< Numbers 11 >

1 The people were complaining in the ears of YHWH. When YHWH heard it, his anger was kindled; and YHWH's fire burnt among them, and consumed some of the outskirts of the camp.
Poslije stade se tužiti narod da mu je teško; a to ne bi po volji Gospodu; i kad Gospod èu, razgnjevi se; i raspali se na njih oganj Gospodnji, i sažeže krajnje u okolu.
2 The people cried to Moses; and Moses prayed to YHWH, and the fire abated.
Tada zavapi narod k Mojsiju, a Mojsije se pomoli Gospodu, i ugasi se oganj.
3 The name of that place was called Taberah, because YHWH's fire burnt among them.
I prozva se ono mjesto Tavera, jer se raspali na njih oganj Gospodnji.
4 The mixed multitude that was among them lusted exceedingly: and the children of Israel also wept again, and said, "Who will give us flesh to eat?
A svjetina što bijaše meðu njima, bješe vrlo lakoma, te i sinovi Izrailjevi stadoše plakati govoreæi: ko æe nas nahraniti mesa?
5 We remember the fish, which we ate in Egypt for nothing; the cucumbers, and the melons, and the leeks, and the onions, and the garlic;
Opomenusmo se riba što jeðasmo u Misiru zabadava, i krastavaca i dinja i luka crnoga i bijeloga.
6 but now we have lost our appetite. There is nothing at all except this manna to look at."
A sada posahnu duša naša, nema ništa osim mane pred oèima našima.
7 The manna was like coriander seed, and its appearance like the appearance of bdellium.
A mana bješe kao sjeme korijandrovo, a boja mu bješe kao boja u bdela.
8 The people went around, gathered it, and ground it in mills, or beat it in mortars, and boiled it in pots, and made cakes of it. Its taste was like the taste of fresh oil.
I izlažaše narod, te kupljahu, i meljahu na žrvnjima ili tucahu u stupama, i kuhahu u kotlu, ili miješahu pogaèe; a kus joj bijaše kao kus od novoga ulja.
9 When the dew fell on the camp in the night, the manna fell on it.
I kad padaše rosa po okolu noæu, padaše s njom i mana.
10 Moses heard the people weeping throughout their families, every man at the door of his tent; and the anger of YHWH was kindled greatly; and Moses was displeased.
I èu Mojsije gdje narod plaèe u porodicama svojim, svaki na vratima od šatora svojega; i Gospod se razgnjevi vrlo, i Mojsiju bi teško.
11 Moses said to YHWH, "Why have you treated with your servant so badly? Why haven't I found favor in your sight, that you lay the burden of all this people on me?
Pa reèe Mojsije Gospodu: zašto uèini tako zlo sluzi svojemu? i zašto ne naðoh milosti pred tobom, nego metnu na me teret svega naroda ovoga?
12 Have I conceived all this people? Have I brought them forth, that you should tell me, 'Carry them in your bosom, as a nurse carries a nursing infant, to the land which you swore to their fathers?'
Eda li ja zaèeh sav ovaj narod? eda li ga ja rodih, kad mi kažeš: iznesi ga u naruèju svojem, kao što nosi dojilja dijete, u onu zemlju za koju si se zakleo ocima njihovijem.
13 Where could I get meat to give to all this people? For they weep to me, saying, 'Give us meat, that we may eat.'
Otkuda meni mesa da dam svemu ovom narodu? jer plaèu preda mnom govoreæi: daj nam mesa da jedemo.
14 I am not able to bear all this people alone, because it is too heavy for me.
Ne mogu ja sam nositi svega naroda ovoga, jer je teško za mene.
15 If you treat me this way, please kill me right now, if I have found favor in your sight; and do not let me see my wretchedness."
Ako æeš tako èiniti sa mnom, ubij me bolje, ako sam našao milost pred tobom, da ne gledam zla svojega.
16 YHWH said to Moses, "Gather to me seventy men of the elders of Israel, whom you know to be the elders of the people, and officers over them; and bring them to the Tent of Meeting, that they may stand there with you.
A Gospod reèe Mojsiju: saberi mi sedamdeset ljudi izmeðu starješina Izrailjevijeh, koje znaš da su starješine narodu i upravitelji njegovi, i dovedi ih k šatoru od sastanka, neka ondje stanu s tobom.
17 I will come down and talk with you there. I will take of the Spirit which is on you, and will put it on them; and they shall bear the burden of the people with you, that you not bear it yourself alone.
Tada æu siæi i govoriti ondje s tobom, i uzeæu od duha koji je na tebi i metnuæu na njih, da nose s tobom teret narodni i da ne nosiš ti sam.
18 "Say to the people, 'Sanctify yourselves against tomorrow, and you will eat flesh; for you have wept in the ears of YHWH, saying, "Who will give us flesh to eat? For it was well with us in Egypt." Therefore YHWH will give you flesh, and you will eat.
A narodu reci: pripravite se za sjutra da jedete mesa, jer plakaste da Gospod èu, i rekoste: ko æe nas nahraniti mesa? jer nam dobro bijaše u Misiru. Daæe vam dakle Gospod mesa i ješæete.
