< Revelation 1 >
1 This is the Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show to his servants the things which must happen soon, which he sent and made known by his angel to his servant, John,
Sodꞌa-moleꞌ mia au, Yohanis, Yesus Kristus atahori dedꞌenun. Sia susura ia, au suraꞌ saa mana nae dadꞌi. Au bubꞌuluꞌ ia ra taꞌo ia: Lamatualain mana nafadꞌe memaꞌ neu Yesus Kristus. Boe ma Lamatualain denu Yesus Kristus nafadꞌe Lamatuaꞌ atahori dedꞌenu nara. De Yesus denu aten esa mia sorga, fo nakambembela natudꞌu basa ia ra neu au, fo au suraꞌ memaꞌ. Te nda dooꞌ sa te, basa ia ra dadꞌi. De hei musi rena malolole Lamatualain hara-liin fo Yesus nafadꞌeꞌ ia.
2 who testified to God's word, and of the testimony of Jesus Christ, about everything that he saw.
3 Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of the prophecy, and keep the things that are written in it, for the time is near.
Basa atahori mana baca susura ia losa atahori bisa rena e, na, sira onton seli. Ma atahori mana rena isin no tao tungga hehelu-fufulin, sira o onton boe. Te fain, deka-deka nema ena.
4 John, to the seven churches that are in Asia: Grace to you and peace, from him who is and who was and who is to come; and from the seven Spirits who are before his throne;
Sodꞌa-moleꞌ mia au fee Lamatuaꞌ jamaꞌat kahitu nara sia propinsi Asia. Au oꞌe fo Lamatualain natudꞌu rala malolen fo ama bisa misodꞌa no mole-dꞌame. Te Lamatualain sia eniꞌ a maꞌahulun. Ana sia leleꞌ ia, ma nakandoo losa dꞌoo-nduꞌu-dꞌoon. Au o oꞌe Dula-dale Meumaren natudꞌu rala malolen fo ama misodꞌa no mole-dꞌame. Au ita Dula-dalen, onaꞌ dula-daleꞌ hitu mbali Lamatualain kadꞌera parendan.
5 and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth. To him who loves us, and freed us from our sins by his blood;
Au o oꞌe fo Yesus Kristus natudꞌu rala malolen fo misodꞌa no mole-dꞌame. Ana olaꞌ tungga ndoon saa fo Lamatualain nafadꞌe neu E. Dalahulun Ana mate ena, te Lamatualain nasodꞌa baliꞌ E, fo Ana dadꞌi atahori maꞌahuluꞌ mana masodꞌa baliꞌ mia mamates. Dei fo Ana dadꞌi Maneꞌ mana ator basa maneꞌ sia raefafoꞌ. Huu Yesus sue basa hita, naa de Ana fee raan titi soaꞌ neu hita losa Ana mate. Ma mamaten soi dalaꞌ fo mboꞌi hita mia sala-kilu tara.
6 and he made us to be a Kingdom, priests to his God and Father; to him be the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen. (aiōn )
Boe ma Ana soꞌu hita dadꞌi rauinggun, fo ata ue-tao fee aman Lamatualain. Yesus Kristus memaꞌ manaseliꞌ, koasan nda manabasaꞌ sa. Naa tebꞌeꞌ! (aiōn )
7 Look, he is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him, including those who pierced him. And all the tribes of the earth will mourn over him. Even so, Amen.
De milaa matam fo mete malolole. Ia naa Yesus no aman sia sorga. Nda dooꞌ sa te, Ana onda nema sia leleeꞌ rala. Dei fo basa atahori sia raefafoꞌ rita E. Atahori mana mbau risa e, o rita E boe. Dei fo basa atahori sia raefafoꞌ ia fale rala nara de nggae ei-ei huu rahine E. Basa ia ra memaꞌ dei fo dadꞌi. Tebꞌe taꞌo naa.
8 "I am the Alpha and the Omega," says the Lord God, "who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty."
Lamatualain nae, “Au ia, Maꞌahuluꞌ losa Maꞌabꞌuit. Au ia, A losa Z. Basaꞌ e laoꞌ mia Au, Eniꞌ a mia fefeun losa babꞌasan. Au sia eniꞌ a dalahulun. Au sia oras ia. Ma Au sia ukundoo losa babꞌasan. Huu Au mesaꞌ nggo mana koasa manaseliꞌ!”
9 I John, your brother and fellow-partner with you in persecution, Kingdom, and patient endurance in Jesus, was on the island that is called Patmos because of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus.
