< Isaiah 45 >

1 Thus saith Jehovah to his anointed, To Cyrus, whom I hold by his right hand, To subdue nations before him, And ungird the loins of kings; To open before him the two-leaved gates, And the doors shall not be shut.
Seyè a te chwazi wa Siris pou fè travay li. Li ba li men pou tout nasyon soumèt devan li. Li voye l' pou l' wete pouvwa wa yo, l'ap louvri de batan pòtay lavil yo devan li. P'ap gen pòtay k'ap rete fèmen pou li. Men sa Seyè a di wa Siris:
2 I will go before thee, And make the high places plain; I will break in pieces the gates of brass, And cut in sunder the bars of iron.
-Se mwen menm k'ap louvri chemen pou ou. M'ap fè mòn yo vin plat. M'ap kraze gwo pòtay an kwiv yo. M'ap kase ba fè yo de bout.
3 I will give thee the treasures of darkness, And hidden riches of secret places, That thou mayst know that I am Jehovah Who calleth thee by name, the God of Israel.
M'a ba ou tout richès ki sere kote ki fènwa a, richès ki kache nan depo kote moun pa konnen. Lè sa a, w'a konnen se mwen menm ki Seyè a. Se Bondye pèp Izrayèl la ki te rele ou fè travay sa a.
4 For the sake of Jacob, my servant, And Israel, my chosen, I have called thee by thy name; I have spoken to thee as a friend, though thou hast not known me.
Mwen te rele ou pou ou te ka delivre fanmi Jakòb yo, sèvitè m' yo, moun pèp Izrayèl mwen te chwazi a. Mwen ba ou grad atout ou pa t' konnen m' lan.
5 I am Jehovah, and none else; There is no God besides me; I have girded thee, though thou hast not known me.
Se mwen menm ki Seyè a. Pa gen lòt! Se mwen menm sèl ki Bondye. Se mwen ki ba ou tout fòs ou atout ou pa t' konnen m' lan.
6 That men may know from the rising of the sun, And from the West, that there is none besides me; I am Jehovah, and none else.
Mwen fè sa pou tout moun sou latè, depi kote solèy leve jouk kote solèy kouche, ka konnen pa gen lòt bondye pase mwen menm! Se mwen menm ki Seyè a. Pa gen lòt!
7 I form the light, and create darkness; I make peace, and create evil; I, Jehovah, do all these things.
Mwen mete limyè, mwen mete fènwa! Mwen bay kè poze, mwen bay kè sote. Se mwen menm Seyè a ki fè tou sa.
8 Pour forth, ye heavens, from above; Ye clouds, shower down prosperity! Let the earth open, and bring forth salvation; Yea, let righteousness spring up together! I, Jehovah, create it.
M'ap rete nan syèl la, m'ap voye fòs pouvwa sou nou tankou lapli, pou nou ka gen batay la. Latè pral louvri de bra l' pou resevwa l'. Delivrans pral fleri sou latè, lajistis pral boujonnen toupatou. Se mwen menm Seyè a k'ap fè tou sa rive.
9 Woe to him that contendeth with his Maker! A potsherd of the potsherds of the earth! Shall the clay say to him that fashioneth it, What makest thou? Or thy work say of thee, He hath no hands?
Madichon pou moun k'ap diskite ak Bondye ki fè l' la! Li tankou yon krich nan mitan yon bann krich. Yon krich pa ka di moun k'ap ba li fòm lan: Sa w'ap fè la a? Travay ou fè a pa bon.
10 Woe to him that saith to his father, Why dost thou beget? Or to his mother, Why dost thou bring forth?
Madichon pou pitit k'ap di papa l' ki kalite pitit ou fè la a. Madichon pou pitit k'ap di manman l' ki kalite pitit ou met sou latè a la a!
11 Thus saith Jehovah, the Holy One of Israel, and his Maker, Ask of me concerning things to come; My children, the work of my hands, leave them to me!
Seyè a, Bondye pèp Izrayèl la ki yon Bondye apa, li menm ki te fòme l' la, men sa li di: -N'ap mande m' sa m' pral fè pou pitit mwen yo? N'ap di m' sa pou m' fè?
12 I made the earth, And created man upon it; My hands spread out the heavens, And all their host did I arrange.
Se mwen menm ki te fè latè. Mwen kreye moun pou yo viv sou latè. Se mwen menm ki te louvri syèl la ak men mwen. Mwen kontwole tou sa ki nan syèl la: solèy, lalin ak tout bann zetwal yo.
13 I have raised him up for salvation, And I will make all his ways plain; He shall build my city, and release my captives, Not for price, and not for ransom, Saith Jehovah of hosts.
Se mwen menm ki fè wa Siris kanpe pou li mete jistis sou latè. M'ap louvri tout wout devan li. Se li menm ki pral rebati lavil mwen an. L'ap fè moun pa m' yo te depòte yo tounen lakay yo san yo pa bezwen peye anyen, ni yo p'ap bezwen fè kado anyen pou sa. Se Seyè ki gen tout pouvwa a ki di sa!