19 You will not eat one day, nor two days, nor five days, neither ten days, nor twenty days,
Neæete jesti jedan dan, ni dva dana, ni pet dana, ni deset dana, ni dvadeset dana;
20 but a whole month, until it come out at your nostrils, and it is loathsome to you; because that you have rejected YHWH who is among you, and have wept before him, saying, "Why did we come out of Egypt?"'"
Nego cio mjesec dana, dokle vam na nos ne udari i ne ogadi vam se, zato što odbaciste Gospoda koji je meðu vama i plakaste pred njim govoreæi: zašto izidosmo iz Misira?
21 Moses said, "The people, among whom I am, are six hundred thousand men on foot; and you have said, 'I will give them flesh, that they may eat a whole month.'
A Mojsije reèe: šest stotina tisuæa pješaka ima naroda, u kojem sam, pa ti kažeš: daæu im mesa da jedu cio mjesec dana.
22 Shall flocks and herds be slaughtered for them, to be sufficient for them? Shall all the fish of the sea be gathered together for them, to be sufficient for them?"
Eda li æe im se poklati ovce i goveda da im dostane? ili æe im se pokupiti sve ribe morske da im bude dosta?
23 YHWH said to Moses, "Has YHWH's hand grown short? Now you will see whether my word will happen to you or not."
A Gospod reèe Mojsiju: zar ruka Gospodnja neæe biti dovoljna? Vidjeæeš hoæe li biti što ti rekoh ili neæe.
24 Moses went out, and told the people the words of YHWH; and he gathered seventy men of the elders of the people, and set them around the Tent.
I Mojsije izide i reèe narodu rijeèi Gospodnje; i sabra sedamdeset ljudi izmeðu starješina narodnijeh, i postavi ih oko šatora.
25 YHWH came down in the cloud, and spoke to him, and took of the Spirit that was on him, and put it on the seventy elders: and it happened that when the Spirit rested on them, they prophesied, but they did so no more.
I Gospod siðe u oblaku, i govori k njemu, i uzevši od duha koji bješe na njemu metnu na onijeh sedamdeset ljudi starješina; i kad duh doðe na njih, prorokovahu, ali više nikad.
26 But two men remained in the camp. The name of one was Eldad, and the name of the other Medad: and the Spirit rested on them; and they were of those who were written, but had not gone out to the Tent; and they prophesied in the camp.
A dva èovjeka ostaše u okolu, jednom bješe ime Eldad, a drugom Modad, na koje doðe duh, jer i oni bijahu zapisani ali ne doðoše k šatoru, i stadoše prorokovati u okolu.
27 A young man ran, and told Moses, and said, "Eldad and Medad are prophesying in the camp."
I dotrèa momak, te javi Mojsiju govoreæi: Eldad i Modad prorokuju u okolu.
28 Joshua the son of Nun, the servant of Moses, one of his chosen men, answered, "My lord Moses, forbid them."
A Isus sin Navin, sluga Mojsijev, jedan od momaka njegovijeh, reèe govoreæi: Mojsije gospodaru moj, zabrani im.
29 Moses said to him, "Are you jealous for my sake? I wish that all YHWH's people were prophets, that YHWH would put his Spirit on them."
A Mojsije mu odgovori: zar zavidiš mene radi? kamo da sav narod Gospodnji postanu proroci i da Gospod pusti duh svoj na njih!
30 Moses went into the camp, he and the elders of Israel.
Potom se vrati Mojsije u oko sa starješinama Izrailjevijem.
31 A wind from YHWH went out and brought quails from the sea, and let them fall by the camp, about a day's journey on this side, and a day's journey on the other side, around the camp, and about three feet above the ground.
Tada se podiže vjetar od Gospoda, i potjera od mora prepelice, i razasu ih po okolu, na dan hoda odovuda i na dan hoda odonuda oko okola, na dva lakta od zemlje.
32 The people rose up all that day, and all the night, and all the next day, and gathered the quails. He who gathered least gathered ten homers; and they spread them all abroad for themselves around the camp.
I ustavši narod vas onaj dan i svu noæ i vas drugi dan kupljaše prepelice: i ko nakupi najmanje nakupi deset gomora; i povješaše ih sebi redom oko okola.
33 While the flesh was yet between their teeth, before it was chewed, the anger of YHWH was kindled against the people, and YHWH struck the people with a very great plague.
Ali meso još im bijaše u zubima, jošte ga ne pojedoše, a Gospod se razgnjevi na narod, i udari Gospod narod pomorom vrlo velikim.
34 The name of that place was called Kibroth Hattaavah, because there they buried the people who lusted.
I prozva se ono mjesto Kivrot-Atava jer ondje ukopaše narod koji se bješe polakomio.
35 From Kibroth Hattaavah the people traveled to Hazeroth; and they stayed at Hazeroth.
I poðe narod od Kivrot-Atave u Asirot, i stadoše u Asirotu.

< Numbers 11 >