< Ezekiel 47 >

1 He brought me back to the door of the house; and look, waters issued out from under the threshold of the house eastward; (for the forefront of the house was toward the east; ) and the waters came down from under, from the right side of the house, on the south of the altar.
Ngʼatno nochako oduoga e rangach midonjogo e hekalu, kendo naneno pi kamol e bwo kama idonjogo ei hekalu kochomo yo wuok chiengʼ (nikech hekalu noger kochomo yo wuok chiengʼ). Pigno ne mol koridore mwalo kokadho yo milambo mar hekalu, ma bende ni yo milambo mar kendo mar misango.
2 Then he brought me out by the way of the gate northward, and led me round by the way outside to the outer gate, by the way of the gate that looks toward the east; and look, there ran out waters on the right side.
Eka nogola oko kawuok gie rangach man yo nyandwat kendo notelona kawuok oko nyaka rangach ma oko mochomo yo wuok chiengʼ, kendo pi ne mol kawuok yo milambo.
3 When the man went forth eastward with the line in his hand, he measured one thousand seven hundred twenty-two feet six inches, and he caused me to pass through the waters, waters that were to the ankles.
To ngʼatno nowuotho kochomo yo wuok chiengʼ kotingʼo gir pimo e lwete noketo kido mopimo kama borne oromo fut alufu achiel gi mia abich, bangʼe to notelona ka ayoro pi kama tutne ne chopo e ofunj tielo.
4 Again he measured one thousand, and caused me to pass through the waters, waters that were to the knees. Again he measured one thousand, and caused me to pass through the waters, waters that were to the waist.
Nochako oketo kido machielo, mopimo kama borne oromo fut alufu achiel gi mia abich, kendo notelona ka ayoro pi kama tutne ne chopo ewi chonga. Nochako opimo kama machielo, ma borne romo fut alufu achiel gi mia abich kendo notelona ka ayoro pi kama tutne ne chopo e nungona.
5 Afterward he measured one thousand; and it was a river that I could not pass through; for the waters were risen, waters to swim in, a river that could not be passed through.
Nochako oketo kido machielo mopimo kama borne oromo fut alufu achiel gi mia abich, to koro pigno nolokore aora mane ok anyal kadho nikech pigno nopongʼ kendo notut makoro ne anyalo mana goe abal. Koro en aora mane onge ngʼama nyalo kalo.
6 He said to me, "Son of man, have you seen this?" Then he brought me, and caused me to return to the bank of the river.
Nopenja niya, “Wuod dhano, bende ineno gini?” Eka notelona modwoka nyaka e bath aora.
7 Now when I had returned, look, on the bank of the river were very many trees on the one side and on the other.
Kane achopo kanyo, naneno yiende mathoth mokalo akwana e bath aora koni gi koni.
8 Then he said to me, "These waters issue forth toward the eastern region, and shall go down into the Arabah; and they shall go toward the sea; into the sea shall the waters go which were made to issue forth; and the waters shall be healed.
Nowachona niya, “Pigni mol kochomo gwengʼ man yo wuok chiengʼ kendo odhi piny kokadho Araba nyaka e Nam Makwar. Ka oolo pige, to pi man kanyo thiwore doko maliw.
9 It shall happen, that every living creature which swarms, in every place where the river goes, shall live; and there shall be a very great multitude of fish; for these waters have come there, and the waters of the sea shall be healed, and everything shall live wherever the river comes.
Kamoro amora ma aorano molie to kit gik mangima duto biro dakie. Rech biro bedo mangʼeny nikech pigni mol kanyo kendo miyo pi motimo chumbi bedo maliw, omiyo kamoro amora ma aorano okale, gimoro amora biro dakie.
10 It shall happen, that fishermen shall stand by it: from En Gedi even to En Eglaim shall be a place for the spreading of nets; their fish shall be after their kinds, as the fish of the Great Sea, exceeding many.
Joywa rech biro riedo e dho aora; chakre En Gedi nyaka En Eglaim, kuonde miyare gogo noyudre. Rech noyudre kanyo mopogore opogore, mana kaka rech mayudore e Nam Mediterania.
11 But the miry places of it, and its marshes, shall not be healed; they shall be given up to salt.
To kuonde motimo thidhna gi otodo, to ok nolokre mi dok maliw. Ginibed kuonde ma ji yude bala kod chumbi.
12 By the river on its bank, on this side and on that side, shall grow every tree for food, whose leaf shall not wither, neither shall its fruit fail: it shall bring forth new fruit every month, because its waters issue out of the sanctuary; and its fruit shall be for food, and its leaf for healing."
