< Ezekiel 40 >

1 In the five and twentieth year of our captivity, in the beginning of the year, in the tenth day of the month, in the fourteenth year after that the city was struck, in the same day, the hand of YHWH was on me, and he brought me there.
V petindvajsetem letu našega ujetništva, v začetku leta, na deseti dan meseca, v štirinajstem letu, potem ko je bilo mesto udarjeno, na prav isti dan, je bila nad menoj Gospodova roka in me privedla tja.
2 In the visions of God brought he me into the land of Israel, and set me down on a very high mountain, whereon was as it were the frame of a city on the south.
V Božjih videnjih me je privedel v deželo Izrael in me postavil na zelo visoko goro, pri kateri je bil kakor okvir mesta na jugu.
3 He brought me there; and, look, there was a man, whose appearance was like the appearance of bronze, with a line of flax in his hand, and a measuring reed; and he stood in the gate.
In privedel me je tja in glej, tam je bil mož, katerega videz je bil podoben videzu brona, z laneno vrvico v svoji roki in merilno trstiko; in stal je v velikih vratih.
4 The man said to me, "Son of man, see with your eyes, and hear with your ears, and set your heart on all that I shall show you; for, to the intent that I may show them to you, you are brought here: declare all that you see to the house of Israel."
In mož mi je rekel: »Človeški sin, glej s svojimi očmi in poslušaj s svojimi ušesi in svoje srce naravnaj na vse to, kar ti bom pokazal; kajti z namenom, da ti jih lahko pokažem, si bil priveden sèm. Vse to, kar vidiš, oznani Izraelovi hiši.«
5 Look, a wall on the outside of the house all around, and in the man's hand a measuring reed ten feet four inches (based on a standard eighteen inches plus three inches). So he measured the thickness of the building ten feet four inches, and the height ten feet four inches.
Glej obzidje zunaj, naokoli hiše in v človeški roki merilna trstika, šest komolcev dolga, po komolec in širino roke, tako je izmeril širino zgradbe, ena trstika; in višino, ena trstika.
6 Then came he to the gate which looks toward the east, and went up its steps: and he measured the threshold of the gate, ten feet four inches broad; and the other threshold, ten feet four inches broad.
Potem je prišel k velikim vratom, ki gledajo proti vzhodu in odšel gor po njegovih stopnicah in izmeril prag velikih vrat, ki je bil širok eno trstiko; in drugi prag velikih vrat, ki je bil širok eno trstiko.
7 Every side-room was ten feet four inches long, and one reed broad; and the space between the side-rooms was eight feet seven inches; and the threshold of the gate by the porch of the gate at the inner end was ten feet four inches.
In vsaka majhna soba je bila eno trstiko dolga in eno trstiko široka; in med majhnimi sobami je bilo pet komolcev; in prag velikih vrat, znotraj, pri preddverju velikih vrat, je bil eno trstiko [širok].
8 He measured also the porch of the gate toward the house, ten feet four inches.
Izmeril je tudi preddverje znotraj velikih vrat, ena trstika.
9 Then measured he the porch of the gate, thirteen feet nine inches; and its jambs, three feet five inches; and the porch of the gate was toward the inner end.
Potem je izmeril preddverje velikih vrat, osem komolcev; in njegovi podboji, dva komolca; in preddverje velikih vrat je bilo znotraj.
10 The side-rooms of the gate eastward were three on this side, and three on that side; they three were of one measure: and the jambs had the same measurement.
In majhne sobe velikih vrat proti vzhodu so bile tri na tej strani in tri na oni strani; te tri so bile ene mere; in podboji so imeli eno mero na tej strani in na oni strani.
11 He measured the breadth of the opening of the gate, seventeen feet three inches; and the length of the gate, twenty-two feet five inches;
In izmeril je širino vhoda velikih vrat, deset komolcev; in dolžino velikih vrat, trinajst komolcev.
12 and a barrier in front of the side-rooms, twenty-one inches, and a barrier on the other side, twenty-one inches; and the side-rooms were ten feet four inches square.
Tudi prostora pred majhnimi sobami je bilo en komolec na tej strani in en komolec prostora je bilo na oni strani; in majhne sobe so bile šest komolcev na tej strani in šest komolcev na oni strani.
13 He measured the gate from the ceiling of the one side-room to the ceiling of the other, a breadth of fourty-three feet one inch; the openings being opposite each other.
Potem je izmeril velika vrata od strehe ene majhne sobe do strehe druge: širina je bila petindvajset komolcev, vrata nasproti vratom.
14 He also measured the porch, one hundred three feet four inches; and to the jamb of the courtyard was the gateway all around.
Naredil je tudi podboje šestdesetih komolcev, celo podboj dvora naokoli velikih vrat.
15 From the forefront of the gate at the entrance to the forefront of the inner porch of the gate were eighty-six feet one inch.
In od pročelja velikih vrat vhoda do pročelja preddverja notranjih velikih vrat je bilo petdeset komolcev.
