< Proverbs 3 >

1 My son, do not forget my teaching; but let your heart keep my commandments:
Mwana wanga, usayiwale malangizo anga, mtima wako usunge malamulo anga.
2 for length of days, and years of life, and peace, will they add to you.
Ukatero zaka za moyo wako zidzachuluka ndipo udzakhala pa mtendere.
3 Do not let kindness and truth forsake you. Bind them around your neck. Write them on the tablet of your heart.
Makhalidwe ochitira ena chifundo ndi owonetsa kukhulupirika asakuchokere. Uwamangirire mʼkhosi mwako ngati mkanda ndi kuwalemba pa mtima pako.
4 So you will find favor, and good understanding in the sight of God and man.
Ukatero udzapeza kuyanja ndi mbiri yabwino pamaso pa Mulungu ndi anthu.
5 Trust in YHWH with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.
Uzikhulupirira Yehova ndi mtima wako wonse ndipo usadalire nzeru zako za kumvetsa zinthu.
6 In all your ways remember him, and he will make your paths straight.
Pa zochita zako zonse uvomereze kuti Mulungu alipo, ndipo Iye adzawongola njira zako.
7 Do not be wise in your own eyes. Fear YHWH, and depart from evil.
Usamadzione ngati wa nzeru. Uziopa Yehova ndi kupewa zoyipa.
8 It will be health to your body, and nourishment to your bones.
Ukatero thupi lako lidzakhala la moyo wabwino ndi mafupa ako adzakhala olimba.
9 Honor YHWH with your substance, with the first fruits of all your increase:
Uzilemekeza Yehova ndi chuma chako chonse; zokolola zonse zoyamba kucha uzilemekeza nazonso Yehova.
10 so your storehouses will be filled with plenty, and your vats will overflow with new wine.
Ukatero nkhokwe zako zidzadzaza ndi zinthu zambiri, ndiponso mitsuko yako idzadzaza ndi vinyo.
11 My son, do not despise the discipline of YHWH, nor resent his correction.
Mwana wanga usanyoze malangizo a Yehova, ndipo usayipidwe ndi chidzudzulo chake.
12 For whom YHWH loves he disciplines, and punishes every son he accepts.
Paja Yehova amadzudzula amene amamukonda, monga abambo achitira mwana amene amakondwera naye.
13 Blessed is the man who finds wisdom, the man who gets understanding.
Wodala munthu amene wapeza nzeru, munthu amene walandira nzeru zomvetsa zinthu,
14 For her good profit is better than getting silver, and her return is better than fine gold.
pakuti phindu la nzeru ndi labwino kuposa la siliva, phindu lakelo ndi labwino kuposanso golide.
15 She is more precious than rubies. None of the things you can desire are to be compared to her.
Nzeru ndi yoposa miyala yamtengowapatali; ndipo zonse zimene umazikhumba sizingafanane ndi nzeru.
16 Length of days is in her right hand. In her left hand are riches and honor.
Mʼdzanja lake lamanja muli moyo wautali; mʼdzanja lake lamanzere muli chuma ndi ulemu.
17 Her ways are ways of pleasantness. All her paths are peace.
Njira zake ndi njira zosangalatsa, ndipo mu njira zake zonse muli mtendere.
18 She is a tree of life to those who lay hold of her, and those who hold on to her are blessed
Nzeru ili ngati mtengo wopatsa moyo kwa oyigwiritsitsa; wodala munthu amene amayigwiritsa kwambiri.
19 By wisdom YHWH founded the earth. By understanding, he established the heavens.
Yehova anakhazikitsa dziko lapansi pogwiritsa ntchito nzeru. Anagwiritsanso ntchito nzeru zakudziwa bwino zinthu pamene ankakhazikitsa zakumwamba.
20 By his knowledge, the depths were broken up, and the skies drop down the dew.
Mwa nzeru zake Yehova anatumphutsa madzi kuchokera mʼnthaka ndiponso mitambo inagwetsa mvula.
21 My son, let them not depart from your eyes. Keep sound wisdom and discretion:
Mwana wanga usunge nzeru yeniyeni ndi khalidwe lomalingarira zinthu bwino. Zimenezi zisakuchokere.
22 so they will be life to your soul, and grace for your neck.
Zimenezi zidzakupatsa moyo, moyo wake wosangalatsa ndi wabwino ngati mkanda wa mʼkhosi.
23 Then you shall walk in your way securely, and your foot won't stumble.
Choncho udzayenda pa njira yako mosaopa kanthu, ndipo phazi lako silidzapunthwa;
24 When you lie down, you will not be afraid; you will lie down, and your sleep will be sweet.
pamene ugona pansi, sudzachita mantha; ukadzagona pansi tulo tako tidzakhala tokoma.
25 Do not be afraid of sudden fear, or of the storm of the wicked when it comes:
Usaope tsoka lobwera mwadzidzidzi kapena chiwonongeko chimene chidzagwera anthu oyipa,
26 for YHWH will be your confidence, and will keep your foot from being taken.
pakuti Yehova adzakulimbitsa mtima ndipo adzasunga phazi lako kuti lisakodwe mu msampha.
27 Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in the power of your hand to do it.
Usaleke kuchitira zabwino amene ayenera kulandira zabwino, pamene uli nazo mphamvu zochitira zimenezi.
28 Do not say to your neighbor, "Go, and come again; tomorrow I will give it to you," when you have it by you.
Usanene kwa mnansi wako kuti, “Pita, uchite kubweranso. Ndidzakupatsa mawa” pamene uli nazo tsopano.
29 Do not devise evil against your neighbor, seeing he dwells securely by you.
Usamukonzere chiwembu mnansi wako, amene anakhala nawe pafupi mokudalira.
30 Do not strive with a man without cause, if he has done you no harm.
Usakangane ndi munthu wopanda chifukwa pamene iye sanakuchitire zoyipa.
31 Do not envy the man of violence. Choose none of his ways.
Usachite naye nsanje munthu wachiwawa kapena kutsanzira khalidwe lake lililonse.
32 For the perverse is an abomination to YHWH, but his friendship is with the upright.
Pakuti Yehova amanyansidwa ndi munthu woyipa koma amayanjana nawo anthu olungama.
33 YHWH's curse is in the house of the wicked, but he blesses the habitation of the righteous.
Yehova amatemberera nyumba ya munthu woyipa, koma amadalitsa nyumba ya anthu olungama.
34 Surely he is scornful to scoffers, but he gives grace to the humble.
Anthu onyoza, Iye amawanyoza, koma amakomera mtima anthu odzichepetsa.
35 The wise will inherit glory, but shame will be the promotion of fools.
Anthu anzeru adzalandira ulemu, koma zitsiru adzazichititsa manyazi.

< Proverbs 3 >