< Hosea 7 >

1 When I would heal Israel, then the iniquity of Ephraim is uncovered, also the wickedness of Samaria; for they commit falsehood, and the thief enters in, and the gang of robbers ravages outside.
Pamene ndichiritsa Israeli, machimo a Efereimu amaonekera poyera ndiponso milandu ya Samariya sibisika. Iwo amachita zachinyengo, mbala zimathyola nyumba, achifwamba amalanda anthu katundu mʼmisewu.
2 They do not consider in their hearts that I remember all their wickedness. Now their own deeds have engulfed them. They are before my face.
Koma sazindikira kuti Ine ndimakumbukira zoyipa zawo zonse. Azunguliridwa ndi zolakwa zawo; ndipo sizichoka mʼmaso mwanga.
3 They make the king glad with their wickedness, and the princes with their lies.
“Anthuwa amasangalatsa mfumu ndi zoyipa zawozo, akalonga amasekerera mabodza awo.
4 They are all adulterers. They are burning like an oven that the baker stops stirring, from the kneading of the dough, until it is leavened.
Onsewa ndi anthu azigololo, otentha ngati moto wa mu uvuni, umene wophika buledi sasonkhezera kuyambira pamene akukanda buledi mpaka atafufuma.
5 On the day of our king, the princes made themselves sick with the heat of wine. He joined his hand with mockers.
Pa tsiku la chikondwerero cha mfumu yathu akalonga amaledzera ndi vinyo, ndipo amalowa mʼgulu la anthu achipongwe.
6 For they have made ready their heart like an oven, while they lie in wait. Their baker sleeps all the night. In the morning it burns as a flaming fire.
Mitima yawo ili ngati uvuni; amayandikira Mulungu mwachiwembu. Ukali wawo umanyeka usiku wonse, mmawa umayaka ngati malawi a moto.
7 They are all hot as an oven, and devour their judges. All their kings have fallen. There is no one among them who calls to me.
Onsewa ndi otentha ngati uvuni, amapha olamulira awo. Mafumu awo onse amagwa, ndipo palibe ndi mmodzi yemwe amandiyitana Ine.
8 Ephraim, he mixes himself among the nations. Ephraim is a pancake not turned over.
“Efereimu wasakanikirana ndi mitundu ya anthu ena; Efereimu ndi buledi amene wapsa mbali imodzi.
9 Strangers have devoured his strength, and he doesn't realize it. Indeed, gray hairs are here and there on him, and he doesn't realize it.
Alendo atha mphamvu zake, koma iye sakuzindikira. Tsitsi lake layamba imvi koma iye sakudziwa.
10 The pride of Israel testifies to his face; yet they haven't returned to YHWH their God, nor sought him, for all this.
Kunyada kwake Israeli kukumutsutsa, koma pa zonsezi iye sakubwerera kwa Yehova Mulungu wake kapena kumufunafuna.
11 "Ephraim is like an easily deceived dove, without understanding. They call to Egypt. They go to Assyria.
“Efereimu ali ngati nkhunda yopusa yopanda nzeru. Amayitana Igupto namapita ku Asiriya.
12 When they go, I will spread my net on them. I will bring them down like the birds of the sky. I will chastise them, as their congregation has heard.
Akamadzapita, ndidzawakola ndi ukonde wanga; ndidzawagwetsa pansi ngati mbalame zamumlengalenga. Ndikadzamva kuti asonkhana pamodzi ndidzawakola.
13 Woe to them. For they have wandered from me. Destruction to them. For they have trespassed against me. Though I would redeem them, yet they have spoken lies against me.
Tsoka kwa iwo, chifukwa andisiya Ine! Chiwonongeko kwa iwo, chifukwa andiwukira! Ndimafunitsitsa kuwapulumutsa koma amayankhula za Ine monama.
14 They haven't cried to me with their heart, but they wail on their beds. They cut themselves for grain and new wine. They turn away from me.
Iwo salirira kwa Ine kuchokera pansi pa mtima, koma amalira mofuwula ali pa bedi pawo. Amadzichekacheka chifukwa chofuna tirigu ndi vinyo watsopano, koma amandifulatira.
15 Though I have taught and strengthened their arms, yet they plot evil against me.
Ine ndinawaphunzitsa ndikuwalimbitsa, koma amandikonzera chiwembu.
16 They return, but not to the Most High. They are like a faulty bow. Their leaders will fall by the sword for the rage of their tongue. This will be their derision in the land of Egypt.
Iwo satembenukira kwa Wammwambamwamba; ali ngati uta woonongeka. Atsogoleri awo adzaphedwa ndi lupanga chifukwa cha mawu awo achipongwe. Motero iwo adzasekedwa mʼdziko la Igupto.

< Hosea 7 >