16 There were closed windows to the side-rooms, and toward their jambs within the gate all around, and likewise to the porches; and windows were around the inside; and on each jamb were palm trees.
In tam so bila ozka okna k majhnim sobam in k njihovim podbojem znotraj, naokoli velikih vrat in podobno k obokom, in okna so bila naokoli navznoter sobe, in na vsakem podboju so bila palmova drevesa.
17 Then he brought me into the outer court; and look, there were rooms and a pavement, made for the court all around: thirty rooms faced the pavement.
Potem me je privedel na zunanji dvor in glej, tam so bile sobe in tlak, narejen za dvor naokoli. Trideset sob je bilo na tlaku.
18 The pavement was by the side of the gates, corresponding to the length of the gates; this was the lower pavement.
In tlak, ki je bil pri strani velikih vrat, nasproti dolžine velikih vrat, je bil nižji tlak.
19 Then he measured the breadth from the forefront of the lower gate to the forefront of the inner court outside, one hundred seventy-two feet three inches, both on the east and on the north.
Potem je izmeril širino od sprednjega dela spodnjih velikih vrat do sprednjega dela notranjega dvora zunaj; sto komolcev proti vzhodu in proti severu.
20 And the gate of the outer court which faced toward the north, he measured its length and its breadth.
In velika vrata zunanjega dvora, ki so gledala proti severu, izmeril je njihovo dolžino in njihovo širino.
21 And its side-rooms were three on either side, and its jambs and its porches had the same measurement as the first gate; its length was eighty-six feet one inch, and the breadth fourty-three feet one inch.
In njihove majhne sobe so bile tri na tej strani in tri na oni strani; in njihovi podboji in njihovi oboki so bili po meri prvih vrat. Njihova dolžina je bila petdeset komolcev in širina petindvajset komolcev.
22 And its windows, and its porches, and the palm trees of it had the same measurement as the gate that faced toward the east. And they went up to it by seven steps; and its porch was in front of them.
In njihova okna in njihovi oboki in njihova palmova drevesa so bila po meri velikih vrat, ki gledajo proti vzhodu; in k tem so se vzpeli po sedmih stopnicah; in njihovi oboki so bili pred njimi.
23 And there was a gate to the inner court across the gate to the north and the east; and he measured from gate to gate one hundred seventy-two feet three inches.
In velika vrata notranjega dvora so bila nasproti velikih vrat proti severu in proti vzhodu; in od velikih vrat do velikih vrat je izmeril sto komolcev.
24 He led me toward the south; and look, a gate toward the south. And he measured its jambs and its porches; they were the same size as the others.
Po tem me je privedel proti jugu in glej, velika vrata proti jugu. Izmeril je njihove podboje in njihove oboke, glede na te mere.
25 There were windows in it and in its porches all around, like those windows; the length was eighty-six feet one inch, and the breadth fourty-three feet one inch.
In tam so bila okna in njihovi oboki naokoli, podobni tistim oknom. Dolžina je bila petdeset komolcev in širina petindvajset komolcev.
26 There were seven steps to go up to it, and its porches were in front of them; and it had palm trees on its jambs, one on either side.
In tam je bilo sedem stopnic, da se gre gor do njih in njihovi oboki so bili pred njimi. Ta so imela palmovi drevesi, eno na tej strani in drugo na oni strani, na njihovih podbojih.
27 There was a gate to the inner court toward the south. And he measured from gate to gate toward the south one hundred seventy-two feet three inches.
In na notranjem dvoru, proti jugu, so bila velika vrata, in od velikih vrat do velikih vrat je proti jugu izmeril sto komolcev.
28 Then he brought me to the inner court by the south gate, and it had the same dimensions as the others.
In privedel me je na notranji dvor pri južnih velikih vratih: in južna velika vrata je izmeril glede na te mere;
29 And its side-rooms, and its jambs, and its porches were of the same size as the others. And there were windows in it and in its porches all around; it was eighty-six feet one inch long, and fourty-three feet one inch broad.
in njihove majhne sobe in njihovi podboji in njihovi oboki, glede na te mere: in tam so bila okna v njej in njihovi oboki naokoli: in ta so bila petdeset komolcev dolga in petindvajset komolcev široka.
30 And there were porches all around, fourty-three feet one inch long, and eight feet seven inches broad.
Oboki naokoli so bili petindvajset komolcev dolgi in pet komolcev široki.
31 And the porches of it faced the outer court, and palm trees were on its jambs, and its stairway had eight steps.
Njihovi oboki so bili proti skrajnemu dvoru; palmova drevesa so bila na njihovih podbojih. Gor do njih je vodilo osem stopnic.
32 And he brought me to the inner court toward the east, and he measured the gate as being the same size;
Privedel me je na notranji dvor proti vzhodu in izmeril velika vrata glede na te mere.
33 and its side-rooms, and its jambs, and its porches were the same size as the others, and there were windows in it and in its porches all around. It was eighty-six feet one inch long, and fourty-three feet one inch broad.