14 Thus saith Jehovah: The wealth of Egypt and the merchandise of the Ethiopians and Sabeans, men of stature, Shall come over to thee, and be thine; They shall follow thee; in chains shall they pass along; They shall fall down to thee, and make supplication to thee: “In thee alone is God, and there is none else; There is no other God.”
Men sa Seyè a di ankò: -Tout pwofi travay moun Lejip yo ak pwofi kòmès moun Letiopi yo pral vin pou nou. Moun bèl wotè ki rete nan peyi Seba yo va pase nan peyi nou an, y'a vin esklav nou. Y'a mache dèyè nou tankou prizonye nan chenn. Y'a mete ajenou devan nou, y'a lapriyè nan pye nou, y'a di: Se lakay nou ase Bondye rete. Nanpwen lòt bondye tankou li. Nanpwen lòt bondye pase l'.
15 Truly thou art a God that hidest thyself, O God of Israel, the saviour!
Tansèlman se yon Bondye moun pa ka wè. Bondye pèp Izrayèl la, se li ki konn delivre moun!
16 They shall all be ashamed and confounded, They shall go to confusion together, That are makers of idols.
Moun k'ap fè estati yo pral wont, yo tout pral tèt bese. Moun pral pase yo nan betiz.
17 But Israel shall be saved by Jehovah with an everlasting salvation; Ye shall never be ashamed, nor confounded.
Men, Seyè a ap delivre pèp Izrayèl la pou tout tan. Nou p'ap janm wont ankò, nou p'ap janm bese tèt nou ankò devan pesonn jouk sa kaba.
18 For thus saith Jehovah, who created the heavens; The God that formed the earth and made it; he that made it firm; He created it not in vain; he formed it to be inhabited: I am Jehovah, and none else.
Se Seyè a ki kreye syèl la. Se li menm sèlman ki Bondye. Se li menm ki fè latè, ki ba li fòm li. Se li menm ki fè l' chita fèm. Li pa t' fè l' pou l' te tounen yon dezè, men pou l' te yon kote pou moun rete. Men sa li di: Se mwen menm ki Seyè a. Nanpwen lòt.
19 I have not spoken in secret, in a dark place of the earth; I have not said to the race of Jacob, Seek ye me in vain! I, Jehovah, speak truth; I declare that which is right.
Se pa an kachèt mwen te pale, ni nan yon kote ki fè nwa. Mwen pa t' di moun ras Jakòb yo pou yo chache m' kote ki pa gen anyen. Mwen menm, se Seyè a mwen ye. Mwen pale laverite, mwen fè konnen sa ki dwe fèt.
20 Assemble yourselves and come; Gather yourselves together, ye that are escaped of the nations! They are without understanding, who carry about with them the wood of their graven image, And pray to a god that cannot save.
Seyè a di ankò: -Sanble non! Sanble, moun lòt nasyon yo: Pwoche non! Pwoche devan tribinal la non, nou menm ki rive chape yo! Bann moun k'ap plede fè posesyon ak zidòl an bwa yo, k'ap lapriyè bondye ki pa ka delivre yo, yo pa konn anyen!
21 Proclaim ye, and bring them near, And let them take counsel together: Who hath made this known from ancient time? Who hath declared it of old? Is it not I, Jehovah, besides whom there is no God? A God that uttereth truth, and giveth salvation; there is none besides me.
Vin plede kòz nou! Mete tèt nou ansanm pou nou konnen sa nou pral di! Kilès moun ki te di davans sa ki gen pou rive a? Kilès ki te fè konnen sa depi lontan? Se pa t' mwen menm, Seyè a? Nanpwen lòt bondye pase mwen menm. Mwen se Bondye ki pa nan patipri. Se mwen ki ka delivre moun.
22 Look to me, and be saved, all ye ends of the earth! For I am God, and there is none else.
Tounen vin jwenn mwen pou nou ka delivre, nou tout ki rete sou latè! Paske se mwen ki Bondye. Pa gen lòt!
23 By myself have I sworn, The truth hath gone from my mouth, The word, that shall not return, That to me every knee shall bow, That to me every tongue shall swear.
Mwen fè sèman sou tèt mwen, sa m'ap di la a se laverite klè. Pesonn p'ap ka demanti pawòl mwen yo. Tout moun pral vin ajenou devan mwen. Nan tout lang, y'ap pran non mwen pou yo fè sèman.
24 “Only in Jehovah,” shall men say, “Is salvation and strength; To him shall come and be put to shame, All that are incensed against him.”
Y'a di: Se nan Seyè a sèl nou jwenn jistis ak fòs kouraj! Tout moun ki t'ap kenbe tèt avè l' yo pral wont, y'ap vin nan pye l'.
25 Through Jehovah shall all the race of Israel be delivered, And in him shall they glory.
Men, gremesi Seyè a, moun ras Izrayèl yo pral kanpe ankò. Yo pral fè lwanj mwen.

< Isaiah 45 >