstide sodilishisiler!
28 Look now upon me, I pray you; For to your very face can I speak falsehood?
Emdi manga yüz turane qarap béqinglar; Aldinglardila yalghan söz qilalamdim?
29 Return, I pray, and let there be no unfairness; Yea, return; —still is my cause righteous.
Ötünimen, boldi qilinglar, gunah bolmisun; Rast, qaytidin oylap béqinglar, Chünki özümning toghriliqim [tarazida] turidu.
30 Is there iniquity on my tongue? Cannot my taste discern what is sinful?
Tilimda xataliq barmu? Tilim yamanliqni zadi tétiyalmasmu?

< Job 6 >