< Micah 1 >

1 The word of YHWH that came to Micah the Morashtite in the days of Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah, which he saw concerning Samaria and Jerusalem.
2 Hear, you peoples, all of you. Listen, O earth, and all that is in it: and let YHWH be witness against you, YHWH from his holy temple.
萬民よ聽け 地とその中の者よ耳を傾けよ 主ヱホバ汝らに對ひて證を立たまはん 即ち主その聖殿より之を立たまふべし
3 For, look, YHWH comes forth out of his place, and will come down and tread on the high places of the earth.
4 The mountains melt under him, and the valleys split apart, like wax before the fire, like waters that are poured down a steep place.
山は彼の下に融け谷は裂けたり 火の前なる蝋のごとく坡に流るる水の如し
5 "All this is for the disobedience of Jacob, and for the sins of the house of Israel. What is the disobedience of Jacob? Isn't it Samaria? And what are the high places of Judah? Aren't they Jerusalem?
是みなヤコブの咎の故イスラエルの家の罪のゆゑなり ヤコブの愆とは何か サマリヤにあらずや ユダの崇邱とは何か エルサレムにあらずや
6 Therefore I will make Samaria like a rubble heap of the field, like places for planting vineyards; and I will pour down its stones into the valley, and I will uncover its foundations.
7 All her idols will be beaten to pieces, and all her temple gifts will be burned with fire, and all her images I will destroy; for of the hire of a prostitute has she gathered them, and to the hire of a prostitute shall they return."
その石像はみな碎かれその獲たる價金はみな火にて焚れん 我その偶像をことごとく毀たん 彼妓女の價金よりこれを積たれば是はまた歸りて妓女の價金となるべし
8 For this I will lament and wail; I will go stripped and naked; I will howl like the jackals, and moan like the daughters of owls.
我これがために哭き咷ばん 衣を脱ぎ裸體にて歩行ん 山犬のごとくに哭き駝鳥のごとくに啼ん
9 For her wounds are incurable; for it has come even to Judah. It reaches to the gate of my people, even to Jerusalem.
10 Do not tell it in Gath. Do not weep at all. At Beth Leaphrah I have rolled myself in the dust.
ガテに傳ふるなかれ 泣さけぶ勿れ ベテレアフラにて我塵の中に輾びたり
11 Pass on, inhabitant of Shaphir, in nakedness and shame. The inhabitant of Zaanan won't come out. The wailing of Beth Ezel will take from you his protection.
サピルに住る者よ 汝ら裸になり辱を蒙りて進みゆけ ザアナンに住る者は敢て出ず ベテエゼルのの哀哭によりて汝らは立處を得ず
12 For the inhabitant of Maroth waits anxiously for good, because evil has come down from YHWH to the gate of Jerusalem.
マロテに住る者は己の幸福につきて思ひなやむ 其は災禍ヱホバより出てエルサレムの門に臨めばなり
13 Harness the chariot to the swift steed, inhabitant of Lachish. She was the beginning of sin to the daughter of Zion; For the transgressions of Israel were found in you.
ラキシに住る者よ馬に車をつなげ ラキシはシオンの女の罪の根本なり イスラエルの愆は汝の中に見ゆ
14 Therefore you will give a parting gift to Moresheth Gath. The houses of Achzib will be a deceitful thing to the kings of Israel.
この故に汝モレセテガテに離別の饋物を與へよ アクジブの家々はイスラエルの王等におけること人を欺く溪川のごとくなるべし
15 I will yet bring to you, inhabitant of Mareshah. He who is the glory of Israel will come to Adullam.
マレシヤにすめる者よ 我また汝の地を獲べき者を汝に携へ往べし イスラエルの榮光アドラムに往ん
16 Shave your heads, and cut off your hair for the children of your delight. Enlarge your baldness like the vulture; for they have gone into captivity from you.
汝その悦ぶところの子等の故によりて汝の髮を剃おろせ 汝の首の剃し處を大きくして鷲のごとくにせよ 其は彼等擄へられて汝を離るればなり

< Micah 1 >