< Acts 1 >

1 The first account I wrote, Theophilus, concerned all that Jesus began both to do and to teach,
ہے تھِیَپھِلَ، یِیشُح سْوَمَنونِیتانْ پْریرِتانْ پَوِتْریناتْمَنا سَمادِشْیَ یَسْمِنْ دِنے سْوَرْگَماروہَتْ یاں یاں کْرِیامَکَروتْ یَدْیَدْ اُپادِشَچَّ تانِ سَرْوّانِ پُورْوَّں مَیا لِکھِتانِ۔
2 until the day in which he was received up, after he had given commandment through the Holy Spirit to the apostles whom he had chosen.
سَ سْوَنِدھَنَدُحکھَبھوگاتْ پَرَمْ اَنیکَپْرَتْیَیَکْشَپْرَمانَوح سْوَں سَجِیوَں دَرْشَیِتْوا
3 To these he also showed himself alive after he suffered, by many proofs, appearing to them over a period of forty days, and speaking about God's Kingdom.
چَتْوارِںشَدِّنانِ یاوَتْ تیبھْیَح پْریرِتیبھْیو دَرْشَنَں دَتّویشْوَرِییَراجْیَسْیَ وَرْنَنَمَ اَکَروتْ۔
4 Being assembled together with them, he commanded them, "Do not depart from Jerusalem, but wait for the promise of the Father, which you heard from me.
اَنَنْتَرَں تیشاں سَبھاں کرِتْوا اِتْیاجْناپَیَتْ، یُویَں یِرُوشالَمونْیَتْرَ گَمَنَمَکرِتْوا یَسْتِنْ پِتْرانْگِیکرِتے مَمَ وَدَناتْ کَتھا اَشرِنُتَ تَتْپْراپْتِمْ اَپیکْشْیَ تِشْٹھَتَ۔
5 For John indeed baptized in water, but you will be baptized in the Holy Spirit not many days from now."
یوہَنْ جَلے مَجِّتاوانْ کِنْتْوَلْپَدِنَمَدھْیے یُویَں پَوِتْرَ آتْمَنِ مَجِّتا بھَوِشْیَتھَ۔
6 Therefore, when they had come together, they asked him, "Lord, are you now restoring the kingdom to Israel?"
پَشْچاتْ تے سَرْوّے مِلِتْوا تَمْ اَپرِچّھَنْ ہے پْرَبھو بھَوانْ کِمِدانِیں پُنَرَپِ راجْیَمْ اِسْراییلِییَلوکاناں کَریشُ سَمَرْپَیِشْیَتِ؟
7 He said to them, "It is not for you to know times or seasons which the Father has set within his own authority.
تَتَح سووَدَتْ یانْ سَرْوّانْ کالانْ سَمَیاںشْچَ پِتا سْوَوَشےسْتھاپَیَتْ تانْ جْناترِں یُشْماکَمْ اَدھِکارو نَ جایَتے۔
8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you. You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the farthest part of the earth."
کِنْتُ یُشْماسُ پَوِتْرَسْیاتْمَنَ آوِرْبھاوے سَتِ یُویَں شَکْتِں پْراپْیَ یِرُوشالَمِ سَمَسْتَیِہُوداشومِرونَدیشَیوح پرِتھِوْیاح سِیماں یاوَدْ یاوَنْتو دیشاسْتیشُ یَرْوّیشُ چَ مَیِ ساکْشْیَں داسْیَتھَ۔
9 When he had said these things, as they were looking, he was taken up, and a cloud took him out of their sight.
اِتِ واکْیَمُکْتْوا سَ تیشاں سَمَکْشَں سْوَرْگَں نِیتوبھَوَتْ، تَتو میگھَمارُہْیَ تیشاں درِشْٹیرَگوچَروبھَوَتْ۔
10 While they were looking steadfastly into the sky as he went, look, two men stood by them in white clothing,
یَسْمِنْ سَمَیے تے وِہایَسَں پْرَتْیَنَنْیَدرِشْٹْیا تَسْیَ تادرِشَمْ اُورْدْوَّگَمَنَمْ اَپَشْیَنْ تَسْمِنّیوَ سَمَیے شُکْلَوَسْتْرَو دْوَو جَنَو تیشاں سَنِّدھَو دَنْڈایَمانَو کَتھِتَوَنْتَو،
11 who also said, "You men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into the sky? This Jesus, who was received up from you into the sky will come back in the same way as you saw him going into the sky."
