< 2 Chronicles 33 >

1 Manasseh was twelve years old when he began to reign; and he reigned fifty-five years in Jerusalem.
Manasus bija divpadsmit gadus vecs, kad palika par ķēniņu, un valdīja piecdesmit pieci gadus Jeruzālemē,
2 He did that which was evil in the sight of YHWH, after the abominations of the nations whom YHWH cast out before the children of Israel.
Un darīja, kas Tam Kungam nepatika, pēc to tautu negantībām, ko Tas Kungs Israēla bērnu priekšā bija izdzinis.
3 For he built again the high places which Hezekiah his father had broken down; and he reared up altars for the Baals, and made Asheroth, and worshiped all the host of heaven, and served them.
Jo tas uztaisīja atkal kalnu altārus, ko viņa tēvs Hizkija bija nolauzījis, un uztaisīja altārus Baāliem un taisīja Ašeras un metās zemē priekš visa debess spēka un tiem kalpoja.
4 He built altars in the house of YHWH, of which YHWH said, "My name shall be in Jerusalem forever."
Viņš taisīja altārus arī Tā Kunga namā, par ko Tas Kungs bija sacījis: Jeruzālemē lai ir mans vārds mūžīgi.
5 He built altars for all the host of heaven in the two courts of the house of YHWH.
Un visam debess spēkam viņš cēla altārus Tā Kunga nama abējos pagalmos.
6 He also made his children to pass through the fire in the Valley of Ben Hinnom; and he practiced sorcery, divination, and witchcraft, and consulted mediums, and spiritists: he worked much evil in the sight of YHWH, to provoke him to anger.
Un viņš lika saviem dēliem caur uguni iet Ben-Inoma ielejā un zīlēja un vārdoja un būra un turēja zīlniekus un pūšļotājus; viņš darīja ļoti daudz, kas Tam Kungam nepatika, viņu kaitinādams.
7 He set the engraved image of the idol, which he had made, in God's house, of which God said to David and to Solomon his son, "In this house, and in Jerusalem, which I have chosen out of all the tribes of Israel, will I put my name forever:
Arī elka tēlu, ko bija taisījis, viņš uzcēla Dieva namā, par ko Dievs uz Dāvidu un viņa dēlu Salamanu bija sacījis: šinī namā un Jeruzālemē, ko Es esmu izredzējis no visām Israēla ciltīm, Es Savu vārdu iecelšu mūžīgi.
8 neither will I any more remove the foot of Israel from off the land which I have appointed for your fathers, if only they will observe to do all that I have commanded them, even all the law and the statutes and the ordinances given by Moses."
Un Israēla kājai Es vairs nelikšu kustēt no tās zemes, ko Es jūsu tēviem esmu nolicis, ja tie visu turēs un darīs, ko Es tiem esmu pavēlējis, pēc visas bauslības un likumiem un tiesām caur Mozu.
9 Manasseh seduced Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, so that they did more evil than the nations whom YHWH destroyed before the children of Israel did.
Tā Manasus Jūdu un Jeruzālemes iedzīvotājus vedināja uz ļaunu, ka tie niknāki darīja, nekā tie pagāni, ko Tas Kungs Israēla bērnu priekšā bija izdeldējis.
10 YHWH spoke to Manasseh, and to his people; but they gave no heed.
Un Tas Kungs gan runāja uz Manasu un uz viņa ļaudīm, bet tie neņēma vērā.
11 Therefore YHWH brought on them the captains of the army of the king of Assyria, who took Manasseh in chains, and bound him with fetters, and carried him to Babylon.
Tāpēc Tas Kungs tiem sūtīja Asīrijas ķēniņa kara virsniekus; tie gūstīja Manasu saitēm un to apcietināja ar divām vara ķēdēm un to noveda uz Bābeli.
12 When he was in distress, he begged YHWH his God, and humbled himself greatly before the God of his fathers.
Kad tas nu tā bija spaidos, tad tas pielūdza To Kungu, savu Dievu, un pazemojās ļoti priekš savu tēvu Dieva
13 He prayed to him; and he was entreated by him, and heard his petition, and brought him again to Jerusalem into his kingdom. Then Manasseh knew that YHWH was God.
