< Job 14 >

1 "Man, who is born of a woman, is of few days, and full of trouble.
“Mutum haihuwar mace kwanakinsa kaɗan ne, kuma cike da wahala.
2 He comes forth like a flower, and is cut down. He also flees like a shadow, and doesn't continue.
Yana tasowa kamar fure yana kuma shuɗewa; kamar inuwa, ba ya daɗewa.
3 Do you open your eyes on such a one, and bring me into judgment with you?
Za ka zura ido a kan irin wannan ne? Za ka kawo shi gaba don ka yi masa shari’a?
4 Who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean? Not one.
Wane ne zai iya kawo abin da yake da tsarki daga cikin abu marar tsarki? Babu!
5 Seeing his days are determined, the number of his months is with you, and you have appointed his bounds that he can't pass;
An lissafta kwanakin mutum; ka riga ka ɗibar masa watanni, ka yi masa iyaka, ba zai iya wuce iyakar ba.
6 Look away from him, that he may rest, until he shall accomplish, as a hireling, his day.
Saboda haka ka kawar da kanka daga gare shi, ka rabu da shi har sai ya cika lokacinsa kamar mutumin da aka ɗauki hayarsa.
7 "For there is hope for a tree, If it is cut down, that it will sprout again, that the tender branch of it will not cease.
“Aƙalla itace yana da bege. In an sare shi, zai sāke tsira, zai tohu da kyau.
8 Though its root grows old in the earth, and its stock dies in the ground,
Ko da jijiyoyin itacen sun tsufa a cikin ƙasa kuma kututturensa ya mutu a cikin ƙasa.
9 yet through the scent of water it will bud, and put forth boughs like a plant.
Daga ya ji ƙanshin ruwa zai tohu yă yi tsiro kamar shuka.
10 But man dies, and is laid low. Yes, man gives up the spirit, and where is he?
Amma mutum yana mutuwa a bizne shi; daga ya ja numfashinsa na ƙarshe, shi ke nan.
11 As the waters fail from the sea, and the river wastes and dries up,
Kamar yadda ruwa yake bushewa a teku ko a gaɓar rafi sai wurin yă bushe,
12 so man lies down and doesn't rise. Until the heavens are no more, they shall not awake, nor be roused out of their sleep.
haka mutum zai kwanta ba zai tashi ba; har sai duniya ta shuɗe mutane ba za su farka ba, ba za su tashi daga barcinsu ba.
13 "Oh that you would hide me in Sheol, that you would keep me secret, until your wrath is past, that you would appoint me a set time, and remember me. (Sheol h7585)
“Da ma za ka ɓoye ni a cikin kabari ka ɓoye ni har sai fushinka ya wuce! In da za ka keɓe mini lokaci sa’an nan ka tuna da ni! (Sheol h7585)
14 If a man dies, shall he live again? All the days of my warfare would I wait, until my release should come.
In mutum ya mutu, ko zai sāke rayuwa? In haka ne zan daure kwanakin da nake shan wahala har su wuce.
15 You would call, and I would answer you. You would have a desire to the work of your hands.
Za ka kira zan kuwa amsa maka; za ka yi marmarin abin da hannunka ya halitta.
16 But now you number my steps. Do you not watch over my sin?
Ba shakka a lokacin ne za ka lura da matakaina amma ba za ka kula da zunubaina ba.
17 My disobedience is sealed up in a bag. You fasten up my iniquity.
Za a daure laifofina a cikin jaka; za ka rufe zunubaina.
18 "But the mountain falling comes to nothing. The rock is removed out of its place;
“Amma kamar yadda manyan duwatsu suke fāɗuwa su farfashe su kuma gusa daga wurarensu,
19 The waters wear the stones. The torrents of it wash away the dust of the earth. So you destroy the hope of man.
yadda ruwa yakan zaizaye duwatsu ruwa mai ƙarfi kuma yă kwashe turɓayar ƙasa, haka kake barin mutum ba bege.
20 You forever prevail against him, and he departs. You change his face, and send him away.
Ka sha ƙarfinsa gaba ɗaya, sai ya ɓace, ka sauya yanayinsa ka kuma kore shi.
21 His sons come to honor, and he doesn't know it. They are brought low, but he doesn't perceive it of them.
Ko an martaba’ya’yansa maza, ba zai sani ba; Ko an wulaƙanta su, ba zai gani ba.
22 But his flesh on him has pain, and his soul within him mourns."
Zafin jikinsa kaɗai yake ji yana kuka wa kansa ne kaɗai.”

< Job 14 >