Huu basa hita tamahere belaꞌ tae, Yesus naa, hita Manen, naa de au o dadꞌi hei toronoom ena. Atahori ruma ramanasa, huu hita tungga Yesus, de ara tao doidꞌoso basa nggita. Te Yesus tao manggatee hita rala nara, fo taꞌatataaꞌ takandooꞌ a. Huu au ufadꞌe basa atahori soꞌal Lamatualain hara-liin, ma unori Yesus dꞌalan, naa de hambu atahori rasapaa. Ia naa ara toꞌu rala au ma nggari hendiꞌ au isiꞌ pulu ia, fo naran Patmos.
10 I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and I heard behind me a loud voice, like a trumpet
Lao esa ma, nandaa no fai hule-oeꞌ, Lamatualain Dula-dalen dai au. Aiboiꞌ ma, au rena haraꞌ sa nameli nahereꞌ mia dea ngga. Lii na onaꞌ a maꞌoa e.
11 saying, "What you see, write on a scroll and send to the seven churches: to Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and to Laodicea."
Haraꞌ naa denu au nae, “Yohanis! Au ae utudꞌu mataꞌ esa neu nggo. Basa saa fo mitaꞌ ia, musi suraꞌ. Basa naa, musi haitua neu jemaꞌat kahituꞌ ra, naeni jemaꞌat sia kota Efesus, kota Smirna, kota Pergamus, kota Tiatira, kota Sardis, kota Filadelfia, no kota Laodikia.”
12 I turned to see the voice that spoke with me. Having turned, I saw seven golden lampstands.
Rena taꞌo naa ma, heoꞌ dea ngga ae mete seka mana olaꞌ naa. Te au ita lambu anaꞌ hitu nenenggungguaꞌ sia mamana lambu nenetaoꞌ mia lilo.
13 And among the lampstands was one like a son of man, clothed with a robe reaching down to his feet, and with a golden sash around his chest.
Ma Atahori sa nambariiꞌ sia lambu ra taladꞌa nara. Matan onaꞌ Atahori Matetuꞌ a. Ana pake badꞌu naruꞌ sa losa ein, no filuꞌ lafe liloꞌ sa sia tenda Na.
14 His head and his hair were white as white wool, like snow. His eyes were like a flame of fire.
Langga fulun, muti meuhieꞌ onaꞌ abꞌas. Mata dꞌeke Na, mbila onaꞌ ai e.
15 His feet were like burnished bronze, as if it had been refined in a furnace. His voice was like the voice of many waters.
Ei Nara, mbila kara-kara onaꞌ riti fo atahori lalangge sia ai a. Haran, monaeꞌ onaꞌ ree ra rakaruruluk.
16 He had seven stars in his right hand. Out of his mouth proceeded a sharp two-edged sword. His face was like the sun shining at its brightest.
Sia lima onan, Ana toꞌu nduuꞌ hitu. Mia bafa Na, fela tafaꞌ tandeꞌ dꞌeaꞌ-ralaꞌ sa dea nema. Mata Na, naronda onaꞌ relo reorenduꞌ.
17 When I saw him, I fell at his feet like a dead man. He laid his right hand on me, saying, "Do not be afraid. I am the first and the last,
Leleꞌ au ita Atahori naa, boe ma au uꞌuloli onaꞌ atahori mana matelekoꞌ, sia ein mataꞌ. Te Ana keis au nendiꞌ lima onan, ma olaꞌ nae, “Ana ngge! Afiꞌ mumutau! Te basa-bꞌasa ia ra laoꞌ mia Au, eniꞌ a mia fefeun losa babꞌasan.
18 and the Living one. I was dead, but look, I am alive forevermore. I have the keys of Death and of hell. (aiōn , Hadēs )
Dalahulun Au mate, te ia naa mete dei. Au usodꞌa baliꞌ ena, ma Au usodꞌa ukundoo losa babꞌasan. Au mana toꞌu nggoeꞌ fo soi mamana atahori mates ra, fo fee se rasodꞌa baliꞌ. (aiōn , Hadēs )
19 Write therefore the things which you have seen, and the things which are, and the things which will happen hereafter;
Musi suraꞌ mala basa saa fo mitaꞌ ra ena, ma suraꞌ basa saa fo mana nae dadꞌiꞌ ra boe.
20 the mystery of the seven stars which you saw in my right hand, and the seven golden lampstands. The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches. The seven lampstands are seven churches.
Au ufadꞌe uꞌuhuluꞌ sosoan taꞌo ia: lambu lilo kahituꞌ naa ra sosoan, naeni jamaꞌat hitu. Ma nduuꞌ hitu fo mita sia lima ona ngga naa, naeni ate hitu mia sorga rendi hara-liiꞌ mia Lamatuaꞌ fee neu jamaꞌat ra.”