ہے گالِیلِییَلوکا یُویَں کِمَرْتھَں گَگَنَں پْرَتِ نِرِیکْشْیَ دَنْڈایَماناسْتِشْٹھَتھَ؟ یُشْماکَں سَمِیپاتْ سْوَرْگَں نِیتو یو یِیشُسْتَں یُویَں یَتھا سْوَرْگَمْ آروہَنْتَمْ اَدَرْشَمْ تَتھا سَ پُنَشْچاگَمِشْیَتِ۔
12 Then they returned to Jerusalem from the mountain called Olivet, which is near Jerusalem, a Sabbath day's journey away.
تَتَح پَرَں تے جَیتُنَنامْنَح پَرْوَّتادْ وِشْرامَوارَسْیَ پَتھَح پَرِمانَمْ اَرْتھاتْ پْرایینارْدّھَکْروشَں دُرَسْتھَں یِرُوشالَمْنَگَرَں پَراورِتْیاگَچّھَنْ۔
13 When they had come in, they went up into the upper room, where they were staying; that is Peter, John, James, Andrew, Philip, Thomas, Bartholomew, Matthew, James the son of Alphaeus, Simon the Zealot, and Judas the son of James.
نَگَرَں پْرَوِشْیَ پِتَرو یاکُوبْ یوہَنْ آنْدْرِیَح پھِلِپَح تھوما بَرْتھَجَمَیو مَتھِرالْپھِییَپُتْرو یاکُوبْ اُدْیوگا شِمونْ یاکُوبو بھْراتا یِہُودا ایتے سَرْوّے یَتْرَ سْتھانے پْرَوَسَنْتِ تَسْمِنْ اُپَرِتَنَپْرَکوشْٹھے پْراوِشَنْ۔
14 All these with one accord continued steadfastly in prayer, along with the women, and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brothers.
پَشْچادْ اِمے کِیَتْیَح سْتْرِیَشْچَ یِیشو رْماتا مَرِیَمْ تَسْیَ بھْراتَرَشْچَیتے سَرْوَّ ایکَچِتِّیبھُوتَ سَتَتَں وِنَیینَ وِنَیینَ پْرارْتھَیَنْتَ۔
15 In these days, Peter stood up in the midst of the brothers (and the number of names was about one hundred twenty), and said,
تَسْمِنْ سَمَیے تَتْرَ سْتھانے ساکَلْیینَ وِںشَتْیَدھِکَشَتَں شِشْیا آسَنْ۔ تَتَح پِتَرَسْتیشاں مَدھْیے تِشْٹھَنْ اُکْتَوانْ
16 "Brothers, it was necessary that this Scripture should be fulfilled, which the Holy Spirit spoke before by the mouth of David concerning Judas, who was guide to those who took Jesus.
ہے بھْراترِگَنَ یِیشُدھارِناں لوکاناں پَتھَدَرْشَکو یو یِہُوداسْتَسْمِنْ دایُودا پَوِتْرَ آتْما یاں کَتھاں کَتھَیاماسَ تَسْیاح پْرَتْیَکْشِیبھَوَنَسْیاوَشْیَکَتْوَمْ آسِیتْ۔
17 For he was numbered with us, and received his portion in this ministry.
سَ جَنوسْماکَں مَدھْیَوَرْتِّی سَنْ اَسْیاح سیوایا اَںشَمْ اَلَبھَتَ۔
18 Now this man obtained a field with the reward for his wickedness, and falling headfirst his body burst open, and all his intestines gushed out.
