< Genesis 28 >

1 Isaac called Jacob, blessed him, and commanded him, "You must not take a wife from the daughters of Canaan.
Saka Isaka akadana Jakobho akamuropafadza uye akamurayira achiti, “Usawana mukadzi muKenani.
2 Arise, go to Paddan Aram, to the house of Bethuel your mother's father. Take a wife from there from the daughters of Laban, your mother's brother.
Kurumidza uende kuPadhani Aramu kuimba yaBhetueri baba vamai vako. Uzvitorere mukadzi ikoko, kubva pakati pavanasikana vaRabhani, hanzvadzi yamai vako.
3 May El Shaddai bless you, and make you fruitful, and multiply you, that you may be a company of peoples,
Mwari Wamasimba Ose ngaakuropafadze uye aite kuti ubereke uye akuitei vazhinji kusvikira mava marudzi mazhinji.
4 and give you the blessing of Abraham, to you, and to your descendants with you, that you may inherit the land where you travel, which God gave to Abraham."
Ngaakupe iwe nezvizvarwa zvako maropafadzo akapiwa kuna Abhurahama, kuitira kuti utore nyika yaugere zvino somutorwa, nyika yakapiwa Abhurahama naMwari.”
5 Isaac sent Jacob away. He went to Paddan Aram to Laban, son of Bethuel the Aramean, Rebekah's brother, Jacob's and Esau's mother.
Ipapo Isaka akaendesa Jakobho, uye akaenda kuPadhani Aramu, kuna Rabhani mwanakomana waBhetueri muAramu, hanzvadzi yaRabheka, akanga ari mai vaJakobho naEsau.
6 Now Esau saw that Isaac had blessed Jacob and sent him away to Paddan Aram, to take him a wife from there, and that as he blessed him he gave him a command, saying, "You must not take a wife from the daughters of Canaan,"
Zvino Esau akaziva kuti Isaka akanga aropafadza Jakobho uye kuti akanga amuendesa kuPadhani Aramu kuti andotora mukadzi ikoko, uye kuti paakamuropafadza akamurayira achiti, “Usawana mukadzi muKenani,”
7 and that Jacob obeyed his father and his mother, and left for Paddan Aram.
uye kuti Jakobho akateerera baba namai vake akaenda kuPadhani Aramu.
8 Esau saw that the daughters of Canaan did not please Isaac, his father.
Ipapo Esau akaziva kuti vakadzi veKenani vakanga vasingafadzi sei Isaka baba vake;
9 Esau went to Ishmael, and took, besides the wives that he had, Mahalath the daughter of Ishmael, Abraham's son, the sister of Nebaioth, to be his wife.
saka akaenda kuna Ishumaeri akandowana Maharati, hanzvadzi yaNebhayoti mwanasikana waIshumaeri mwanakomana waAbhurahama, kuwedzera pavakadzi vaakanga atova navo kare.
10 Jacob went out from Beersheba, and went toward Haran.
Jakobho akabva paBheerishebha akaenda kuHarani.
11 He came to a certain place, and stayed there all night, because the sun had set. He took one of the stones of the place, and put it under his head, and lay down in that place to sleep.
Akati asvika pane imwe nzvimbo, akavata ipapo usiku nokuti zuva rakanga ravira. Akatora rimwe ramatombo ipapo, akaritsamira akavata.
12 And he dreamed. And look, a stairway was set upon the earth, and its top reached to heaven. And look, the angels of God were ascending and descending on it.
Akarota achiona manera amire panyika, uye musoro wawo uchisvika kudenga, uye vatumwa vaMwari vaikwidza nokudzika nawo.
13 And God stood above it, and said, "I am the God of Abraham your grandfather, and the God of Isaac. The land on which you are lying I will give to you and to your descendants.
Pamusoro pawo ipapo pakanga pamire Jehovha, uye akati, “Ndini Jehovha, Mwari wababa vako Abhurahama naMwari waIsaka. Ndichakupa iwe nezvizvarwa zvako nyika yauvete pairi.
14 Your descendants will be as the dust of the earth, and you will spread out to the west, and to the east, and to the north, and to the south. And through you and through your descendants will all the families of the earth be blessed.
Zvizvarwa zvako zvichaita seguruva renyika, uye muchapararira kubva kumavirira kusvikira kumabvazuva, kumusoro nezasi. Marudzi ose apanyika acharopafadzwa kubudikidza navana vako.
15 And look, I am with you, and will watch over you wherever you go, and will bring you again into this land. For I will not leave you, until I have done that which I have spoken of to you."
Ndinewe uye ndichakuchengeta kwose kwaunoenda, uye ndichakudzosazve munyika ino. Handingakusiyi kusvikira ndaita zvandakavimbisa.”
16 Then Jacob woke up from his sleep, and said, "Surely God is in this place, and I did not know it."
Jakobho akati apepuka pahope, akafunga akati, “Zvirokwazvo Jehovha ari panzvimbo ino, uye ndanga ndisingazvizivi.”
17 He was afraid, and said, "How awesome is this place. This is none other than God's house, and this is the gate of heaven."
Akanga achitya uye akati, “Nzvimbo ino inotyisa sei! Iyi imba chaiyo yaMwari; iri ndiro suo rokudenga.”
18 And Jacob rose up early in the morning, and took the stone that he had put under his head, and set it up as a standing-stone, and poured oil on top of it.
Mangwanani akatevera Jakobho akatora dombo raakanga akatsamira akarimisa sembiru akadururira mafuta pamusoro paro.
19 He called the name of that place Bethel, though previously the city was named Luz.
Akatumidza nzvimbo iyi zita rokuti Bheteri, kunyange zvazvo guta iro raimbonzi Ruzi.
20 Then Jacob made a vow, saying, "If God will be with me, and will watch over me on this journey I am taking, and will give me food to eat, and clothing to put on,
Ipapo Jakobho akaita mhiko, akati, “Kana Mwari akava neni uye akandichengeta parwendo urwu rwandiri kufamba uye akandipa zvokudya kuti ndidye nenguo dzokupfeka
21 so that I return to my father's house safely, then he will be my God,
uye ndikadzoka zvakanaka kuimba yababa vangu, ipapo Jehovha achava Mwari wangu,
22 and this stone, which I have set up as a standing-stone, will be God's house. Of all that you will give me I will surely give the tenth to you."
uye dombo iri randamisa sembiru richava imba yaMwari, uye pane zvose zvamuchandipa ndichakupai chegumi.”

< Genesis 28 >