< Isaiah 8 >

1 The LORD said to me, "Take a large tablet, and write on it with a man's pen, 'For Maher Shalal Hash Baz;'
Oo Rabbigu wuxuu igu yidhi, Waxaad soo qaadataa loox weyn, oo waxaad farta dadka ku qortaa. Maheer-shaalaal-haash-bas,
2 and I will take for myself faithful witnesses to testify: Uriah the priest, and Zechariah the son of Berechiah."
oo anna waxaan markhaatiyaal aamin ah u soo wadi doonaa wadaadkii Uuriyaah iyo Sekaryaah ina Yeberekyaah.
3 I went to the prophetess, and she conceived, and bore a son. Then said the LORD to me, "Call his name 'Maher Shalal Hash Baz.'
Markaasaan u tegey nebiyaddii oo iyana way uuraysatay, oo waxay dhashay wiil. Kolkaasaa Rabbigu igu yidhi, Waxaad magiciisa u bixisaa, Maheer-shaalaal-haash-bas.
4 For before the child knows how to say, 'My father,' and, 'My mother,' the riches of Damascus and the spoil of Samaria will be carried away by the king of Assyria."
Waayo, intaan yarku baran inuu yidhaahdo, Aabbe iyo Hooyo ka hor ayaa boqorka Ashuur maalka Dimishaq iyo xoolaha boolida ah oo Samaariyaba wada qaadan doonaa.
5 The LORD spoke to me yet again, saying,
Oo haddana Rabbigu waa ila hadlay, oo wuxuu igu yidhi,
6 "Because this people have refused the waters of Shiloah that go softly, and rejoice in Rezin and Remaliah's son;
Dadkanu way diideen biyaha Shilo'ax oo qunyar socda, oo waxay ku reyreeyaan Resiin iyo ina Remalyaah,
7 now therefore, look, the LORD brings upon them the mighty flood waters of the River: the king of Assyria and all his glory. It will come up over all its channels, and go over all its banks.
haddaba sidaas daraaddeed Sayidku wuxuu ku soo dayn doonaa biyaha Webiga ee xoogga iyo badnaanta leh, kuwaasoo ah boqorka Ashuur iyo sharaftiisa oo dhan, oo isna faraqyadiisa oo dhan wuu soo buuxin doonaa, oo qararkiisa oo dhanna wuu buuxdhaafin doonaa,
8 It will sweep onward into Judah. It will overflow and pass through; it will reach even to the neck; and the stretching out of its wings will fill the breadth of your land, Immanuel.
oo aad buu u socon doonaa ilaa uu galo dalka Yahuudah, oo intuu wada buuxdhaafo ayuu dhex mari doonaa, oo wuxuu gaadhi doonaa ilaa luqunta, kalafidinta baadadkiisu waxay buuxin doontaa ballaadhka dalkaaga oo dhan Cimmaanuu'eelow.
9 Make an uproar, you peoples, and be broken in pieces. Listen, all you from far countries. Prepare for battle, and be shattered.
Dadyowgow, qayliya, waadna jajabi doontaan, kuwiinna dalalka fogow, dhegaysta, guntiga isku dhuujiya, waadna jajabi doontaan, guntiga isku dhuujiya, waadna jajabi doontaan.
10 Take counsel together, and it will be brought to nothing; speak the word, and it will not stand: for God is with us."
Kulligiin isla tashada, taladiinnuna way buri doontaa, erayga ku hadla, mana hagaagi doono, waayo, Ilaah baa nala jira.
11 For the LORD spoke thus to me with a strong hand, and instructed me not to walk in the way of this people, saying,
Waayo, Rabbigu sidaasuu igula hadlay, isagoo gacan xoog badan leh, oo wuxuu iiga digay inaanan ku socon jidka dadkanu ay ku socdaan, wuxuuna igu yidhi,
12 "Do not say, 'A conspiracy.' concerning all about which this people say, 'A conspiracy.' And do not fear what they fear, nor be in dread.
Ha odhanina, Waa fallaagow waxa dadkanu fallaagow yidhaahdaan oo dhan, hana ka cabsanina wixii ay ka cabsadaan, oo innaba ha argaggixina.
13 The LORD of hosts is who you must regard as holy. He is the one you must fear. He is the one you must dread.
Quduus ka dhiga Rabbiga ciidammada, oo isagu ha ahaado kan aad ka cabsataan oo aad ka argaggaxdaanba.
14 And he will be a sanctuary; but for a stone of stumbling and for a rock that makes them fall to both the houses of Israel, for a trap and for a snare to the inhabitants of Jerusalem.
Oo wuxuu ahaan doonaa meel quduus ah, laakiinse labada qoys oo reer binu Israa'iilba wuxuu u noqon doonaa dhagax lagu turunturoodo iyo sallax lagu xumaado, oo dadka Yeruusaalem degganna wuxuu u noqon doonaa dabin iyo siriq.
15 Many will stumble over it, fall, be broken, be snared, and be captured."
Oo kuwa badan ayaa turunturoon doona, oo kufi doona, oo jebi doona, waana la dabi doonaa, oo la qabsan doonaa.
16 Wrap up the testimony. Seal the law among my disciples.
Markhaatifurka xidh, oo sharcigana xertayda dhexdeeda ku shaabadee.
17 I will wait for the LORD, who hides his face from the house of Jacob, and I will trust in him.
Anigu waxaan sugi doonaa Rabbiga wejigiisa dadka Yacquub ka qariya, oo isagaan filan doonaa.
18 Look, here I am, and the children God has given me as signs and wonders in Israel from the LORD of hosts, who dwells on Mount Zion.
Bal eega, aniga iyo carruurta Rabbigu i siiyeyba waxaannu reer binu Israa'iil u nahay calaamado iyo yaabab ka yimid xagga Rabbiga ciidammada oo deggan Buur Siyoon.
19 When they tell you, "Consult with the spirits of the dead and familiar spirits who chirp and who mutter. Shouldn't a people consult with their gods, by consulting the dead on behalf of the living?"
Oo markay idinku leeyihiin, Talo weyddiista kuwa ruuxaanta leh, iyo saaxiriinta hadaaqda oo guryanta, miyaanay dadka waajib ku ahayn inay Ilaahooda talo weyddiistaan? Miyayse iyaga ku habboon tahay inay kuwa dhintay wax u weyddiiyaan kuwa nool aawadood?
20 Turn to the law and to the testimony. If they do not speak according to this word, surely there is no morning for them.
Sharciga iyo markhaatifurka ka fiirsada, oo eraygan hadal waafaqsan haddaanay ku hadlinna hubaal iyaga waaberi uma jiri doono.
21 They will pass through it, greatly distressed and hungry; and it will happen that when they are hungry, they will worry, and curse by their king and by their God. They will turn their faces upward,
Oo iyagoo dhibaataysan oo gaajaysan ayay dalka dhex mari doonaan, oo markay gaajoodaan ayay isku xanaaqi doonaan, oo waxay habaari doonaan boqorkooda oo wax xun Ilaahooda ka sheegi doonaan, xagga sarena way u jeedsan doonaan,
22 and look to the earth, and see distress, darkness, and the gloom of anguish. They will be driven into thick darkness.
dhulkana way fiirin doonaan, oo bal eega, waxay ku arki doonaan dhib iyo gudcur, iyo cidhiidhiga madowgiisa, oo waxaa iyaga lagu eryi doonaa gudcur dam ah.

< Isaiah 8 >