< Mark 12 >

1 He began to speak to them in parables. "A man planted a vineyard, put a hedge around it, dug a pit for the winepress, built a tower, rented it out to a farmer, and went on a journey.
Yesu katumbua kuayegana kwa mifano. Kakoya mundu apandike nngonda wa mizabibu, kuliteteleya lubego na kuemba likinga la kusudikia mvinyo. kasema mnara na kaupangisha nngonda wa zabibu kwa alemi wa zabibu kaboka kutalu.
2 When it was time, he sent a servant to the farmer to get from the farmer his share of the fruit of the vineyard.
Palyo muda uike, amtumike mtumishi kwa alemi ba zabibu kupokya matunda kuoma kumigonda ya zabibu.
3 They took him, beat him, and sent him away empty.
Kaba m'boywa, kabampumunda, na kabam'benga bila ya kumpaya kilebe.
4 Again, he sent another servant to them; and they wounded him in the head, and treated him shamefully.
Kantuma kwabe ntumishi ywenge, kabampumunda kumutwe ni kuntendeya mambo ya oni.
5 And he sent another; and they killed him; and many others, beating some, and killing some.
Bado kantuma ywenge yeya, ni yono yumo kabambulaga. Na benge kabantenda mahoba kati aga. Kaba ankombwa benge kaaam'bulaga.
6 He had one left, a beloved son, he sent him last to them, saying, 'They will respect my son.'
Aigile mundu yumo wa kuntuma mwana mpendwa. Ni ywembe awi wa mwisho kutumwa kwabe. Kakoya “Watamsheshim mwanango.”
7 But those farmers said among themselves, 'This is the heir. Come, let us kill him, and the inheritance will be ours.'
Lakini wapangaji kabakoyana bene kwa bene “Yono ndie mrithi. Isaye, tum'bulage ni mrithi wa ba witu.”
8 They took him, killed him, and cast him out of the vineyard.
Kaba n'yola, kaba m'bulaga ni kuntaga kunza ya nngonda wa mizabibu.
9 What therefore will the lord of the vineyard do? He will come and destroy the farmers, and will give the vineyard to others.
Kwa eyo, atenda kele mwene n'ngonda wa mizabibu? Aisa ni kubaangamiza alemi ba mizabibu na kuapaya benge n'gonda wa zabibu.
10 Haven't you even read this Scripture: 'The stone which the builders rejected, the same was made the head of the corner.
Msomike kwaa andiko elo? Libwe ambalo ajenzi balikani, libi libwe la kumbwega.
11 This was from the Lord. It is marvelous in our eyes'?"
Leno lapii kwa Bwana, na lakukanganya kumminyo gitu.
12 They tried to seize him, but they feared the crowd; for they perceived that he spoke the parable against them. They left him, and went away.
Bapai kunkamwa Yesu, lakini baypgwipe kipenga sa bandu, batangike kuba aabakiye mfano wa kilebe soo. Eyo kabanneka kaba boka.
13 They sent some of the Pharisees and of the Herodians to him, that they might trap him with words.
Kabatuma mafarisayo ni Maherodia ili kuntega kwa mayegeyo.
14 When they had come, they asked him, "Teacher, we know that you are honest, and do not defer to anyone; for you are not partial to anyone, but truly teach the way of God. Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar, or not?
Palyo baike, kabankokeya, “Mwalimu, tutangike ukani mayegeyo gegote ni upendelya kwaa bandu. Uyengana ndela ya Nnongo bwiso. Je, inoike kulepa kodi kwa kaisari au la? Je tulepe au tukotoke?”
15 Should we pay, or should we not pay?" But he, knowing their hypocrisy, said to them, "Why do you test me? Bring me a denarius, that I may see it."
Yesu kabayangwa uboso wabe nikuakokeya, “Mwalowa kele mwando n'geya? Mbayaye Dinari ni ilole.”
16 They brought it. He said to them, "Whose is this image and inscription?" They said to him, "Caesar's."
Kabaleta yimo kwa Yesu, kabaakokeya ni sura ya nyai ni gano maandishi ga nyai? kabakoya “Ya kaisari.”Kabakokeya
17 And Jesus said to them, "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's." And they were utterly amazed at him.
Yesu kabakokeya, mpayaye kaisari ilebe ya kaisari ni Nnongo ilebe ya Nnongo.”Kabankanganya.
18 There came to him Sadducees, who say that there is no resurrection. They asked him, saying,
Kisha Masadukayo, bakoyae ntopo mfufuo, kaban'yendelelya. kabannokiya, kabakoya,
19 "Teacher, Moses wrote to us, 'If a man's brother dies, and leaves a wife behind him, and leaves no children, that his brother should take the wife, and raise up offspring for his brother.'
“Mwalimu Musa atuandikie kuba, mana mundu awile ni kunleka nnwawa kiogo yake, lakini alei kwa nwawa, mundu kantola wa nnwawa wa nlongoe, ni kuipatia bana mwalo wa nlongoe.
20 There were seven brothers. The first took a wife, and dying left no offspring.
Kwai ni alongo saba, wakwanza atweti nnwawa kawaa, alei kwa bana,
21 The second took her, and died, leaving no children behind him. The third likewise;
Wa nya ibele kantola ni ywembe kawaa, alei kwaa bana. Na wanyaitatu iyeya.
22 and the seven left no children. Last of all the woman also died.
Ni wasaba awile bila yakuleka bana. mwisho ywa nnwawa ni ywembe kawaa.
23 In the resurrection, when they rise, whose wife will she be of them? For the seven had her as a wife."
Wakati wa ufufuo, kabayoka tena. Je, aba nyumbo wa nyai? Balyo alongo saba bote bai nyumbo wabe.
