< Isaiah 27 >

1 In that day will Jehovah punish with his sword, His hard, and great, and strong sword, The leviathan, that fleet serpent, Even the leviathan, that winding serpent; Yea, he will slay the monster, that is in the sea.
U onaj dan kaznit će Jahve mačem ljutim, velikim i jakim Levijatana, zmiju hitru, Levijatana, zmiju vijugavu, i ubit će zmaja morskoga.
2 In that day, sing ye thus concerning the vineyard:
U onaj dan pjevajte mu, vinogradu vinorodnom:
3 “I, Jehovah, am its guardian; I will water it every moment; That no one may assault it, I will watch it day and night.
Ja, Jahve, njega čuvam, svaki čas ga zalijevam, i da ga tko ne ošteti, danju i noću stražim.
4 There is no fury in me; But let me find the thorns and thistles in battle. I will go against them, And burn them up together,
Nema gnjeva u meni! Nek' se trnje i drač samo pojavi, protiv njega ustat ću u boj, svega ću ga sažgati!
5 Unless they take hold of my protection, And with me make peace, And make peace with me.”
Ili u moje nek' dođe okrilje, neka sklopi mir sa mnom, mir neka sklopi sa mnom!
6 In coming days shall Jacob take root, And Israel flourish and bud forth, And fill the world with fruit.
Dolaze dani kad će se ukorijeniti Jakov, razgranit' se i procvasti Izrael, i sav svijet plodovima napuniti.
7 Did he smite Israel, as he smote those that smote him? Was he slain as those that slew him?
Je li ga udario kako udari one koji njega udarahu? Je li ga ubio kako ubi one koji njega ubiše?
8 In measure, by sending her away, didst thou punish her, Taking her away in the rough tempest, in the day of the east wind.
Za kaznu ga potjera, izagna, odnese ga silnim dahom svojim u dan istočnjaka.
9 By this, therefore, is the iniquity of Jacob expiated, And this is wholly the fruit of the removal of his sin, That He has made the stones of the altar like limestones broken in pieces, And that the images of Astarte and the sun-pillars no more stand.
Tako će se okajati bezakonje Jakovljevo; a ovo je sve plod oproštenja grijeha njegova. Neka se smrve svi kamenovi žrtvenika kao što se u prah drobi krečno kamenje! Nek' se više ne dižu ašere i sunčani stupovi!
10 For the fortified city is desolate, A habitation forsaken, deserted like a wilderness; There doth the calf feed, and there doth he lie down, And consume her branches.
Jer opustje tvrdi grad, naselje je poharano, napušteno kao pustinja. Telad ondje pase - leži ondje, grmlje brsti.
11 When her boughs are withered, they are broken off; Women come, and burn them; For it was a people of no understanding; Therefore he that made him had not mercy on him, And he that formed him showed him no favor.
Kad mu se osuše grane, lome ih, dolaze žene i oganj pale. Jer to je narod nerazuman, zato ga neće žaliti Stvoritelj, Tvorac mu se neće smilovati.
12 But it shall come to pass in that day, That Jehovah shall gather fruit From the stream of the Euphrates to the river of Egypt, And ye shall be gathered, one by one, ye children of Israel!
Jahve će u dan onaj klasje vrijeći od Eufrata do Potoka egipatskog, i bit ćete pobrani jedan po jedan, djeco Izraelova.
13 In that day shall a great trumpet be sounded, And they shall come who are lost in the land of Assyria, And are outcasts in the land of Egypt, And shall worship Jehovah upon the holy mountain in Jerusalem.
U onaj dan zatrubit će velika trublja, i doći će izgubljeni u zemlji asirskoj, i koji bijahu izgnani u zemlju egipatsku, i poklonit će se Jahvi na Svetoj gori, u Jeruzalemu.

< Isaiah 27 >