< Proverbs 15 >

1 A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.
Mulayim jawab ghezepni basar; Qopal söz achchiqni qozghar.
2 The tongue of the wise commends knowledge, but the mouth of fools gush out folly.
Aqilanilerning tili bilimni jari qilar; Exmeqning aghzi quruq gep töker.
3 The eyes of YHWH are everywhere, keeping watch on the evil and the good.
Perwerdigarning közi her yerde yürer; Yaxshi-yamanlarni körüp turar.
4 A gentle tongue is a tree of life, but deceit in it crushes the spirit.
Shipa yetküzgüchi til xuddi bir «hayatliq derixi»dur; Tili egrilik kishining rohini sundurar.
5 A fool despises his father's correction, but he who heeds reproof shows prudence.
Exmeq atisining terbiyisige pisent qilmas; Lékin atisining tenbihige qulaq salghan zérek bolar.
6 In the house of the righteous is much treasure, but the income of the wicked brings trouble.
Heqqaniyning öyide göherler köptur; Biraq yamanning tapawiti özige awarichilik tapar.
7 The lips of the wise spread knowledge; not so with the heart of fools.
Dananing lewliri bilim tarqitar; Exmeqning könglidin héch bilim chiqmas.
8 The sacrifice made by the wicked is an abomination to YHWH, but the prayer of the upright is his delight.
Yamanlarning qurbanliqi Perwerdigargha yirginchliktur; Duruslarning duasi Uning xursenlikidur.
9 The way of the wicked is an abomination to YHWH, but he loves him who follows after righteousness.
Yamanlarning yoli Perwerdigargha yirginchliktur; Lékin heqqaniyetni intilip izdigüchini U yaxshi körer.
10 There is stern discipline for one who forsakes the way: whoever hates reproof shall die.
Toghra yoldin chiqqanlar azabliq terbiyini körer; Tenbihge öch bolghuchi öler.
11 Sheol and Abaddon are before YHWH—how much more then the hearts of human beings. (Sheol h7585)
Tehtisara we halaket Perwerdigarning köz aldida ochuq turghan yerde, Insan könglidiki oy-pikirni qandaqmu Uningdin yoshuralisun?! (Sheol h7585)
12 A scoffer doesn't love to be reproved; he will not go to the wise.
Hakawur tenbih bergüchini yaqturmas; U aqilanilerdin nesihet élishqa barmas.
13 A glad heart makes a cheerful face; but an aching heart breaks the spirit.
Köngül shad bolsa, xush chiray bolar; Derd-elem tartsa, rohi sunar.
14 The heart of one who has understanding seeks knowledge, but the mouths of fools feed on folly.
Yorutulghan köngül bilimni izder; Eqilsizning aghzi nadanliqni ozuq qilar.
15 All the days of the afflicted are wretched, but one who has a cheerful heart enjoys a continual feast.
Ézilgenlerning hemme künliri teste öter; Biraq shad köngül herkünini héyttek ötküzer.
16 Better is little, with the fear of YHWH, than great treasure with trouble.
Zor bayliq bilen biaramliq tapqandin, Azgha shükür qilip, Perwerdigardin eymen’gen ewzel.
17 Better is a dinner of herbs, where love is, than a fattened calf with hatred.
Nepret ichide yégen bordaq göshte qilin’ghan katta ziyapettin, Méhir-muhebbet ichide yégen köktat ewzel.
18 A wrathful man stirs up contention, but one who is slow to anger appeases strife.
Térikkek kishi jédel chiqirar; Éghir-bésiq talash-tartishlarni tinchlandurar.
19 The way of the sluggard is like a thorn patch, but the path of the upright is a highway.
Hurunning yoli tikenlik qashadur, Durus ademning yoli kötürülgen yoldek daghdamdur.
20 A wise son makes a father glad, but a foolish man despises his mother.
Dana oghul atisini shad qilar; Eqilsiz adem anisini kemsiter.
21 Folly is joy to one who is void of wisdom, but a man of understanding keeps his way straight.
Eqli yoq kishi exmeqliqi bilen xushtur; Yorutulghan kishi yolini toghrilap mangar.
22 Where there is no counsel, plans fail; but in a multitude of counselors they are established.
Meslihetsiz ish qilghanda nishanlar emelge ashmas; Meslihetchi köp bolghanda muddialar emelge ashurular.
23 Joy comes to a man with the reply of his mouth. How good is a word at the right time.
Kishige jayida bergen jawabidin xush bolar, Del waqtida qilghan söz neqeder yaxshidur!
24 The path of life leads upward for the wise, to keep him from going downward to Sheol. (Sheol h7585)
Hayatliq yoli eqilliq kishini yuqirigha bashlayduki, Uni chongqur tehtisaradin qutquzar. (Sheol h7585)
25 YHWH will uproot the house of the proud, but he will keep the widow's borders intact.
Perwerdigar tekebburning öyini yuluwéter; Biraq U tul xotunlargha pasillarni turghuzar.
26 YHWH detests the thoughts of the wicked, but the thoughts of the pure are pleasing.
Yamanlarning oy-pikri Perwerdigargha yirginchliktur; Biraq sap dilning sözliri söyümlüktur.
27 He who is greedy for gain troubles his own house, but he who hates bribes will live.
Ach köz kishi öz ailisige awarichilik keltürer; Para élishqa nepretlen’gen kishi kün körer.
28 The heart of the righteous weighs answers, but the mouth of the wicked gushes out evil.
Heqqaniy adem qandaq jawab bérishte qayta-qayta oylinar; Yaman ademning aghzidin shumluq töküler.
29 YHWH is far from the wicked, but he hears the prayer of the righteous.
Perwerdigar yaman ademdin yiraqtur; Biraq U heqqaniyning duasini anglar.
30 The light of the eyes rejoices the heart. Good news gives health to the bones.
Xush közler köngülni shadlandurar; Xush xewer ustixanlargha gösh-may qondurar.
31 The ear that listens to reproof lives, and will be at home among the wise.
Hayatliqqa élip baridighan tenbihke qulaq salghan kishi danalarning qataridin orun alar.
32 He who refuses correction despises his own soul, but he who listens to reproof gets understanding.
Terbiyeni ret qilghan öz jénini xar qilar; Tenbihge qulaq salghan yorutular.
33 The fear of YHWH teaches wisdom. Before honor is humility.
Perwerdigardin qorqush ademge danaliq ögiter; Awwal kemterlik bolsa, andin shöhret kéler.

< Proverbs 15 >