< Ezekiel 19 >

1 Moreover, take thou up a lamentation for the princes of Israel,
Oo weliba waxaad u baroorataa amiirrada reer binu Israa'iil,
2 and say: —How lay thy mother at ease, a lioness among lions! Among young lions she nourished her whelps;
oo waxaad tidhaahdaa, Hooyadaa maxay ahayd? Gool bay ahayd! oo libaaxyay dhex jiiftay, oo waxay dhasheedii ku dhex korisay libaaxyo yaryar.
3 And she brought up one of her whelps; He became a young lion, And he learned to seize the prey; he devoured men.
Oo dhasheedii midkood ayay korisay, oo wuxuu noqday libaax aaran ah, oo wuxuu bartay sida ugaadha loo qabsado, dad buuna cunay.
4 And when the nations heard of him, he was taken in their pit, And they brought him with nose-rings to the land of Egypt.
Quruumihii baa warkiisii maqlay, oo waxaa isagii lagu qabtay godkoodii, oo dalkii Masar bay qabatooyin ku keeneen.
5 And when she saw that she waited in vain, and that her hope was lost, She took another of her whelps, and she made him a young lion.
Haddaba iyadu markay isagii wax badan sugtay oo ay ka rajo beeshay waxay qaadatay mid kale oo dhasheedii ah, oo waxay ka dhigtay libaax aaran ah.
6 And he went up and down among the lions; he became a young lion, And he learned to seize the prey; he devoured men.
Oo isaguna libaaxyaduu dhex socday, oo wuxuu noqday libaax aaran ah, oo wuxuu bartay sida ugaadha loo qabsado, dad buuna cunay.
7 He knew their widows, and laid waste their cities, And the land was desolate, and all that was therein, before the voice of his roaring.
Qalcadahoodii buu yiqiin, oo magaalooyinkoodiina cidla buu ka dhigay, oo dalkii iyo wixii dhexdiisa ka buuxayba baabba' bay noqdeen, waana codka cidiisa aawadiis.
8 Then the nations set themselves against him on every side from the provinces, And spread their net over him; He was taken in their pit.
Markaasaa quruumihii dhinac kasta kaga keceen oo gobolladii oo dhan ka soo hujuumeen, oo shabaggoodii bay ku kor kala bixiyeen, oo godkoodaa lagu qabtay.
9 And they put him with nose rings into a cage, And carried him to the king of Babylon. And they carried him to a stronghold, That his voice might be heard no more Upon the mountains of Israel.
Oo intay qabatooyin ku qabteen ayay khafas ku rideen, oo boqorkii Baabuloon bay u keeneen, oo waxay ku rideen qalcado xoog badan si aan codkiisa mar dambe buuraha reer binu Israa'iil looga maqlin.
10 Thy mother was like a vine planted like thyself by the waters; She was fruitful and full of branches by reason of many waters;
Hooyadaa waxay ahayd sidii geed canab ah oo dhiiggaaga ku dhex jira oo biyo lagu ag beeray. Biyaha badan daraaddood ayay wax midho badan iyo laamo miidhan ah u noqotay.
11 She had strong rods for sceptres of rulers, And her stature was high among the thick branches, So that she was conspicuous in her height, And the multitude of her branches.
Oo waxay lahayd laamo adadag oo ulo u ah kuwa xukunka hayay, oo sarajooggeeduna wuxuu ka sii sara maray geedaha laamahooda waaweyn, oo dhererkeedu wuxuu la muuqday laameheeda badan aawadood.
12 But she was plucked up in fury, She was cast down to the ground, And the east wind dried up her fruit. Her strong rods were broken and withered; The fire consumed them.
Laakiinse iyadii cadhaa lagu rujiyey, oo dhulkaa lagu soo xooray, oo dabayshii bari ayaa midheheedii qallajisay, laameheedii adadkaana way jajabeen oo engegeen, oo dab baa iyagii baabbi'iyey.
13 And now she is planted in the desert, In a dry and thirsty land.
Oo haddana waxaa iyadii lagu dhex beeray cidlada, taasoo ah dhul engegan oo oommanaa.
14 And a fire is gone forth out of a rod of her branches, Which hath devoured her fruit, So that she hath no strong rod for a ruler's sceptre. This is a lamentation, and it shall be for a lamentation.
Oo dab baa laameheedii ka soo dhex baxay, oo midhaheedii dhammeeyey, oo sidaas aawadeed iyadu ma leh laan adag oo ul wax lagu xukumo noqon karta. Tanu waa baroorasho, oo baroorashay u noqon doontaa.

< Ezekiel 19 >