Njihove majhne sobe, njihovi podboji in njihovi oboki so bili glede na te mere. Tam so bila okna v njihovih obokih naokoli. To je bilo petdeset komolcev dolgo in petindvajset komolcev široko.
34 The porches of it faced the outer court; and palm trees were on its jambs, on either side, and its stairway had eight steps.
Njihovi oboki so bili proti zunanjemu dvoru; in palmova drevesa so bila na njihovih podbojih, na tej strani in na oni strani in gor do njih je vodilo osem stopnic.
35 He brought me to the north gate, and he measured it; and it had the same dimensions as the others;
Privedel me je k severnim velikim vratom in jih izmeril glede na te mere;
36 its side-rooms, its jambs, and its porches. And there were windows in it all around; the length was eighty-six feet one inch, and the breadth fourty-three feet one inch.
njihove majhne sobe, njihove podboje in njihove oboke in okna k tem naokoli; dolžina je bila petdeset komolcev in širina petindvajset komolcev.
37 And its porch faced the outer court; and palm trees were on its jambs, on either side, and its stairway had eight steps.
Njihovi podboji so bili proti skrajnemu dvoru; in palmova drevesa so bila na njihovih podbojih, na tej strani in na oni strani in gor do njih je vodilo osem stopnic.
38 And a chamber with its door was by the porch of the gate; there they washed the burnt offering.
Sobe in njihovi vhodi so bili ob podbojih velikih vrat, kjer so prali žgalno daritev.
39 And in the porch of the gate were two tables on either side, and two tables on that side, on which to slaughter the burnt offering and the sin offering and guilt offering.
V preddverju velikih vrat sta bili dve mizi na tej strani in dve mizi na oni strani, da na njih zakoljejo žgalno daritev in daritev za greh in daritev za prestopek.
40 On the one side outside, as one goes up to the entrance of the north gate, were two tables; and on the other side of the porch of the gate were two tables.
Zunaj ob strani, kakor gre kdo gor k vhodu severnih velikih vrat, sta bili dve mizi; in na drugi strani, ki je bila pri preddverju velikih vrat, sta bili dve mizi.
41 Four tables were on either side of the gate, eight tables on which they slaughtered the sacrifices.
Štiri mize so bile na tej strani in štiri mize na oni strani, pri straneh velikih vrat; osem miz, na katerih so klali svoje daritve.
42 There were four tables of carved stone for the burnt offering, two feet seven inches long, and two feet seven inches broad, and twenty-one inches high; on which they laid the instruments with which they slaughtered the burnt offering and the sacrifice.
Štiri mize so bile iz klesanega kamna za žgalno daritev, komolec in pol dolge in komolec in pol široke in en komolec visoke, na katere so prav tako položili orodje, s katerim so zaklali žgalno daritev in klavno daritev.
43 The hooks, three inches long, were fastened all around within, and on the tables was the flesh of the offering.
Znotraj so bili kavlji, dlan široki, pritrjeni naokoli in na mizah je bilo meso daritve.
44 And from the outside of the inner gate were two chambers in the inner court, one which was at the side of the north gate facing toward the south; and one at the side of the south gate facing toward the north.
Zunaj notranjih velikih vrat so bile sobe pevcev notranjega dvora, ki je bil ob strani severnih velikih vrat in njihova pročelja so bila proti jugu. Ena je bila ob strani vzhodnih velikih vrat in imela pročelje proti severu.
45 He said to me, "This room that faces toward the south, is for the priests, the keepers of the duty of the house;
In rekel mi je: »Ta soba, katere pročelje je proti jugu, je za duhovnike, čuvaje oskrbe hiše.
46 and the room that faces toward the north is for the priests, the keepers of the duty of the altar: these are the sons of Zadok, who from among the sons of Levi come near to YHWH to minister to him."
Soba, katere pročelje je proti severu, je za duhovnike, čuvaje oskrbe oltarja: to so Cadókovi sinovi med Lévijevimi sinovi, ki so prišli blizu h Gospodu, da mu služijo.
47 He measured the court, one hundred seventy-two feet three inches long, and one hundred seventy-two feet three inches broad, a square; and the altar was in front of the house.
Tako je izmeril dvor, sto komolcev dolg in sto komolcev širok, štirioglat; in oltar, ki je bil pred hišo.
48 Then he brought me to the porch of the house, and measured the jambs of the porch, eight feet seven inches on each side. And the breadth of the gate was twenty-four feet one inch, and the sides of the gate were five feet two inches on each side.
Privedel me je k preddverju hiše in izmeril vsak podboj preddverja, pet komolcev na tej strani in pet komolcev na oni strani in širina velikih vrat je bila tri komolce na tej strani in tri komolce na oni strani.
49 The length of the porch was thirty-four feet five inches, and the breadth twenty feet eight inches. And they went up to it by ten steps; and there were pillars by the jambs on either side.
Dolžina preddverja je bila dvajset komolcev in širina enajst komolcev; in privedel me je poleg stopnic, po katerih so se dvignili do njega. Tam so bili stebri ob podbojih, eden na tej strani, drugi pa na oni strani.

< Ezekiel 40 >