24 Jesus said to them, "Is not this because you are mistaken, not knowing the Scriptures, nor the power of God?
Yesu kabakokeya, “Je hii mwalo ntebosolwa, mwalo ntangike kwaa maandiko wa ngupu ya Nnongo?”
25 For when they will rise from the dead, they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven.
Wakati wa kuyoka kubaa kuoma kuwaa, batola kwaa wala kuyingiya malisengele, baba kati malaika wa mbinguni.
26 But about the dead, that they are raised; have you not read in the book of Moses, about the bush, how God spoke to him, saying, 'I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob'?
Kuhusu kuyoka kuoma bandu bawile, msomike kwaa kitabu sa Musa, muhabari za kichaka, Ya Nnongo akoya ni kunkokeya, Nenga Nnongo wa Abrahimu, ni Nnongo wa Isaka, ni Nnongo wa Yakobo?'
27 He is not the God of the dead, but of the living. You are therefore badly mistaken."
Ywembe Nnongo kwa wa bandu bawile, bali Nnongo wa akoto. Ni kunza kunza mpotile.”
28 And one of the scribes came, and heard them questioning together. Seeing that he had answered them well, asked him, "Which commandment is the greatest of all?"
Mwandisi yumo aisi ni kugayowa malongelo ago abweni; Yesu ayangwi bwiso. Kanlokiya “Je ni amri gani iliyo ya muhimu muno kuliko yenge?”
29 Jesus answered, "The first is, 'Hear, Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one.
Yesu kayangwa, “ya muhimu yeno, “Yekanya, Israel Nnongo witu, Bwana yumo bai.
30 And you are to love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.'
Umpende Nnongo wako kwa moyo wako gote, kwa roho yako yote, kwa malango gako gote, ni kwa ngupu yako yote.'
31 The second is this, 'You are to love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no other commandment greater than these."
Amri ya nyaibele yeno, “Mpende jirani kati ya uipenda ya uipenda wa mwene.” Ntopo yenge ngolo kupita yeno. `
32 The scribe said to him, "Truly, Teacher, you have said well that he is one, and there is none other but he,
mwandishi kakoya, “bwiso mwalimu ukoya kweli kuba Nnongo yumo bai na ntopo ywenge zaidi yake.
33 and to love him with all the heart, and with all the understanding, and with all the soul, and with all the strength, and to love his neighbor as himself, is more important than all whole burnt offerings and sacrifices."
Kumpenda ywembe kwa moyo gote, kwa malango gote, ni kwa ngupu zako zote ni kumpenda jirani yako kati mwene, ni muhimu kuliko mapitio ni dhabuhu za kuteketeza.
34 When Jesus saw that he answered wisely, he said to him, "You are not far from the Kingdom of God." No one dared ask him any question after that.
Palyo Yesu abweni apiiye jibu la busara, kaankokeya “Wenga hauko kutalu ni upwalume wa Nnongo” kuoma hapo ntopo hata yumo annokiye Yesu swali lolote.
35 Jesus responded, as he taught in the temple, "How can the scribes say that the Christ is the son of David?
Ni Yesu kayangwa, wakati apundisha mu hekalu, kakoya, “je, baandishi hukoya kuwa Kristo ni mwana wa Daudi?
36 David himself said in the Holy Spirit, 'The Lord said to my Lord, "Sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies the footstool of your feet."'
Daudi mwene muroho mtakatifu, akoiye, “Bwana akoiye kwaa bwana wango, tama kuluboko lwango lwa mmayo, mpaka niatei maadui wako kuba pae ya magolo gako.'
37 David himself calls him Lord, so how can he be his son?" The common people heard him gladly.
Mwene Daudi ankema Kristo,'Bwana' Je, ni mwana wa Daudi buli? Na bandu banyansima bampekanyi kwa Pulaa.
38 In his teaching he said to them, "Beware of the scribes, who like to walk in long robes, and to get greetings in the marketplaces,
Mmayegano gake Yesu kakoya, Ntame kutalu ni aandishi bapenda alyanga ni nganzi ndaso ni kusali miano kwenye masoko.
39 and the best seats in the synagogues, and the best places at feasts:
Ni kutama mukiti sa akolo mmasinagogi na musiku kuu mwa pandu pa akolo.
40 those who devour widows' houses, and for a pretense make long prayers. These will receive greater condemnation."
Pia balya mmisengo ya ajane ni kuyopa mayopo malaso ili bandu bababone. Bano bandu bapokya hukumu ngolo.
41 And he sat down opposite the treasury, and saw how the crowd cast money into the treasury. Many who were rich cast in much.
Kisha Yesu atami pae pambwega ya lisanduku la sadaka nkati ya eneo la hekalu, ai kalola bandu kabayeya pwela yabe musanduku. Matajiri bingi babei pwela ya nsima.
42 A poor widow came, and she cast in two lepta, which equal a kodrantes.
Kisha nnwawa mjane nkeba kayeya ipande ibele thamani ya senti.
43 He called his disciples to himself, and said to them, "Truly I tell you, this poor widow gave more than all those who are giving into the treasury,
Kabakema benepunzi bake ni kuakokeya, “Amini nandokubakiya yono mjane ayeyi kiasi kikolo muno ya balyo bote bapiye mulisanduku la sadaka.
44 for they all gave out of their abundance, but she, out of her poverty, gave all that she had to live on."
Bingi bapiiye kuoma ni ukolo wa kipato sabe. Lakini yonooo nnwawa mjane, kuoma ni ukeba wake ayeyi pwela yote ya utumi mmaisha gake.'

< Mark 12 >