< Habakkuk 1 >

1 The prophecy which was revealed to the prophet Habakkuk.
Det Udsagn, Profeten Habakkuk skuede.
2 How long, O Jehovah, do I cry, and thou dost not hear! How long do I complain to thee of violence, and thou dost not save!
Hvor længe skal jeg klage, HERRE, uden du hører, skrige til dig over Vold, uden du frelser?
3 Why dost thou suffer me to see iniquity, And why dost thou look upon wickedness? For spoiling and violence are before me; There is contention, and strife exalteth itself.
Hvi lader du mig skue Uret, være Vidne til Kvide? Ødelæggelse og Vold har jeg for Øje, der opstod Kiv, og Strid kom op.
4 Therefore the law faileth, And judgment is not pronounced according to truth; For the wicked encompasseth the righteous, Therefore wrong judgment is pronounced.
Derfor ligger Loven lammet, og Ret kommer aldrig frem. Thi når gudløse trænger retfærdige, fremkommer krøget Ret.
5 Behold ye among the nations, and look! Yea, wonder, and be astonished! For I do a work in your days Which ye will not believe though it be told you.
Se eder om blandt Folkene til Skræk og Rædsel for eder! Thi en Gerning gør han i eders Dage, som I ej vilde tro, om det fortaltes.
6 For behold, I raise up the Chaldeans, A fierce and swift people, Which go over the breadth of the earth, To take possession of dwelling-places that are not their own.
Thi se, han vækker Kaldæerne, det grumme og raske Folk, som drager viden om Lande for at indtage andres Bo.
7 They are terrible and dreadful; From themselves go forth their law and their dignity.
Forfærdeligt, frygteligt er det, Ødelæggelse udgår derfra.
8 Their horses are swifter than leopards, And fiercer than evening wolves. Their horsemen leap proudly; Their horsemen come from far; They fly like an eagle, hastening to devour.
Dets Heste er rappere end Pantere, mer viltre end Ulve ved Kvæld; dets Rytterheste kommer i Spring, flyvende langvejs fra. Som Ørnen i Fart efter Føde
9 All of them come for violence; The multitude of their faces is directed forwards, And they gather captives as sand.
er de alle på Vej efter Vold. De higede stadig mod Øst og samlede Fanger som Sand.
10 They also scoff at kings, And princes are to them a laughing-stock; They deride every stronghold, For they heap up earth and take it.
Med Kongerne drev det Spot, Fyrsterne lo det kun ad. Det lo ad hver en Fæstning, opdynged en Vold og tog den.
11 Then their spirit is uplifted, and they transgress, and become guilty; This their strength is made their god.
Så suste det videre som Stormen og gjorde sin Kraft til sin Gud.
12 Art thou not from everlasting, O Jehovah, my God, my Holy One? We shall not die! Thou, O Jehovah, hast appointed them for judgment; Thou, O Rock, hast ordained them for chastisement.
Er du ikke fra fordum HERREN, min hellige Gud? - Vi skal ej dø - HERRE, har du sat ham til Dommer, givet ham Fuldmagt til Straf?
13 Thou art of purer eyes than to behold evil, And canst not look on wickedness; Why then dost thou look on transgressors, And art silent, when the wicked swalloweth up the man that is more righteous than he?
Dit rene Blik afskyr ondt, du tåler ej Synet af Kvide; hvi ser du da tavs på Ransmænd, at gudløs sluger sin Overmand i Retfærd?
14 And why makest thou men as the fishes of the sea, As the reptiles that have no ruler?
Med Mennesker gør du som med Havets Fisk, som med Kryb, der er uden Hersker:
15 They take up all of them with the hook, They catch them in their net, And gather them in their drag; Therefore they rejoice and exult.
Han fisker dem alle med Krog, slæber dem bort i sit Vod og samler dem i sit Garn; derfor er han jublende glad;
16 Therefore they sacrifice to their net, And burn incense to their drag; Because by them their portion is fat, And their food plenteous.
han ofrer derfor til sit Vod, tænder Offerild for sit Garn. Ved dem blev bans Del jo fed og kraftig blev hans Føde.
17 Shall they therefore empty the net, And slay the nations continually without mercy?
Skal han altid tømme sit Vod og slå Folk ihjel uden Skånsel?

< Habakkuk 1 >