< 2 Samuel 14 >

1 When Joab the son of Zeruiah perceived that the king's heart longed for Absalom,
Yowabu mwana wa Zeruya anadziwa kuti maganizo a mfumu ali pa Abisalomu.
2 he sent to Tekoa and brought a wise woman from there, and said to her, "Please pretend to be a mourner, and put on mourning clothing, and do not anoint yourself with oil, but behave as a woman who has been mourning for the dead a long time.
Kotero Yowabu anatuma munthu wina kupita ku Tekowa ndi kukatengako mkazi wanzeru. Yowabu anati kwa mkaziyo, “Ukhale ngati namfedwa. Uvale zovala zaumasiye ndipo usadzole mafuta ena aliwonse. Ukhale ngati mkazi amene wakhala akulira masiku ambiri.
3 Go in to the king and say this to him." Then Joab told her what to say.
Kenaka upite kwa mfumu ndipo ukayankhule mawu awa.” Ndipo Yowabu anamuwuza mawu oti akanene.
4 And the woman of Tekoa went to the king, and she bowed down with her face to the ground and showed respect, and said, "Help, O king."
Mkazi wochokera ku Tekowa uja atapita kwa mfumu anadzigwetsa pansi, napereka ulemu kwa mfumu nati, “Thandizeni mfumu!”
5 And the king said to her, "What is your trouble?" And she replied, "Truly I am a widow, and my husband is dead.
Mfumu inamufunsa kuti, “Kodi chikukusautsa iwe nʼchiyani?” Iye anayankha kuti, “Ine ndine mkazi wamasiye, mwamuna wanga anamwalira.
6 And your servant had two sons, and they both fought together in the field, and there was no one to separate them, and one struck the other and killed him.
Ine wantchito wanu ndinali ndi ana aamuna awiri. Iwo anayamba kumenyana mʼmunda, ndipo panalibe woti awaleretse. Wina anakantha mnzakeyo mpaka kumupha.
7 Look, the whole family has risen against your servant, and they say, 'Give us the man who struck his brother, that we may kill him for the life of his brother whom he killed.' Thus they would eliminate also the heir and the one ember I have left will be extinguished, and would leave to my husband neither name nor remnant on the face of the earth.
Tsono banja lonse landiwukira ine, wantchito wanu. Iwo akuti, ‘Utipatse mwana amene anakantha mʼbale wakeyo kuti timuphe chifukwa cha moyo wa mʼbale wake amene anaphedwayo. Ife tidzaphanso mlowamʼmalo.’ Anthuwo adzapha mwana wanga amene wanditsalira, ndipo dzina la mwamuna wanga silidzakumbukika pakuti sipadzakhalanso mwana pa banja lathu.”
8 Now therefore seeing that I have come to speak this word to the king, my lord, it is because the people have made me afraid: and your servant said, 'I will now speak to the king; it may be that the king will perform the request of his servant.'
Mfumu inati kwa mkaziyo, “Pitani ku nyumba kwanu ndipo ine ndidzalamula mʼmalo mwanu.”
9 For the king will hear and deliver his servant out of the hand of the man who is seeking to destroy me and my son together out of the inheritance of YHWH.
Koma mkazi wochokera ku Tekowayo anati kwa mfumu, “Mbuye wanga mfumu, kulakwa kukhale pa ine ndi banja la abambo anga ndipo mfumu ndi mpando wanu waufumu mukhale osalakwa.”
10 Then your servant said, 'Please let the word of my lord the king bring rest; for as an angel of God, so is my lord the king to discern good and bad. May YHWH, your God, be with you.'"
Mfumu inayankha kuti, “Ngati wina aliyense anene kanthu kwa iwe, umubweretse kwa ine, ndipo sadzakuvutitsanso.”
11 Then the king said, "Go to your house, and I will give a command concerning you."
Mkaziyo anati, “Mfumu ipemphe kwa Yehova Mulungu wake kuti aletse wobwezera imfa asaphenso wina kuti mwana wanga asawonongedwe.” Mfumu inati, “Pali Yehova wamoyo ngakhale tsitsi limodzi la pamutu pa mwana wako silidzathotholedwa.”
12 The woman of Tekoa said to the king, "My lord, O king, the iniquity be on me, and on my father's house; and the king and his throne be guiltless."
