< Hosea 1 >

1 The word of YHWH that came to Hosea the son of Beeri, in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah, and in the days of Jeroboam the son of Joash, king of Israel.
Riječ Jahvina koja dođe Hošei, sinu Beerijevu, u dane Uzije, Jotama, Ahaza i Ezekije, kraljeva judejskih, u dane Jeroboama, sina Joaševa, kralja izraelskog.
2 When YHWH spoke at the first by Hosea, YHWH said to Hosea, "Go, take for yourself a wife of prostitution and children of unfaithfulness; for the land commits great adultery, forsaking YHWH."
Početak riječi Jahvinih Hošei. Jahve reče Hošei: “Idi, oženi se bludnicom i izrodi djecu bludničku, jer se zemlja bludu odala, odmetnuvši se od Jahve!”
3 So he went and took Gomer the daughter of Diblaim; and she conceived, and bore him a son.
I on ode, uze Gomeru, kćer Diblajimovu, koja zače i rodi mu sina.
4 YHWH said to him, "Call his name 'Jezreel,' for yet a little while, and I will avenge the blood of Jezreel on the house of Jehu, and will cause the kingdom of the house of Israel to cease.
Jahve mu reče: “Nadjeni mu ime Jizreel, jer još samo malo i kaznit ću pokolje jizreelske na domu Jehuovu i dokončat ću kraljevstvo doma Izraelova.
5 It will happen in that day that I will break the bow of Israel in the Valley of Jezreel."
I u taj dan slomit ću luk Izraelov u Dolini jizreelskoj.”
6 She conceived again, and bore a daughter. Then he said to him, "Call her name 'No Compassion,' for I will no longer have compassion on the house of Israel, that I should in any way pardon them.
I ona opet zače i rodi kćer. I reče mu Jahve: “Nadjeni joj ime Nemila, jer mi odsad neće biti mila kuća Izraelova, od nje ću se povući;
7 But I will have mercy on the house of Judah, and will save them by YHWH their God, and will not save them by bow, or by sword, or by battle, or by chariots, or by horses, or by horsemen."
a omiljet će mi kuća Judina, spasit ću je Jahvom, Bogom njihovim, a neću je spasiti lukom, mačem ni kopljem, ni konjima ni konjanicima.”
8 Now when she had weaned No Compassion, she conceived, and bore a son.
Kad odoji Nemilu, zače opet i rodi sina.
9 He said, "Call his name 'Not My People,' for you are 'Not my People' and I am 'Not your I AM.'
I reče Jahve: “Nadjeni mu ime Ne-narod-moj, jer više niste narod moj i ja vama nisam više Onaj koji jest.”
10 Yet the number of the children of Israel will be as the sand of the sea, which can't be measured nor numbered; and it will come to pass that, in the place where it was said to them, "You are 'Not My People,'" they will be called "Children of the Living God."
“A djece Izraelove bit će brojem k'o pijeska u moru što se izmjerit' ne može ni izbrojit'. Umjesto da im govore: 'Vi niste moj narod,' zvat će ih: 'Sinovi Boga živoga.'
11 The people of Judah and the children of Israel will be gathered together, and they will appoint themselves one head, and will go up from the land; for great will be the day of Jezreel.
Ujedinit će se sinovi Judini i sinovi Izraelovi, postavit će sebi jednoga glavara i otići će iz zemlje; jer velik će biti dan jizreelski.

< Hosea 1 >