Kit yiende mayoreyore manyago olembe nodongi e bath aorano koni gi koni. Itgi ok noner, kendo olembgi ok norem mak oyudore. Gininyag olemo dwe ka dwe, nikech pi mawuok e kama ler mar lemo mol nyaka irgi. Olembegi nokonyruokgo kaka chiemo, to obokegi notigo kuom thieth.”
13 "Thus says YHWH: 'This shall be the border, by which you shall divide the land for inheritance according to the twelve tribes of Israel: Joseph shall have two portions.
Ma e gima Jehova Nyasaye Manyalo Gik Moko Duto wacho: “Ma e kaka onego pogi pinyni kaka girkeni ni ogendini apar gariyo mag Israel, ka joka Josef to yudo nyadiriyo.
14 You shall inherit it, one as well as another; for I swore to give it to your fathers: and this land shall fall to you for inheritance.
Nyaka ipoge maromre moro ka moro kuomgi. Nikech ne asingora ka akwongʼora ni anachiwe ni kwereu, kendo pinyni nobed girkeni maru.
15 "'This shall be the border of the land: On the north side, from the Great Sea, by the way of Hethlon, to the entrance of Zedad;
“Kama e kaka pinyno nopogi: “Bathe mochomo yo nyandwat nokaw kochakore Nam maduongʼ mar Mediterania koluwo bath yo mar Hethlon kendo kokalo Lebo Hamath nyaka Zedad,
16 Hamath, Berothah, Sibraim, which is between the border of Damascus and the border of Hamath; Hazer Hatticon, which is by the border of Hauran.
Berotha kod Sibraim (manie tongʼ mar Damaski kod Hamath), nyaka ochopi Hazer Hatikon, manie tongʼ mar Hauran.
17 The border from the sea, shall be Hazar Enon at the border of Damascus; and on the north northward is the border of Hamath. This is the north side.
Tongʼno noyarre kochakore e nam nyaka Hazar Enan, kogoyo tongʼ gi Damaski kod Hamath man yo nyandwat. Ma ema nobed tongʼ man yo nyandwat.
18 The east side, between Hauran and Damascus and Gilead, and the land of Israel, shall be the Jordan; from the north border to the eastern sea [as far as] Tamar. This is the east side.
Tongʼ mar pinyno gi yo wuok chiengʼ noring e kind Hauran gi Damaski, koluwo ariwa mar Jordan, e kind Gilead gi piny Israel, nyaka nam man yo wuok chiengʼ, kendo nochopi nyaka Tamar. Ma ema nobed tongʼ man yo wuok chiengʼ.
19 The south side southward shall be from Tamar as far as the waters of Meriboth Kadesh, to the Wadi, to the Great Sea. This is the south side southward.
Tongʼ mar pinyno gi yo milambo nochakre koa Tamar michopi nyaka pige mag Meriba Kadesh, kendo nolandre koa kanyo nyaka Wadi mar Piny Misri nyaka ochopi Nam maduongʼ mar Mediterania. Ma ema nobed tongʼ man yo milambo.
20 The west side shall be the Great Sea, from the south border as far as over against Lebo Hamath. This is the west side.
Kiep piny gi yo podho chiengʼ nogiki e Nam Mediterania nyaka kama ngʼiyore gi Lebo Hamath. Ma ema nobed tongʼ man yo podho chiengʼ.
21 "'So you shall divide this land to you according to the tribes of Israel.
“Inipog pinyni ni ngʼato ka ngʼata kuomu kaluwore gi oganda ka oganda mar Israel.
22 It shall happen, that you shall divide it by lot for an inheritance to you and to the aliens who live among you, who shall father children among you; and they shall be to you as the native-born among the children of Israel; they shall have inheritance with you among the tribes of Israel.
Onego ichiwe kaka girkeni maru kendo ni jodak modak e dieru man-gi nyithindo. Nyaka ikawgi gin bende kaka nyithind Israel mahie. Gin bende nyaka chiwnegi girkeni kaachiel kodu kaka imiyo oganda jo-Israel mamoko.
23 It shall happen, that in what tribe the stranger lives, there you shall give him his inheritance,' says YHWH."
Kamoro amora ma jadak moro odakie e dier oganda jo-Israel moro amora ema inipogne girkeni mare,” Jehova Nyasaye Manyalo Gik Moko Duto osewacho.

< Ezekiel 47 >