Kenaka mkaziyo anati, “Lolani kuti wantchito wanu ayankhule mawu kwa inu mbuye wanga mfumu.” Iye anayankha kuti, “Yankhula.”
13 The king said, "Whoever says anything to you, bring him to me, and he shall not touch you any more."
Mkaziyo anati, “Nʼchiyani tsono chimene mwaganiza kuchitira zimenezi anthu a Mulungu? Pamene mfumu yanena izi, kodi sikudzitsutsa yokha, pakuti mfumu sinayitanitse mwana amene anamupirikitsa?
14 Then she said, "Please let the king remember YHWH your God, that the avenger of blood destroy not any more, lest they destroy my son." He said, "As YHWH lives, not one hair of your son shall fall to the ground."
Koma poti madzi akatayika sawoleka, ndiye tonsefe tiyenera kufa ndithu. Koma Mulungu safuna kuti moyo wa munthu utayike kotero anakonza njira yakuti wopirikitsidwayo asakhale wotayikiratu.
15 Then the woman said, "Please let your servant speak a word to my lord the king." He said, "Say on."
“Tsopano ine ndabwera kudzanena izi kwa inu mbuye wanga mfumu chifukwa anthu andichititsa mantha. Mdzakazi wanu anaganiza kuti, ‘Ndikayankhula kwa mfumu, mwina adzachita zimene mdzakazi wake adzamupempha.
16 The woman said, "Why then have you devised such a thing against the people of YHWH? For in speaking this word the king is as one who is guilty, in that the king does not bring home again his exiled one.
Mwina mfumu idzavomereza kupulumutsa mdzakazi wake mʼdzanja la munthu amene akufuna kupha ine pamodzi ndi mwana wanga kutichotsa pa cholowa chimene Mulungu anatipatsa.’
17 For your son is dead, and as water spilled on the ground can't be gathered up again, so he can't bring his life back again. But it seems sensible to the king to keep his exiled one away from him."
“Ndipo tsopano mtumiki wanu akuti, ‘Lolani mawu a mbuye wanga mfumu abweretse mpumulo kwa ine, pakuti mbuye wanga mfumu ali ngati mngelo wa Mulungu pozindikira chabwino ndi choyipa. Yehova Mulungu wanu akhale nanu.’”
18 Then the king answered and said to the woman, "Please do not hide from me anything that I ask you." And the woman said, "Let my lord the king speak."
Kenaka mfumu inati kwa mkaziyo, “Usandibisire chilichonse pondiyankha chimene ndidzakufunsa.” Mkaziyo anati, “Mbuye wanga mfumu yankhulani.”
19 So the king said, "Did Joab put you up to all this?" The woman answered, "As your soul lives, my lord the king, no one can turn to the right hand or to the left from anything that my lord the king has said. Indeed, it was your servant Joab who had me do this, and he put all these words in the mouth of your servant.
Mfumu inafunsa kuti, “Kodi zimenezi sukuchita motsogozedwa ndi Yowabu?” Mkaziyo anayankha kuti, “Pali inu wamoyo, mbuye wanga mfumu, palibe munthu angakhotere kumanja kapena kumanzere pa chilichonse chimene mbuye wanga mfumu mwanena. Inde, ndi mtumiki wanu Yowabu amene wandilangiza ine kuchita zimenezi ndipo ndi amene anandipatsa mawu onsewa woti ine mtumiki wanu ndiyankhule.
20 Your servant Joab did this in order to change this situation. But my lord has wisdom like the wisdom of an angel of God for knowing things in the land."
Mtumiki wanu Yowabu anachita zimenezi kuti asinthe mmene zinthu zilili lero. Mbuye wanga muli ndi nzeru ngati za mngelo wa Mulungu. Mumadziwa zonse zimene zikuchitika mʼdziko.”
21 Then the king said to Joab, "Look now, I have done according to your word. Go, bring back the young man Absalom."
Mfumu inati kwa Yowabu, “Chabwino, ine ndichita zimenezi. Pita kamutenge Abisalomuyo.”
22 Then Joab bowed down with his face toward the ground, and blessed the king. And Joab said, "Today your servant knows that I have found favor in your sight, my lord the king, in that the king has granted the request of his servant."
