< 1 Peter 4 >
1 Forasmuch then as Christ suffered in the flesh, arm yourselves also with the same mind; for he who has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin;
Saboda haka, tunda yake Almasihu ya sha wuya a jiki, muma mu sha damara da wannan ra'ayi. Duk wanda ya sha wuya a jiki ya daina aikata zunubi.
2 that you no longer should live the rest of your time in the flesh for human desires, but for the will of God.
Wannan mutum kuma baya kara zaman biye wa muguwar sha'awar mutumtaka, amma sai dai nufin Allah dukkan sauran kwanakinsa a duniya.
3 For enough time in the past has been spent doing the will of the unbelievers, and having walked in lewdness, lusts, drunkenness, orgies, carousings, and abominable idolatries.
Gama lokaci ya wuce da zamu yi abin da al'ummai suke son yi, wato fajirci, mugayen sha'awace-sha'awace, da buguwa da shashanci da shaye-shaye da bautar gumaku da abubuwan kyama.
4 They think it is strange that you do not run with them into the same flood of debauchery, blaspheming:
Suna tunanin bakon abu ku ke yi da ba kwa hada kai tare da su yanzu a yin wadannan abubuwa, sai suna zarginku.
5 who will give account to him who is ready to judge the living and the dead.
Za su bada lissafi ga wanda yake a shirye ya shari'anta masu rai da matattu.
6 For this reason also the Good News was preached to those who are now dead, that they might be judged according to man in the flesh, but might live according to God in the Spirit.
Shi yasa aka yi wa matattu wa'azin bishara, cewa ko da shike anyi masu shari'a cikin jikunan mutane, su rayu bisa ga Allah a ruhu.
7 But the end of all things is near. Therefore be serious and disciplined in your prayers.
Karshen dukkan abubuwa yana gabatowa. Saboda haka, ku zama natsatsu, ku natsu cikin tunaninku domin yin addu'oi.
8 Above all things be earnest in your love among yourselves, for love covers a multitude of sins.
Gaba da kome, ku himmatu wajen kaunar juna, domin kauna bata neman tona zunuban wadansu.
9 Be hospitable to one another without grumbling.
Ku yi wa juna bakunta da abubuwa nagari ba tare da gunaguni ba.
10 As each has received a gift, employ it in serving one another, as good managers of the grace of God in its various forms.
Yadda kowanne dayanku ya sami baiwa, kuyi amfani da su domin ku kyautata wa juna, kamar masu rikon amanar bayebaye na Allah, wanda ya ba mu hannu sake.
11 If anyone speaks, let it be as it were the very words of God. If anyone serves, let it be as of the strength which God supplies, that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belong the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen. (aiōn )
Idan wani yana yin wa'azi, ya zamana fadar Allah ya ke fadi, idan wani yana hidima, ya yi da karfin da Allah ya ba shi, domin cikin dukkan abubuwa a daukaka Allah ta wurin Yesu Almasihu. Daukaka da iko nasa ne har abada abadin. Amin. (aiōn )
12 Beloved, do not be astonished at the fiery trial which has come upon you, to test you, as though a strange thing happened to you.
Ya kaunatattu, kada ku zaci cewa matsananciyar wahalar da ta zo ta gwada ku bakon abu ne, ko kuma wani bakon abu ne yake faruwa a gareku.
13 But because you are partakers of Christ's sufferings, rejoice; that at the revelation of his glory you also may rejoice with exceeding joy.
Amma muddin kuna tarayya da Almasihu cikin wahalarsa, ku yi murna, domin kuyi farin ciki da murna sa'adda za a bayyana daukakarsa.
14 If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed; because the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you. On their part he is blasphemed, but on your part he is glorified.
Idan ana zargin ku sabili da sunan Almasihu, ku masu albarka ne, domin Ruhun daukaka da Ruhun Allah ya tabbata a kanku.
15 For let none of you suffer as a murderer, or a thief, or an evil doer, or a meddler.
Amma kada kowannen ku ya sha wahala sabo da horon shi mai kisan kai ne, ko barawo, ko mamugunci, ko mai shisshigi.
16 But if as a Christian, let him not be ashamed, but let him glorify God in this name.
Amma in wani yana shan wahala sabili da shi na Almasihu ne, kada ya ji kunya, amma ya daukaka Allah a wannan sunan.
17 For the time has come for judgment to begin with the household of God; and if it begins first with us, what will happen to those who do not obey the Good News of God?
Domin lokaci ya yi da shari'a za ta fara daga gidan iyalin Allah. Idan kuwa za a fara da mu, menene karshen wadanda suka ki biyayya da bisharar Allah?
18 And "If the righteous is delivered with difficulty, where will the ungodly and the sinner appear?"
Idan mutum, “mai adalci ya tsira da kyar, to, me zai faru da marar bin Allah da mai zunubi kuma?”
19 Therefore let them also who suffer according to the will of God in doing good entrust their souls to him, as to a faithful Creator.
Sabo da haka bari wadanda suke shan wuya bisa ga nufin Allah, su mika rayukansu ga amintaccen Mahalicci suna kuma yin ayyuka nagari.