تَدَنَنْتَرَں کُکَرْمَّنا لَبْدھَں یَنْمُولْیَں تینَ کْشیتْرَمیکَں کْرِیتَمْ اَپَرَں تَسْمِنْ اَدھومُکھے بھرِمَو پَتِتے سَتِ تَسْیودَرَسْیَ وِدِیرْنَتْواتْ سَرْوّا ناڈْیو نِرَگَچّھَنْ۔
19 It became known to everyone who lived in Jerusalem that in their language that field was called 'Hakel-Dema,' that is, 'The field of blood.'
ایتاں کَتھاں یِرُوشالَمْنِواسِنَح سَرْوّے لوکا وِدانْتِ؛ تیشاں نِجَبھاشَیا تَتْکْشیتْرَنْچَ ہَکَلْداما، اَرْتھاتْ رَکْتَکْشیتْرَمِتِ وِکھْیاتَماسْتے۔
20 For it is written in the scroll of Psalms, 'Let his habitation be made desolate, and let no one dwell in it;' and, 'Let another take his office.'
اَنْیَچَّ، نِکیتَنَں تَدِییَنْتُ شُنْیَمیوَ بھَوِشْیَتِ۔ تَسْیَ دُوشْیے نِواسارْتھَں کوپِ سْتھاسْیَتِ نَیوَ ہِ۔ اَنْیَ ایوَ جَنَسْتَسْیَ پَدَں سَںپْراپْسْیَتِ دھْرُوَں۔ اِتّھَں گِیتَپُسْتَکے لِکھِتَماسْتے۔
21 "Of the men therefore who have accompanied us all the time that the Lord Jesus went in and out among us,
اَتو یوہَنو مَجَّنَمْ آرَبھْیاسْماکَں سَمِیپاتْ پْرَبھو رْیِیشوح سْوَرْگاروہَنَدِنَں یاوَتْ سوسْماکَں مَدھْیے یاوَنْتِ دِنانِ یاپِتَوانْ
22 beginning from the baptism of John, to the day that he was received up from us, of these one must become a witness with us of his resurrection."
تاوَنْتِ دِنانِ یے مانَوا اَسْمابھِح سارْدّھَں تِشْٹھَنْتِ تیشامْ ایکینَ جَنیناسْمابھِح سارْدّھَں یِیشورُتّھانے ساکْشِنا بھَوِتَوْیَں۔
23 They put forward two, Joseph called Barsabbas, who was surnamed Justus, and Matthias.
اَتو یَسْیَ رُوڈھِ رْیُشْٹو یَں بَرْشَبّیتْیُکْتْواہُویَنْتِ سَ یُوشَپھْ مَتَتھِشْچَ دْواویتَو پرِتھَکْ کرِتْوا تَ اِیشْوَرَسْیَ سَنِّدھَو پْرارْیَّ کَتھِتَوَنْتَح،
24 They prayed, and said, "You, Lord, who know the hearts of all people, show which one of these two you have chosen
ہے سَرْوّانْتَرْیّامِنْ پَرَمیشْوَرَ، یِہُوداح سیوَنَپْریرِتَتْوَپَدَچْیُتَح
25 to take part in this ministry and office of apostle from which Judas turned away to go to his own place."
سَنْ نِجَسْتھانَمْ اَگَچّھَتْ، تَتْپَدَں لَبْدھُمْ اینَیو رْجَنَیو رْمَدھْیے بھَوَتا کوبھِرُچِتَسْتَدَسْمانْ دَرْشْیَتاں۔
26 They drew lots for them, and the lot fell on Matthias, and he was numbered with the eleven apostles.
تَتو گُٹِکاپاٹے کرِتے مَتَتھِرْنِرَچِییَتَ تَسْماتْ سونْییشامْ ایکادَشاناں پْرَرِتاناں مَدھْیے گَنِتوبھَوَتْ۔

< Acts 1 >