Yowabu anawerama pansi kupereka ulemu kwa mfumu. Yowabuyo anati, “Lero mtumiki wanu wadziwa kuti wapeza chifundo pamaso panu, mbuye wanga mfumu, chifukwa mwavomera pempho lakeli.”
23 So Joab arose and went to Geshur, and brought Absalom to Jerusalem.
Choncho Yowabu anapita ku Gesuri ndipo anamubweretsa Abisalomu ku Yerusalemu.
24 The king said, "He must return to his own house, but he must not see my face." So Absalom returned to his own house, and did not see the king's face.
Koma mfumu inati, “Iye apite ku nyumba yake; asaone nkhope yanga.” Kotero Abisalomu anapita ku nyumba yake ndipo sanakumane ndi mfumu.
25 Moreover, Absalom – in Israel no one was so much admired as he for his fine appearance. From the sole of his foot even to the crown of his head there was no blemish in him.
Mʼdziko lonse la Israeli munalibe munthu amene anayamikidwa chifukwa cha maonekedwe ake wokongola ngati Abisalomu. Kuyambira kumutu mpaka ku mapazi ake, analibe chilema.
26 When he cut the hair of his head – now it was at the end of every year that he cut it, because it became too heavy, therefore he cut it – he weighed the hair of his head at one hundred shekels by the king's weight.
Nthawi ina iliyonse akamameta tsitsi lake, ankameta pamene layamba kumulemera. Akatero amaliyeza, ndipo limalemera makilogalamu awiri pa sikelo yaufumu.
27 To Absalom there were born three sons, and one daughter, whose name was Tamar. She was a beautiful woman.
Abisalomu anali ndi ana aamuna atatu ndi wamkazi mmodzi. Mwana wamkazi dzina lake linali Tamara, ndipo anali mkazi wokongola kwambiri.
28 Absalom lived two full years in Jerusalem; and he did not see the king's face.
Abisalomu anakhala zaka ziwiri mu Yerusalemu osaonekera kwa mfumu.
29 Then Absalom sent for Joab, to send him to the king; but he would not come to him: and he sent again a second time, but he would not come.
Kenaka Abisalomu anatumiza mawu kwa Yowabu, kumutuma kuti apite kwa mfumu, koma Yowabu anakana kubwera. Kotero anatumizanso mawu kachiwiri, koma Yowabu anakananso.
30 Therefore he said to his servants, "Look, Joab's field is near mine, and he has barley there. Go and set it on fire." Absalom's servants set the field on fire. And the servants of Joab came to him with their clothes rent, and they said to him, "The servants of Absalom have set the field on fire."
Tsono Abisalomu anati kwa antchito ake, “Taonani, munda wa Yowabu uli pafupi ndi wanga ndipo muli barele mʼmenemo. Pitani mukawutenthe mundawo.” Ndipo antchito a Abisalomu anawutentha mundawo.
31 Then Joab arose, and came to Absalom to his house, and said to him, "Why have your servants set my field on fire?"
Ndipo Yowabu anapita ku nyumba ya Abisalomu ndipo anati kwa iye, “Nʼchifukwa chiyani antchito ako atentha munda wanga?”
32 And Absalom answered Joab, "Look, I sent to you, saying, 'Come here, that I may send you to the king, to say, "Why have I come from Geshur? It would be better for me if I were still there. Now therefore let me appear before the king. If I am guilty, put me to death.'"
Abisalomu anati kwa Yowabu, “Taona, ine ndinatumiza mawu kwa iwe ndipo ndinati, ‘Bwera kuno kuti ndikutume kwa mfumu kukafunsa kuti, ‘Nʼchifukwa chiyani ine ndinabwera kuchokera ku Gesuri? Zikanakhala bwino ndikanakhala komweko!’ Tsono pano ndikufuna kuonana ndi mfumu, ndipo ngati ndili olakwa mfumuyo indiphe.’”
33 So Joab went to the king and told him, and he summoned Absalom. And he came to the king and bowed himself with his face to the ground before the king, and the king kissed Absalom.
Choncho Yowabu anapita kwa mfumu ndipo anayiwuza zimenezi. Ndipo mfumu inamuyitanitsa Abisalomu, ndipo analowa nawerama kugunditsa nkhope yake pansi pamaso pa mfumu. Tsono mfumu inapsompsona Abisalomu.

< 2 Samuel 14 >