< Job 8 >

1 Then Bildad the Shuhite answered,
Bildaad Shuhaahichi akkana jedhee deebise:
2 "How long will you speak these things? Shall the words of your mouth be a mighty wind?
“Ati hamma yoomiitti waan akkasii dubbatta? Dubbiin kee bubbee jabaa dha.
3 Does God pervert justice? Or does Shaddai pervert righteousness?
Waaqni murtii qajeelaa jalʼisaa ree? Waaqni Waan Hunda Dandaʼu waan qajeelaa jalʼisaa?
4 If your children have sinned against him, He has delivered them into the hand of their disobedience.
Yommuu ijoolleen kee cubbuu isatti hojjetanitti, inni adabbii cubbuu isaaniitti dabarsee isaan kenne.
5 If you want to seek God diligently, make your petition to Shaddai.
Ati garuu yoo Waaqa barbaadatte, Waaqa Waan Hunda Dandaʼu yoo waammatte,
6 If you were pure and upright, surely now he would awaken for you, and make the habitation of your righteousness prosperous.
yoo ati qulqulluu fi qajeelaa taate, inni waaʼee keetiif ammuma kaʼa; jireenya qajeelummaa kees siif deebisa.
7 Though your beginning was small, yet your latter end would greatly increase.
Jalqabni kee xinnaa taʼu illee, dhumni kee baayʼee guddaa taʼa.
8 "Please inquire of past generations. Find out about the learning of their fathers.
“Dhaloota darbe gaafadhu; waan abbootiin isaanii qoratanii bira gaʼanis hubadhu;
9 (For we are but of yesterday, and know nothing, because our days on earth are a shadow.)
nu waan kaleessa dhalanneef waa tokko illee hin beeknuutii; baroonni keenyas lafa irratti akkuma gaaddidduu ti.
10 Shall they not teach you, tell you, and utter words out of their heart?
Isaan si hin barsiisanii? Sittis hin himanii? Dubbii garaa isaanii keessa jirus hin dubbatanii?
11 "Can the papyrus grow up without mire? Can the rushes grow without water?
Dhallaadduun lafa caffee hin taʼinitti guddataa? Shambaqqoonis bishaan malee lalisaa?
12 While it is yet in its greenness, not cut down, it withers before any other reed.
Isaan utuma guddachaa jiranuu, utuu hin muramin, biqiltuuwwan kaan dura dafanii gogu.
13 So are the paths of all who forget God. The hope of the godless man shall perish,
Dhumni warra Waaqa irraanfataniis akkasuma taʼa; abdiin warra Waaqa hin beeknees ni bada.
14 Whose confidence shall break apart, Whose trust is a spider's web.
Abdiin isaa akkuma salphaatti cita; ofitti amanachuun isaas manʼee sariitii ti.
15 He shall lean on his house, but it shall not stand. He shall cling to it, but it shall not endure.
Inni manʼee isaatti irkata; manʼeen sun garuu hin dhaabatu; itti maxxanas; manʼeen sun garuu dandaʼee isa hin baatu.
16 He is green before the sun. His shoots go forth over his garden.
Inni akka biqiltuu aduu keessatti bishaan obaafamee lalisuutti, dameewwan isaa lafa biqiltuu irra diriirfatuu ti.
17 His roots are wrapped around the rock pile. He sees the place of stones.
Hidda isaa tuullaa dhagaatti marata; kattaa gidduus iddoo jiraatu ni barbaaddata.
18 If he is destroyed from his place, then it shall deny him, saying, 'I have not seen you.'
Yommuu inni iddoo isaatii badutti garuu, iddoon sun, ‘Ani si argee hin beeku’ jedhee isa gana.
19 Look, this is the joy of his way: out of the earth, others shall spring.
Kunis dhuma jireenya isaa ti; biqiltuuwwan biraas lafaa ni biqilu.
20 "Look, God will not cast away a blameless man, neither will he uphold the evildoers.
“Waaqni nama hirʼina hin qabne hin gatu; yookaan harka jalʼootaa hin jabeessu.
21 He will still fill your mouth with laughter, your lips with shouting.
Inni afaan kee kolfaan, arraba kee immoo ililleedhaan ni guuta.
22 Those who hate you shall be clothed with shame. The tent of the wicked shall be no more."
Warri si jibban salphina uffatu. Dunkaanni jalʼootaas siʼachi hin jiraatu.”

< Job 8 >