Un lūdza Viņu. Un Viņš no tā ļāvās pielūgties un paklausīja viņa sirsnīgo lūgšanu un pārveda to atkal uz Jeruzālemi viņa valstībā. Tad Manasus atzina, ka Tas Kungs ir Dievs.
14 Now after this he built an outer wall to the City of David, on the west side of Gihon, in the valley, even to the entrance at the Fish Gate; and he encircled Ophel with it, and raised it up to a very great height: and he put valiant captains in all the fortified cities of Judah.
Un pēc tam viņš uztaisīja Dāvida pilsētas āra mūri uz Ģiona pusi pret vakariem ielejā līdz tai vietai, kur ieiet pa Zivju vārtiem, un apkārt Ofelam, un to taisīja ļoti augstu, un ielika arīdzan kara virsniekus visās stiprās Jūda pilsētās.
15 He took away the foreign gods, and the idol out of the house of YHWH, and all the altars that he had built in the mountain of the house of YHWH, and in Jerusalem, and cast them out of the city.
Un viņš nopostīja tos svešos dievus un to elku no Tā Kunga nama, ar visiem altāriem, ko viņš bija uztaisījis Tā Kunga nama kalnā un Jeruzālemē un izmeta tos ārā no pilsētas.
16 He built up the altar of YHWH, and offered thereon sacrifices of peace offerings and of thanksgiving, and commanded Judah to serve YHWH, the God of Israel.
Un viņš uzkopa Tā Kunga altāri un upurēja uz tā pateicības upurus un slavas upurus, un pavēlēja Jūda ļaudīm, kalpot Tam Kungam, Israēla Dievam.
17 Nevertheless the people sacrificed still in the high places, but only to YHWH their God.
Taču tie ļaudis vēl upurēja kalnos, bet Tam Kungam savam Dievam.
18 Now the rest of the acts of Manasseh, and his prayer to his God, and the words of the seers who spoke to him in the name of YHWH, the God of Israel, look, they are written among the acts of the kings of Israel.
Un kas vēl par Manasu stāstāms, un viņa lūgšana uz savu Dievu un to redzētāju vārdi, kas uz viņu runājuši Tā Kunga, Israēla Dieva, vārdā, redzi, tas ir Israēla ķēniņu stāstos.
19 His prayer also, and how God was entreated of him, and all his sin and his trespass, and the places in which he built high places, and set up the Asherim and the engraved images, before he humbled himself, look, they are written in the Record of the Seers.
Un viņa lūgšana un kā Dievs viņu paklausījis, arī visi viņa grēki un viņa pārkāpumi, un tās vietas, kur viņš uztaisījis elku altārus un uzcēlis Ašeras un elku tēlus, pirms tapa pazemots, tas rakstīts Kazaja stāstos.
20 So Manasseh slept with his fathers, and they buried him in the garden of his own house. And Amon his son reigned in his place.
Un Manasus aizmiga pie saviem tēviem, un to apraka viņa namā, un viņa dēls Amons palika par ķēniņu viņa vietā.
21 Amon was twenty-two years old when he began to reign; and he reigned two years in Jerusalem.
Amons bija divdesmit divus gadus vecs, kad palika par ķēniņu, un valdīja divus gadus Jeruzālemē.
22 He did that which was evil in the sight of YHWH, as did Manasseh his father; and Amon sacrificed to all the engraved images which Manasseh his father had made, and served them.
Un viņš darīja, kas Tam Kungam nepatika, tā kā viņa tēvs Manasus bija darījis, un Amons upurēja visiem elku tēliem, ko viņa tēvs Manasus bija taisījis, un tiem kalpoja.
23 He did not humble himself before YHWH, as Manasseh his father had humbled himself; but this same Amon trespassed more and more.
Bet viņš nepazemojās Tā Kunga priekšā, tā kā viņa tēvs Manasus bija pazemojies; bet šis Amons vairoja noziegumu.
24 His servants conspired against him, and put him to death in his own house.
Un viņa kalpi sacēlās pret viņu un to nokāva viņa namā.
25 But the people of the land killed all those who had conspired against king Amon; and the people of the land made Josiah his son king in his place.
Un tie zemes ļaudis nokāva visus, kas bija sacēlušies pret ķēniņu Amonu, un tie zemes ļaudis cēla Josiju, viņa dēlu, par ķēniņu viņa vietā.

< 2 Chronicles 33 >