< Hosea 5 >

1 "Listen to this, you priests. Listen, house of Israel, and give ear, house of the king. For the judgment is against you; for you have been a snare at Mizpah, and a net spread on Tabor.
Audite hoc sacerdotes, et attendite domus Israel, et domus regis auscultate: quia vobis iudicium est, quoniam laqueus facti estis speculationi, et sicut rete expansum super Thabor.
2 The rebels are deep in slaughter; but I discipline all of them.
Et victimas declinastis in profundum: et ego eruditor omnium eorum.
3 I know Ephraim, and Israel is not hidden from me; for now, Ephraim, you have played the prostitute. Israel is defiled.
Ego scio Ephraim, et Israel non est absconditus a me: quia nunc fornicatus est Ephraim, contaminatus est Israel.
4 Their deeds won't allow them to turn to their God; for the spirit of prostitution is within them, and they do not know YHWH.
Non dabunt cogitationes suas ut revertantur ad Deum suum: quia spiritus fornicationum in medio eorum, et Dominum non cognoverunt.
5 The pride of Israel testifies to his face. Therefore Israel and Ephraim will stumble in their iniquity. Judah also will stumble with them.
Et respondebit arrogantia Israel in facie eius: et Israel, et Ephraim ruent in iniquitate sua, ruet etiam Iuda cum eis.
6 They will go with their flocks and with their herds to seek YHWH; but they won't find him. He has withdrawn himself from them.
In gregibus suis, et in armentis suis vadent ad quaerendum Dominum, et non invenient: ablatus est ab eis.
7 They are unfaithful to YHWH; for they have borne illegitimate children. Now the new moon will devour them with their fields.
In Dominum praevaricati sunt, quia filios alienos genuerunt: nunc devorabit eos mensis cum partibus suis.
8 "Blow the cornet in Gibeah, and the trumpet in Ramah. Sound a battle cry at Beth Aven, behind you, Benjamin.
Clangite buccina in Gabaa, tuba in Rama: ululate in Bethaven, post tergum tuum Beniamin.
9 Ephraim will become a desolation in the day of rebuke. Among the tribes of Israel, I have made known that which will surely be.
Ephraim in desolatione erit in die correptionis: in tribubus Israel ostendi fidem.
10 The princes of Judah are like those who remove a landmark. I will pour out my wrath on them like water.
Facti sunt principes Iuda quasi assumentes terminum: super eos effundam quasi aquam iram meam.
11 Ephraim is oppressed, he is crushed in judgment; Because he is intent in his pursuit of idols.
Calumniam patiens est Ephraim, fractus iudicio: quoniam coepit abire post sordes.
12 Therefore I am to Ephraim like a moth, and to the house of Judah like rottenness.
Et ego quasi tinea Ephraim: et quasi putredo domui Iuda.
13 "When Ephraim saw his sickness, and Judah his wound, Then Ephraim went to Assyria, and sent to king Jareb: but he is not able to heal you, neither will he cure you of your wound.
Et vidit Ephraim languorem suum, et Iuda vinculum suum: et abiit Ephraim ad Assur, et misit ad regem Ultorem: et ipse non poterit sanare vos, nec solvere poterit a vobis vinculum.
14 For I will be to Ephraim like a lion, and like a young lion to the house of Judah. I myself will tear in pieces and go away. I will carry off, and there will be no one to deliver.
Quoniam ego quasi leaena Ephraim, et quasi catulus leonis domui Iuda: ego ego capiam, et vadam: tollam, et non est qui eruat.
15 I will go and return to my place, until they acknowledge their offense, and seek my face. In their affliction they will seek me earnestly."
Vadens revertar ad locum meum: donec deficiatis, et quaeratis faciem meam.

< Hosea 5 >