< Hosea 8 >
1 Put the trumpet to thy mouth! Like an eagle cometh an enemy against the house of Jehovah, Because they have transgressed my covenant, And have rebelled against my law.
“Isa hwamanda pamuromo wako! Gondo riri pamusoro pemba yaJehovha nokuti vanhu vakaputsa sungano yangu uye vakapandukira murayiro wangu.
2 They shall say to me, My God, we know thee, we, thine Israel!
VaIsraeri vanodana kwandiri vachiti, ‘Haiwa, Mwari wedu, tinokuzivai!’
3 Israel hath cast away what is good; The enemy shall pursue him.
Asi Israeri akaramba zvakanaka; muvengi achamutevera.
4 They have set up kings, but not by me; They have made princes, and I knew it not. Of their silver and their gold have they made themselves idols, That they may be brought to destruction.
Vanogadza madzimambo vasina kutenderwa neni; vanosarudza machinda pasina mvumo yangu. Vanozvigadzirira zvifananidzo nesirivha negoridhe ravo kuti vagoparadzwa.
5 An abomination is thy calf, O Samaria! Mine anger is kindled against them; How long will it be ere they can attain to purity!
Rasira kunze chifananidzo chako chemhuru, iwe Samaria! Kutsamwa kwangu kunopisa somoto pamusoro pavo. Vachasvika kupiko vasingagoni kuzvichenesa?
6 For from Israel it came; The workman made it, and it is no God; Yea, into fragments shall the calf of Samaria be broken.
Izvi zvinobva kuIsraeri! Chimhuru ichi, chakagadzirwa nomupfuri, hachisi Mwari. Chichaputsika kuita zvimedu zvimedu, icho chimhuru cheSamaria.
7 They have sown the wind, And they shall reap the whirlwind. They shall have no standing harvest; The ear shall yield no meal; If perchance it yield, strangers shall devour it.
“Vanodyara mhepo vachikohwa chamupupuri. Dzinde harina kubereka; haringabudisi upfu. Dai raizobereka zviyo, vatorwa vaizvimedza.
8 Israel is swallowed up; Soon shall they become among the nations As a vessel which no one desireth.
Israeri yamedzwa; zvino yava pakati pendudzi sechinhu chisina maturo.
9 For they have gone up to Assyria, Like a solitary wild-ass; Ephraim hireth lovers;
Nokuti vakaenda kuAsiria sembizi inongombeya yoga. Efuremu akazvitengesa kuvadiwa.
10 But though they hire among the nations, Soon will I gather the nations against them; Then shall they rest a little while from the burden of their king, and their princes!
Kunyange zvavo vakazvitengesa pakati pendudzi, ndichavaunganidza zvino pamwe chete. Vachatanga kuperezeka pasi poudzvinyiriri hwamambo ane simba guru.
11 Ephraim hath built many altars for sin, Therefore shall he have altars for sin.
“Kunyange Efuremu akavaka aritari zhinji dzezvipiriso zvechivi, idzi dzava aritari dzokuitira zvivi.
12 Though I write for him many laws, They are accounted as a strange thing;
Ndakavanyorera zvinhu zvakawanda zvomurayiro wangu, asi vakazvitora sezvinhu zvisinei navo.
13 As to the sacrifices which they should offer me, they slay flesh and eat it; Jehovah hath no pleasure in them. Now will he remember their iniquity, And punish their sins; To Egypt shall they return.
Vanopa zvibayiro kwandiri uye vodya nyama yacho, asi Jehovha haafadzwi navo. Zvino acharangarira uipi hwavo uye acharanga zvivi zvavo: Vachadzokera kuIjipiti.
14 For Israel hath forgotten his Maker, and builded palaces, And Judah hath multiplied fenced cities; But I will send a fire upon his cities, And it shall devour his palaces.
Israeri akakanganwa Musiki wake ndokuvaka mizinda; Judha akomberedza maguta mazhinji namasvingo. Asi ndichatumira moto pamaguta avo uchaparadza masvingo avo.”